Building the quadcopter

The first thing you'll need is the quadcopter itself. The most important component of the quadcopter is the flight controller board. There are several choices that can work, but this example is based on the Hobby King KK2.1.5 flight control board. Here is an image of the board:

Building the quadcopter

The flight control board takes its flight inputs via a set of input signals that would normally come from an RC receiver to control the quadcopter, and then sends out control signals to the four motor controllers. You'll want a flight controller as it has built-in flight sensors, so it can handle the feedback control for the motors. The inputs from the BeagleBone Black will come in as electric commands to turn, bank, go forward, or increase/decrease the motor speed.

You can buy either an assembled quadcopter that uses the HobbyKing 2.1.5 board from HobbyKing at, or you can buy the parts and assemble your own.


If you'd like to assemble your own quadcopter, then there are a number of websites that document how to select the parts and assemble them. Try, or

The basic manual for this flight controller board is found at Whether you are buying an assembled unit or building your own, it is a good idea to set up and fly your quadcopter first with an RC transmitter and receiver. This will give you a basic understanding of how the RC transmitter and receiver is connected to your quadcopter and some basic flight dynamics.

Once you have it up and flying, you can add your BeagleBone Black to your project.

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