List of Videos



Opening and Saving Documents

Get started with your first Photoshop document and the fundamentals of opening and saving files.


Working with Panels and Customizing Your Workspace

Get familiar with using panels and customizing the workspace to fit your way of working.


Viewing Images

To feel confident in Photoshop you need to be able to zoom in and out of your document and to move around fluidly. This video will show you how.


Understanding the Relationship Between Document Size and Image Resolution

Because Photoshop is mainly about pixels, you need to have a good grasp of the relationship between document size and resolution. This video explains how they are connected.


Cropping and Straightening an Image

A carefully considered crop can transform an image. In this video, you’ll learn how to use cropping to improve your images.


Making Marquee Selections

How to use Photoshop's Marquee tools to make simple selections—either as an end goal or as a starting point for more complex selections.


Making Lasso Selections

Understand the Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools, as well as how and when to use each.


Making a Magic Wand Selection

Learn how to use this venerable selection tool—how to keep it magic and ensure it doesn't become tragic.


Making a Quick Selection

Everything you need to know about using the powerful Quick Selection tool to make fast and accurate selections in Photoshop.


Making an Object Selection

How to automatically detect and select an object— or objects—in an image.


An Overview of Layers

Layers are one of the most fundamental concepts in Photoshop. This video identifies the different kinds of layers and when they are used.


Managing Layers

Using layers effectively is a key Photoshop skill. Find out how manage layers like a pro in this video.


Working with Layer Comps

If you ever need to show a client different versions of an image, Layer Comps are the way to go. This video shows you how to use this powerful feature.


Masks Overview

Whatever the question, masks are almost certainly (part of) the answer. Here we'll give an overview of why they are so important.


Create and Edit a Layer Mask

After watching this video, you'll be able to create a layer mask and edit it—continuously and nondestructively.


Create and Edit a Vector Mask

Just like layer mask, but with hard edges, vector masks are great for isolating man-made objects.


Create a Composition with Layer Masks and Vector Masks

Here's a fun exercise where you’ll give layer masks and vector masks a workout to create an interesting composition.


Working with Gradient Layer Masks

Gradient layer masks let you blend images or exposures— an incredibly useful Photoshop technique.


Create a Luminance Mask

This advanced masking technique will help you create stunning composites.


Making Color Range Selections

Need a subtle selection? Photoshop's Color Range tool may be the way to go.


Using Select and Mask

Select And Mask is an incredibly powerful tool for creating and refining selections. Here's how to use it.


Replacing a Sky

Bland, washed out sky? No worries—Sky Replacement to the rescue.


Understanding Quick Masks and Alpha Channels

This video demystifies these often misunderstood and underused Photoshop concepts.


Improve Dynamic Range with Levels

Easily (and nondestructively) improve the contrast and color in your image using a Levels adjustment layer.


Adjust Contrast and Color Correction with Curves

As an alternative (or enhancement) to Level, you can improve color and contrast with a Curves adjustment layer.


Limit Adjustments with Clipping Masks

Control exactly what layer is affected or clip a layer to a specific shape using a clipping mask.


Custom Black-and-White Conversions

There are numerous ways to convert an image to black and white—we think this is the best way.


Tinting an Image with Gradient Map

Create cool (or wacky) photographic effects with a Gradient Map adjustment layer—either making your own or taking advantage of little-used presets in Photoshop.

VIDEO 10.1

Darkening Blending Modes

Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Linear Burn, Darker Color: Find out how to use the darkening blending modes in Photoshop.

VIDEO 10.2

Lightening Blending Modes

Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge, Lighter Color: Explore the lightening blending modes.

VIDEO 10.3

Contrast Blending Modes

Learn some practical uses of the Overlay and Soft Light blending modes.

VIDEO 10.4

Color Blending Modes

Check out some practical uses of the Color and Luminosity blending modes.

VIDEO 11.1

Choosing Colors

Learn to choose colors with various methods and color modes: the Color Picker, the Color panel, and the HUD Color Picker.

