
A state is a set of values for some of the properties of a layer. We can use states, for example, to define the different positions an element can take, and use these states when the user makes an action on our user interface, to make the element visible on the screen area. In the next example, the movingLayer layer has two states--up and down--and changes from one to the other when the user taps on the layer:

movingLayer = new Layer
movingLayer.states =
y: 400
y: 1200
movingLayer.onTap ->
movingLayer.stateCycle("up", "down")
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Our layer will have two states: 'up' and 'down'

Each time we call stateCycle, the layer will go through all the states one by one when the user taps on it, starting again when all the states have been visited. In this case, the layer will go up and down as we only have two states in this example.

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