An equipment usage log tracks how and when equipment is, has been, and will be used. It is kept on a clipboard, or in a three-ring binder, next to the equipment and is completed daily. In the log, a person specifically records her name, the actual or planned start and stop dates (including time frames), and an explanation for using the equipment.

The equipment usage log offers several advantages. You know when people will use the equipment, and you and your colleagues can schedule your time accordingly. By reviewing earlier logs, you can also determine the extent to which people used the equipment and can decide whether additional equipment is necessary. Finally, you can determine whether people use the equipment for the right reasons.

image for Developing an Equipment Usage Log

  • image Identify the source for a blank log.
  • image Identify the destination for a completed log.
  • image List the essential information to be recorded on the log.
  • image Develop instructions for the log.
  • image Determine the desired number of copies of a completed log and what to do with them.


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