Analysis is the process of breaking something down into its simplest components and identifying the relationships. A wide number of analysis techniques are available—from flowcharts to data flow diagrams.

Analysis offers advantages. It enables a simplified understanding of a process or object, furthers communication, and allows for experimentation. It also develops better ideas and products.

Sometimes, however, analysis turns into paralysis, meaning some people unceasingly refine the breaking down of components and identifying their relationships until, in their eyes, it is perfect. The result is that a long time transpires before action is taken, if any. Hence the term, analysis paralysis.

If not checked, analysis paralysis can lead to project delays, high frustration levels, and project costs.

image for Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

  • image Determine in advance the level of detail you want to achieve in describing a process or object.
  • image Set a time frame for how long the analysis can take place.
  • image Obtain input or feedback from people who know the subject or are in authority and can say, “It is done.”
  • image Let the output of your analysis sit for awhile before revisiting it for modifications, and restrict the number of changes.
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