VIDEO 11.2

Working with Color Swatches

With the Swatches panel you can store, organize, find, and apply specific colors.

VIDEO 11.3

Creating Duotones

Convert a full-color image to duotone mode, then customize it by choosing specific inks and modifying the amount of ink via Curves.

VIDEO 12.1

Brush Essentials

See how to customize brushes with settings and options to suit any purpose, and how to save your own custom brush presets.

VIDEO 12.2

Painting with History

Restore parts of an image to an earlier history state by painting over them with the History Brush tool.

VIDEO 12.3

Working with Gradients

Apply blends between multiple colors and transparency levels, using preset gradients or ones that you customize.

VIDEO 13.1

Using the Patch Tool

Learn how to use the Patch tool to fix stains, scratches, and spots, as well as larger items such as distracting people or objects.

VIDEO 13.2

Using the Clone Stamp Tool

See how to remove unwanted elements by painting copies of pixels from one area to another.

VIDEO 13.3

Using Content-Aware Fill

Content-Aware Fill offers a powerful yet easy method for seamlessly removing unwanted objects from your image.

VIDEO 14.1

Smart Object Workflow

Find out how to work with linked and embedded Smart Objects—and to decide which method is right for your workflow.

VIDEO 15.1

Using Puppet Warp

Puppet Warp gives you the ability to move, stretch, and twist specific parts of an image as if they were made out of clay.

VIDEO 15.2

Using Content-Aware Scale

Content-Aware Scale allows you to recompose an image by transforming it while protecting certain areas so they remain untouched.

VIDEO 16.1

Filters Overview

See how filters allow you to apply an incredible variety of nondestructive modifications to layers or selections.

VIDEO 16.2

Using Smart Sharpen

Discover how to enhance the focus of existing details, making an image appear more crisp.

VIDEO 16.3

Neural Filters

Use machine-learning technology to apply quick, nondestructive adjustments that would otherwise involve a complex and time-consuming manual process.

VIDEO 17.1

Shapes Overview

Create graphics from vector paths, in the form of shape layers that can be output at any size without a loss of quality.

VIDEO 17.2

Custom Shapes

Access hundreds of premade complex vector shapes or define new custom shapes by drawing or pasting into Photoshop from Adobe Illustrator.

VIDEO 17.3

Drawing with the Pen Tools

See how to draw and modify vector paths using a variety of techniques and tools.

VIDEO 18.1

Overview of Basic Type Options

See three methods for adding type: point text for single lines, paragraph text for multi-line text, and type on a path for special effects.

VIDEO 19.1

Working with Artboards

Artboards let you keep different compositions side by side in one file. See how to work with artboards and share content between them.

VIDEO 19.2

Exporting to Multiple File Sizes and Formats with Export As

With Export As you can quickly export an entire document or its components to various file formats and sizes.

VIDEO 19.3

Creating Animated GIFs

Turn a set of still images into an animated GIF, then fine-tune its playback speed and other options.

VIDEO 20.1

Comparing the Basic Panel and the Curves Panel

Much more than just “basic,” the Basic panel is where the magic happens in Adobe Camera Raw.

VIDEO 20.2

Working with Masks in Adobe Camera Raw

Create sophisticated masks directly in Adobe Camera Raw using ACR’s impressive masking toolset.

VIDEO 20.3

Combining Masks

When you combine, as well as add to and subtract from, masks in ACR even the most complicated image areas can be worked on selectively.

VIDEO 21.1

Managing Assets in Bridge

Discover how to use Bridge to wrangle your assets so that you can work more efficiently in Photoshop.

VIDEO 21.2

Accessing Photoshop Tools from Bridge

Speed up your workflow by accessing Photoshop tools directly from Bridge.

VIDEO 22.1

Effects Overview

Apply an almost infinite variety of looks to any layer content, including live text, quickly and nondestructively.

VIDEO 22.2

Copying and Moving Effects

Work efficently and nondestructively by copying or moving existing effects between layers in your document.

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