In an area of information overload, it is difficult to find what is important. Fortunately, speed-reading is one tool for doing just that.

The keys to speed-reading are not reading word-by-word or perusing illustrations. The keys are identifying the main ideas and the logical flow of the document. Then, if necessary, you can revisit sections for additional information.

Speed-reading offers several benefits. Important information and ideas can be located quickly, and it enables better use of time. It also expedites the learning curve.

image for Speed-Reading

  • image Skim through the entire document, getting a feel for its overall structure and tone.
  • image While skimming, notice the headings and subtitles to get an understanding of the subject matter.
  • image While skimming, notice the illustrations, charts, diagrams, and so on, for information content.
  • image Peruse the introduction and conclusion first to obtain general information about the subject.
  • image When perusing pages, avoid reading one word at a time and looking at footnotes.
  • image Traverse the center of the document, noticing key words and phrases.
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