Chapter 50. Setting the Bar: Service Standards

Customer service standards are created for employees to follow to ensure that the quality of service to all customers meets or exceeds their expectations. Standards are based on observable behaviors, which provide the basis for evaluating individual performance. To begin the process of setting standards for your own team, follow these guidelines.

  • Define the subdivisions of your service sequences as though they were chapters in a book.

  • Map out the basic steps in chronological order for each sequence.

  • Determine key value-added service qualities that enhance the customer’s experience for each step.

  • Convert the steps and enhancers into meaningful service standards.

  • Clarify that the standards are consistent with the organization’s mission statement.

Next, use the following eight criteria to make your service standards more effective. Don’t forget to periodically review your standards to determine if they need revision.

  1. Specific

  2. Concise

  3. Measurable

  4. Based on customer requirements

  5. Defined as personal, product, and procedural

  6. Included in job descriptions and performance reviews

  7. Jointly created with staff members

  8. Fairly and equitably enforced

Following are examples of general service qualities that were turned into specific service standards.

Service Quality

Service Standard

Answer the phone promptly.

Answer the phone within three rings.

Return calls in a timely manner.

Return all calls within 24 hours.

Show empathy with an upset customer.

Express awareness of the customer’s concerns through positive words and tone of voice.

Be personally responsible for helping a customer.

Provide the customer with your name, department, and phone number.

Dress appropriately for work.

Wear your full uniform at all times, including the tie and cap.

Be knowledgeable about the company.

Utilize the database of company products and services when providing information to the customer.


This information is intended to guide the group leader or manager in developing appropriate service standards within the team.

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