Part Five. Quality

Although technical excellence clearly is important, the practical meaning of good service extends far beyond this single component. The ability to provide superior service depends on recognizing what the customer needs and wants. Because the company’s ability to provide quality actually starts with the customer, it is from that fundamental basis that service providers must build their approach to exceptional practices. To do so they must bear in mind the unique specific needs of each customer situation in order to present the best possible strategy.

One of the more challenging aspects of quality service is to provide for the uniqueness of each situation. It is important for the success of the organization to remember to treat customers like people and not numbers. This is especially true when dealing with problems because of the emotions that may be part of a customer’s concern. These feelings and reactions must be acknowledged and dealt with before moving on to solving the actual problem. By taking the time to know the particulars of each customer’s situation, service representatives can become aware of opportunities to “go the extra mile” and exceed the customer’s expectations. This means staying attentive to customers, remaining aware of their changing needs, and responding to their demands in a positive and timely manner. Service should be tailored to meet each customer’s specific needs to ensure satisfaction and loyalty.

Positive personal performance communicates through actions and words a genuine interest in the needs or problems of the customer, which is essential to building a successful customer relationship. Service providers act as the organization’s frontline representatives. It is critical that they focus on all aspects of their performance so as to turn service mistakes or customer dissatisfaction into positive experiences that build the company’s reputation for quality service.

It is important for service providers to remain flexible and open-minded in order to react to constantly changing technologies and environments. They are often called on to handle difficult situations—customers may disagree with proposed solutions to their problems, or they may demand more than what can be offered. It is the job of the customer service representative to help negotiate solutions that are satisfying to the customer and that meet company policies.

If things are wrong, it is imperative that representatives do whatever they can to correct the problem. Reliable service recovery efforts help communicate to customers that the organization cares, that it is sensitive to customer needs, and that it will stand behind its products or service no matter what. Even when there is no evident problem, it is important to be aware of conditions that contribute to the customer’s overall situation. That means looking at all aspects of the big picture and constantly examining these factors for ways to improve service conditions. Soliciting ongoing feedback from customers, both internal as well as external, helps set into motion a system for continuous quality improvement.

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