Building teamwork is no simple task. It requires that mechanisms be in place to enable everyone on the team to synergize, meaning the combined energies are greater than the sum of individual actions. However, you must make synergy happen.

Effective teams have these ten characteristics:

1. A definable mission.

2. Fewer than ten people.

3. Autonomy, or the latitude to make decisions regarding the team’s destiny within the scope of the mission of parent organizations.

4. Resources to accomplish missions.

5. Reasonable deadlines to accomplish goals.

6. A record of activities.

7. Team members who understand expectations of performance.

8. Patience.

9. Participation from everyone.

10. A leader.

Teamwork offers many obvious advantages. It encourages communication, builds trust, and facilitates coordination. It also increases individual and group effectiveness and improves efficiency.

image for Teamwork

  • image Define the mission of the team.
  • image Limit membership to no more than ten people.
  • image Set a deadline for completing the mission.
  • image Have people on the team participate in determining how to complete the mission.
  • image Ensure that the resulting plan is communicated to everyone on the team.
  • image Ensure that team members understand their roles and realize their impact on the results of the team’s efforts.
  • image Appoint a leader commensurate with the style of the team.
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