Everyone has the capability to create, say the psychologists and psychiatrists. The world, however, places constraints on creativity in the form of role-playing, norms, social mores, and laws. Thus, constraints inhibit creativity. History is replete with examples of people facing tremendous odds when attempting to create.

Brainstorming is a technique that will help overcome constraints and release creativity in people. It is an approach that engenders creative ideas from people by foregoing prejudices that lead to condemning any new idea.

image for Brainstorming

  • image Identify the topic.
  • image Identify the participants.
  • image Find a place isolated from distractions.
  • image Ensure the place is replete with supplies, equipment, and so on.
  • image When conducting the session, make sure no derisive comments occur.
  • image After identifying all the ideas, eliminate the nonvalue-added ones.
  • image With the remaining ideas, rank them from most to least important.
  • image Select the best idea(s) via consensus.
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