An information center is a central place where people go to acquire or communicate information. Often, it is a place where considerable pedestrian traffic occurs, such as coffee rooms, break rooms, copy centers, and company libraries. It contains many items of informational value. For instance, an information center might include newsletters, bulletins, memos, documents, policies, procedures, videocassettes, or audiocassettes. It might also contain blank copies of commonly used forms.

In addition to informative media, an information center can have useful equipment and furniture. For instance, it might have a whiteboard or bulletin board for recording or hanging messages. It might also have audio-visual equipment for people to use or borrow temporarily.

Because it serves as a communications hub for employees, an information center must be updated regularly. Otherwise, people will not have confidence in it.

The advantages of an information center are twofold. It is a convenient place to compile and distribute important information, and it is a place to clarify misunderstandings or stop rumors.

image for Setting Up an Information Center

  • image Identify the overall goal of the information center.
  • image Identify the different ways to present information.
  • image Determine its location.
  • image Determine the topics to cover.
  • image Determine the needed equipment, supplies, facilities, and so on.
  • image Keep the information center updated regularly.
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