Chapter 96. Get on Board: Peer Feedback


Team members may be reluctant to compliment one another, but peer encouragement is a powerful motivator. To facilitate a healthy exchange of feedback, you can use a Feedback Train to provide a fun outlet for everyone to leave some positive words for fellow workers. This not only motivates the group but also provides some new ideas for ways to meet business objectives.


Create a Feedback Train for team members:

  1. On a flip-chart sheet or poster board, create a large image of a train, similar to the one shown in the illustration. Be sure to include enough cars to accommodate all team members.

  2. Title the engine with your name as leader and place the name of each team member under a train car.

  3. Post the sheet or board in a prominent location in the work area.

  4. Provide each team member with a packet of self-stick notes or place them at the top of the posted sheet or board.

  5. Encourage team members to write positive remarks about how others in the group have contributed to the team’s efforts. The notes should be posted on the appropriate train car of the team member.

  6. Optional: Hold a recognition ceremony for the team member with the most positive comments in a given time period.

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