Show You Understand


Your job now is to make sure you let the other person know that you have grasped the problems involved. Not just their own, but the things in the system that might conflict with what you want.

When people see that you understand the issues, they’re much more likely to listen to you. Stands to reason. Why would they take you seriously if you clearly haven’t a clue what’s going on, or are ignorant of the facts, or haven’t come to grips with the prevailing mood among the workforce? If, on the other hand, you’re thoroughly versed in the nuances and subtleties of the situation, then your opinion is going to be worth having, and your advice on how to play things will be valuable.

It’s never enough just to work out for yourself the complications or ramifications or subtext. You have to think them through, and then make sure the other person knows that you know. It will give your case far more authority.

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