Chapter 82. Knowledge Is Power: Technical Training


We know that interpersonal skills alone do not make a good customer service experience. Service representatives need to know how to undertake the technical aspects of their jobs. Technical training empowers employees to perform the functional tasks that create results. These skills might involve such things as using the computer to access customer information, following correct processes and procedures, and being aware of the company’s product line.

Careful attention to both technical and interpersonal skills training is important. Planning for customer service training must be a part of the overall strategy if you want to achieve excellence in your customer service efforts.


  • Review the competencies required to perform each job.

  • List any gaps in the performance of each employee.

  • Identify appropriate training and development strategies for each employee.

  • Meet with each employee to prepare an individual development plan, with specific actions and deadlines.

  • Follow up with employees at regular intervals to discuss progress, plan for application of new skills, and provide general feedback.

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