There are two basic organizational structures for most projects: matrix or task force.

A matrix structure is used when resources from various functional organizations work on multiple projects. This structure offers the benefit of sharing resources, especially among people with a rare expertise. It also provides management the flexibility to cease projects and start new ones without having to hire and fire people. Its principal downsides are burnout and conflict over resource usage.

The task force structure is used when resources from various functional organizations work full-time on a project. The task force structure offers the benefits of visibility, concentration of effort, and experimentation. Its principal downsides are loss of commitment to a project, and later in its life cycle, declining morale.

image for Determining Whether to Use Matrix or Task Force Structure

  • image Determine the availability of resources with the requisite skills.
  • image Determine the desired level of organization flexibility.
  • image Determine the historical precedent for using matrix or task force structure for the type of project.
  • image Determine the desired degree of autonomy for the project team.
  • image Determine the desired level of visibility for the project.


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