The chain of command, also referred to as the formal pecking order, is necessary because it ensures coordination and communication among people in an organization. It also establishes who is reporting to whom.

Having a chain of command seems like commonsense to most business professionals. Yet many organizations operate without one. Inevitably, however, a chain of command does form, even if informally. This circumstance arises because emergent leaders (that is, those lacking formal authority) take charge by virtue of their skill, education, talent, or personality.

Establishing a formal chain of command in an organization or for your project will ensure continuity and engender responsibility and accountability.

If you’re the head of a chain of command and you disappear for awhile, you can cause havoc because the boss is out. A smart approach is to assign a backup who acts on your behalf while you’re gone. You can rest knowing that someone is filling your shoes while you do something else.

image for Developing a Chain of Command

  • image Identify the goals of your endeavor.
  • image Identify the people available to support you.
  • image Evaluate the characteristics (e.g., personality) and qualities (e.g., training) of the people.
  • image Select who will be the team leaders, keeping in mind span of control.
  • image Communicate the chain of command to everyone, perhaps through an organization chart.
  • image Support the chain of command throughout the endeavor.
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