Resources on Solr

A good place to play with some more queries is the official tutorial on the site, where you'll see some functionality that we will see in action in Chapter 3, Indexing Example Data from DBpedia – Paintings.

For a better understanding while you are reading the book and playing with our examples, you can refer to the excellent reference guide at this link: I strongly suggest that you read this once you have finished reading this book. It will help you move a step further.

We will introduce faceted search in detail in Chapter 6, Using Faceted Search – from Searching to Finding. Since this is one of the main features of Solr, you can be interested to start reading about the topic since the beginning. For an introduction to faceted classification, faceted search, and faceted navigation, there are two good books: Design Patterns: Faceted Navigation, Jeffery Callender and Peter Morville, on the A List Apart blog at, and Usability Studies of Faceted Browsing: A Literature Review, by Jody Condit Fagan at

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