One of the greatest fears people have is committing themselves to what they have said or promised to do and then not following through. No finer example exists than what occurs in a committee meeting, but minutes are a way to ensure follow-through.

Minutes can be useful if they have certain characteristics. They should contain sufficient detail about who said what and should be reviewed prior to publication. They also should be distributed to everyone who participated in the meeting.

The advantages of minutes are threefold. One, they capture who said what, thereby providing an audit trail. Two, they provide information for decision-making. Three, they reduce the learning curve for people new to an organization or project.

image for Taking Minutes

  • image Determine the level of detail for the minutes.
  • image Identify on the minutes the date, time, location, and the purpose of the meeting.
  • image Type the minutes.
  • image Attach copies of the minutes and supporting documentation.
  • image Distribute for comments or review at the next meeting.
  • image Incorporate revisions.
  • image Publish the minutes.
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