A misconception exists in the business world that participative decision-making means that everyone makes the decision. What participative management really involves is one or more individuals receiving input from all pertinent individuals prior to making a decision.

Also, contrary to popular belief, participative management does not absolve the decision-makers from responsibility or accountability. For some reason, many people believe that receiving input from other people dilutes the responsibility or accountability for the decision. The responsibility and accountability for a decision still rests with the decision-maker.

Whatever your position within an organization, you’ll likely use participative decision-making. Here are three tips to remember when using this method.

One, use participative decision-making when your decision affects several critical people who are not within your chain of command. Failure to solicit input from those people makes implementing your decision difficult because you lack command and control over them.

Two, provide sufficient time to solicit input from everyone. Avoid setting a rigid deadline unless circumstances demand it. You want quality input, but setting an unrealistic deadline can mean little or no input.

Three, remain objective. Receive input whether or not you agree with it. The idea is to receive all input so you can make the best possible decision. If you become evaluative before making a decision, the likelihood of a flawed decision increases.

Participating decision-making offers several advantages. It builds commitment, eases implementation of a decision, and lowers the potential for resistance. It also encourages involvement from people who can affect the outcome of a decision.

image for Encouraging Greater Participative Decision-Making

  • image Seek input prior to making a decision.
  • image Take the initiative in obtaining input.
  • image Provide opportunities for input (e.g., frequent staff meetings, one-on-one sessions).
  • image Conduct follow-up with participants after making the decision.
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