Assigning an NSX role to a user account

Follow the steps below to assign an NSX role to a user account:

  1. Log into the vSphere web client, using a user with an Enterprise Administrator role in NSX. Navigate to Home | Networking & Security | NSX Managers |NSX Manager IP. In the center pane, select the Manage | Users tab, and click the green plus add to assign a vCenter user account:
  1. In the new dialog box, select whether you want to specify a vCenter user or a vCenter group. Type the user in username@domain format or domain username format and click Next once finished:
  1. In the second step, select a desired role for the user and click Finish:
  1. Repeat these steps for the remaining user accounts that need to be assigned for an NSX role.
  2. Once completed, the user will be listed with Origin vCenter. username@domain format will be converted to domain username format. The user formats of greg and carla are slightly different, as shown in the following screenshot, but both formats will work:
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