Flextime is providing variable working hours for employees, which allows them to arrive and depart from work within a window of time (e.g., plus-or-minus one or two hours). Everyone works a core set of hours, however, which ensures the availability of all people for a specific time period.

Flextime reduces absenteeism and overtime, and it increases morale and productivity.

image for Using Flextime

  • image Set guidelines for maximizing benefits.
  • image Establish core and variable hours.
  • image Track performance to determine whether productivity gains have been realized.
  • image Revise policies and procedures to reflect flextime arrangements.
  • image Emphasize that variable hours are for routine work.
8 A.M. – 9 A.M. 9 A.M. – 5 P.M. 5 P.M. – 6 P.M.
Flexible Hours Core Hours Flexible Hours

Table 8          Flextime Example

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