A network diagram is a schedule to follow during a project. It consists of tasks arranged logically with each one having a start and finish date.

The network diagram presents a wealth of information to help you manage your project. It shows the tasks to complete, when to complete them, and in what sequence.

It also gives you the critical path containing those tasks and tells you which tasks need top priority and must be addressed without delay. You can identify the critical path because it is the longest path through the network diagram. You can calculate it by adding the durations of activities on each path; the path with the largest sum is your critical path.

The advantages of a network diagram are twofold: you can use it to manage the details of your project, and you can use it to communicate with your project team. However, avoid using it to communicate with senior management, who want only summary information.

image for Developing a Network Diagram

  • image Identify the tasks to perform.
  • image Logically connect the tasks together to reflect the desired sequence for performing them.
  • image Determine the flow time for each task.
  • image Using the logic and the duration of each task, calculate the start and finish dates.
    • image Note: To calculate the start and finish dates, move from left to right in the network diagram.


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