Chapter 63. Feelings Check-In: Conflict Reaction Assessment


Oftentimes individuals must meet together as a group to discuss issues, develop ideas, and solve problems. In these situations, there inevitably will be differences in needs, objectives, values, and expectations. There also may be differences in perceiving motives, words, actions, and circumstances. Healthy conflict helps in the exploration of new ideas, but when people avoid conflict or choose sides, animosities can develop, communication breaks down, trust and mutual support deteriorate, and hostilities may result. It is important to be aware of the feelings of individual group members so that any conflict can be dealt with in a constructive manner.


During a group meeting where controversial topics are discussed or when several different ideas and opinions are being expressed, stop and take the time to gauge the overall reactions of the group to avoid unresolved conflict and move toward problem resolution.

  1. Distribute a felt-tipped marker and 5″ × 8″ index card to each person.

  2. Ask each person to write on the card in large letters one word that describes how he or she is feeling at that moment.

  3. Ask everyone to hold up his or her card and to look at the variety of responses.

  4. Point out how rare it is for different people to bring the same feelings to an experience or situation.

  5. Invite individuals to share why they wrote down the words that they did.

  6. Ask for suggestions on how the group can move toward constructively solving the problem.

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