Metrics are measures used to establish standards and track progress against those standards. Metrics and quality are often associated together; however, metrics can be used for establishing and tracking performance with respect to cost, schedule, people, and many other areas of interest.

Good metrics have certain characteristics. They are based upon expected versus actuals and upon some objective criteria. They are also applied consistently to determine trends and to identify and analyze variances to expected results.

The benefits of metrics are threefold. They help to track and monitor performance. They also help to identify areas for process improvement. Finally, they provide an audit trail to determine the cause of anomalies.

image for Establishing and Using Metrics

  • image Define the purpose of a metric.
  • image Determine its algorithm.
  • image Define its audience.
  • image Establish a means for collecting data.
  • image Determine where to get the data.
  • image Document the process or subject being measured.
  • image Determine the standard to measure against.
  • image Determine how to display the results of the measure (e.g., graph, chart).
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