Testing is the process of applying criteria against a product to determine errors or defects. The criteria, tools, and approach are the key elements of the testing process.

The criteria usually consist of the customer’s requirements, specifications, and industry standards. Tools may be manual (e.g., physical inspection) or automated (e.g., software). The approach can be black box or white box.

Black box testing is focusing on inputs and outputs but not on the internal workings of the device. White box testing is looking at the internal, intricate workings of the product as well as the inputs and outputs.

Good testing should have certain characteristics to ensure objective, reliable, and valid results. Testing should use definitive criteria. It should also follow a plan and should have ample cans to test against. Further, it should be done by someone outside the product’s development, and it should seek to find, not avoid, errors.

Testing offers several benefits. It provides the customer with a product of higher quality, giving the customer a feeling of confidence when using the product and the developer a feeling of confidence when delivering the product. By testing a product, it lessens the opportunity for embarrassment or legal problems.

image for Testing

  • image Determine the product to test.
  • image Determine all requirements and specifications.
  • image Determine the test cases.
  • image Develop a test plan.
  • image Determine the tool(s) to conduct testing.
  • image Determine the approach.
  • image Execute the tests.
  • image Record the results.
  • image Evaluate the results.
  • image Retest, if necessary, or modify the product and then retest.
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