Chapter 101. Opposition Position: Constructive Competition

The use of teams has emerged as a logical approach to sharpening an organization’s competitive edge. Although the need for cooperation among team members is readily promoted, the concept of working as a cohesive unit also implies some underlying competition, because team members unite so that their efforts yield better results than those of any other team. Tapping into the motivational energy of constructive competition can help team members meet common goals. Healthy competition creates a positive buzz around achieving top performance. This type of competition encourages team members to use their creativity to meet goals, and to feel pride in their own performance. When people compete as a team against other teams, they fulfill many psychological needs. Teamwork creates a positive internal environment that results in improved customer service and stronger client partnerships. The information provided here can guide the group leader or manager in developing processes and procedures that enhance teamwork.

Social Needs

Competition motivates members of a work group to cooperate and work together as a team because they identify with the team.

  1. Team members need to be physically located so as to encourage interaction with one another.

  2. Team sports and after-work social events sponsored by the company provide additional opportunities for interaction.

  3. Team apparel supports identification with the group.

Security Needs

Competition can be related to the necessity of at least meeting the achievements of other teams in competitive companies. Doing so is generally accepted as a requirement for remaining employed and allows for growth and development of both the organization and its members.

  1. Individual and team performance must be measured through regular evaluations.

  2. Team members need to know the strengths and talents of all individuals on the team.

  3. Team members should receive training and development opportunities.

Self-Esteem Needs

Competition instills an aura of importance to all tasks, no matter how dull or uninteresting they may seem to be. Because of this, the ego of the individual employee becomes attached to the results achieved by the team.

  1. Team assignments are designed so that members provide task support for one another.

  2. Team guidelines are established in regard to honest and ethical behavior.

  3. Team members share insights into individual expectations, behaviors, and values.

Achievement Needs

As members of a team, individuals gain the opportunity to receive the special recognition and attention associated with being the winner in a competitive situation.

  1. Team members are involved in setting common goals.

  2. Team members are encouraged to provide mutual feedback on task performance.

  3. Team rewards should be given to recognize the efforts of all members of the team.

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