

-- postfix decrement operator 96

-- prefix decrement operator 96

^ (bitwise exclusive OR operator) 621 , 669

^= (bitwise exclusive OR assignment operator) 515, 629 , 669

, (comma operator) 104

:: (binary scope resolution operator) 298

:: (scope resolution operator) 60

:: (unary scope resolution operator) 668, 672

:: unary scope resolution operator 169

! (logical NOT operator) 123, 124 , 668

truth table 125

!= (inequality operator) 32, 668

?: (ternary conditional operator) 75 , 181

.* (pointer-to-member operator) 670 , 672

.* and ->* operators 670

'', null character 253

' ', newline character 252

[] (operator for map) 507

* (multiplication operator) 29

* (pointer dereference or indirection operator) 232 , 232

*= (multiplication assignment operator) 96

/ (division operator) 29

/* */ (C-style multiline comment) 21

// (single-line comment) 20

/= (division assignment operator) 96

' (single-quote-character) escape sequence 23

" (double-quote-character) escape sequence 23

\ (backslash-character) escape sequence 23

a (alert) escape sequence 23

(newline) escape sequence 23

(carriage-return) escape sequence 23

(tab) escape sequence 23

& (address operator) 669

& (bitwise AND) 621

& in a parameter list 166

& to declare reference 165

&, address operator 231, 232

&& (logical AND operator) 123 , 181, 668

truth table 123

&= (bitwise AND assignment operator) 515, 629 , 669

# preprocessor operator 791, 796

## preprocessor operator 796

#pragma preprocessing directive 796

#undef preprocessing directive 794

% (modulus operator) 29

%= (modulus assignment operator) 96

+ (addition operator) 27, 29

++ (postfix increment operator) 96

on an iterator 480

++ (prefix increment operator) 96

on an iterator 480

+= (addition assignment operator) 95

string concatenation 595

< (less-than operator) 32

<< (left-shift operator) 621

<< (stream insertion operator) 22 , 28

<<= (left-shift assignment operator) 629

<= (less-than-or-equal-to operator) 32

<algorithm> header 558

<algorithm> header 558

<forward_list> header 494

<unordered_map> header 505, 507

<unordered_set> header 501, 504

= 27 , 35, 279, 308, 480

= (assignment operator) 27, 29, 125

-= (subtraction assignment operator) 96

== (equality operator) 32, 125

> (greater-than operator) 32

-> (member selection via pointer) 672

->* (pointer-to-member operator) 670

>= (greater-than-or-equal-to operator) 32

>> (right shift operator) 621

>>= (right shift with sign extension assignment operator) 629

| (bitwise inclusive OR operator) 621 , 669

|= (bitwise inclusive OR assignment operator) 515, 629 , 669

|| (logical OR operator) 123, 124 , 668

truth table 124

|| logical OR operator 181

~ (bitwise complement operator) 621 , 669


0X 432

0x 432

2-D array 211


abbreviating assignment expressions 95

abort 797

abort function 272 , 574

absolute value 131

abstract base class 390 , 391, 738

abstract class 390 , 391, 392, 407

abstract operation in the UML 734

access a global variable 169

access function 265

access non-static class data members and member functions 301

access private member of a class 47

access privileges 241, 243

access specifier 39 , 47, 291, 726

private 47

protected 258

public 47

access the caller’s data 164

access violation 476

accessor 49

Account class (ATM case study) 690, 693, 697, 699, 700, 708, 715, 716, 718, 720, 732, 772

