In the business environment, analyzing a situation or circumstance often involves multiple issues rather than a single one. Unraveling the complex relationships can prove trying. However, an issue-action diagram can help simplify the complex arrangement.

The issue-action diagram is essentially a decision tree that logically flows from left to right. It uses a series of branches to determine the most appropriate action to take.

An issue-action diagram offers several advantages. One, it provides a better understanding of a situation via simplification of the relationships among issues. Two, its simplicity allows for better communication with those affected by the issues. Finally, it is easy to develop.

image for Developing an Issue-Action Diagram

  • image List all the issues involved, being sure to thoroughly define each.
  • image Write each issue in the form of a question that reflects a choice of action, or write it in the form of a declarative sentence when a choice is not applicable.
  • image Identify the logical relationship between the issues, and record that relationship.
    • image Note: Use arrows to reflect the direction of the relationship.
  • image Once the linkages of the issues are complete, determine the appropriate actions to take.
  • image Verify the accuracy by obtaining feedback from the people affected by the issues.


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