Exporting custom packages from your project

Creating packages can be a very useful and practical way of storing your game objects and assets for future use and reference. If you want to save a feature, a group of assets, or even a prefab from the project you are currently working on, it's a good idea to export them as a package, so you can easily import them into your future projects.

Getting ready

In order to export a package, you will need a project containing some assets. If you need one for testing purposes, please use the one inside the downloadable content for this book, which can be found inside the 0423_01_10 folder.

How to do it...

To export content as a custom package, follow these steps:

  1. Select the RotatingCube prefab in the Project view.
  2. Go to the Assets menu and choose the Select Decencies option. This will highlight, inside the Project tab, all assets that are linked to the RotatingCube prefab.
  3. Once again, select only the RotatingCube prefab.
  4. Go to the Assets menu and choose Export Package.... A new window will now pop up:
    How to do it...
  5. Inside the Exporting Package window, make sure the Include dependencies checkbox is selected. It is important that checkboxes for all listed objects are also selected.
  6. Click Export and save your package into your disk. You can give it any name you want (although a name similar to RotatingCube will make things easier later, when you want to use it).
  7. Your custom package is ready to be imported.
    How to do it...

How it works...

By exporting a package, you have stored your selected objects and dependencies into a single compressed file. Importing them to your project will uncompress them into its Assets folder.

See also

  • The Importing Unity packages into your project recipe.
  • The Importing custom packages into your project recipe.
  • The Adding custom packages to Unity's quick list recipe.
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