accounts-receivable system 446

accumulate algorithm 529, 532 , 553, 555, 559

accumulated outputs 28

action 74, 75

action expression 71

action expression in the UML 705

action of an object 704

action state 71

action state in the UML 705

action state symbol 71

activation in a UML sequence diagram 720

activation record 159

activity diagram 70, 71, 78, 105

do...while statement 111

for statement 106

if statement 74

if...else statement 75

in the UML 690 , 704, 706, 723

sequence statement 71

switch statement 120

while statement 79

activity in the UML 690 , 703 , 707

activity of a portion of a software system 71

actor in use case in the UML 689

adapter 509

add a new account to a file 472

add an integer to a pointer 247

addition 29

addition assignment operator (+=) 95

addition program that displays the sum of two numbers 24

address of a bit field 633

address operator (&) 231, 232, 234, 308, 672

addressable storage unit 633

adjacent_difference algorithm 559

adjacent_find algorithm 558

aggregation 264 , 696

aiming a derived-class pointer at a base-class object 381

airline reservation system 456

alert escape sequence ('a') 23, 637

algebraic expression 29

<algorithm> header 141, 492

algorithms 476 , 485

accumulate 529, 532

all_of 533, 536

any_of 533, 536

binary_search 209 , 533, 536

copy_backward 539

copy_n 541

count 529, 532

count_if 529, 532

equal 523

equal_range 546, 548

fill 520 , 521

fill_n 520 , 521

find 533, 535

find_if 533, 536

find_if_not 533, 537

for_each 529, 533

generate 520 , 521

generate_n 520 , 521

includes 544

inplace_merge 541, 542

is_heap 551

is_heap_until 551

iter_swap 537, 538

lexicographical_compare 524

lower_bound 548

make_heap 550

max 552

max_element 529, 532

merge 538, 540

min 552

min_element 529, 532

minmax 552

minmax_element 529, 532 , 553

mismatch 522, 524

move 540

move_backward 540

none_of 533, 536

pop_heap 551

push_heap 551

random_shuffle 529, 531

remove 524, 526

remove_copy 526

remove_copy_if 524, 527 , 541

remove_if 524, 526

replace 529

replace_copy 527, 529

replace_copy_if 527, 529

replace_if 527, 529

reverse 538, 541

reverse_copy 541, 542

separated from container 519

set_difference 543, 545

set_intersection 543, 545

set_symmetric_difference 543, 545

set_union 543, 546

sort 209 , 533, 536

sort_heap 550

swap 537, 538

swap_ranges 537, 538

transform 529, 533

unique 538, 540

unique_copy 541, 542

upper_bound 548

alias 166, 167, 609

for the name of an object 276

alignment 617

all 514

all_of algorithm 533, 536 , 558

allocate 321

allocate dynamic memory 575

allocate memory 140, 321

allocator 493

allocator_type 479

alphabetizing strings 643

alter the flow of control 121

ambiguity problem 672, 677

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 116

analysis stage of the software life cycle 688

analyzing a project’s requirements 683

and operator keyword 668

and_eq operator keyword 669

“ANDed” 623

Android 16

operating system 16

smartphone 16

angle brackets (< and >) 173, 791

angle brackets (< and >) in templates 583

anonymous function objects 518

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 2

ANSI/ISO 9899: 1990 2

any 514

any_of algorithm 533, 536 , 558

Apache Software Foundation 15

append 595

append data to a file 447, 448

Apple Inc. 16

Apple Macintosh 16

argument coercion 138

argument for a macro 792

argument to a function 41

arguments in correct order 136

arguments passed to member-object constructors 283

arithmetic assignment operators 95, 96

arithmetic calculations 28

arithmetic mean 30

arithmetic operator 28

arithmetic overflow 84 , 570

arithmetic overflow error 579

arithmetic underflow error 579

“arity” of an operator 309

<array> header 140


built-in 229, 238

name 250

notation for accessing elements 251

subscripting 251

array 187

bounds checking 198

Array class 324

Array class definition with overloaded operators 328

Array class member-function and friend function definitions 329

array class template 186

Array class test program 324

array subscript operator ([]) 328

arrow 71

arrow member selection operator (->) 265

arrow operator (->) 293

arrowhead in a UML sequence diagram 720

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

Character Set 116 , 252, 422

assert 797

assign member function of class string 593

assign member function of list 498

assign one iterator to another 484

assigning addresses of base-class and derived-class objects to base-class and derived-class pointers 378

assigning class objects 279

assignment operator functions 333

assignment operators 27 , 35, 95 , 279, 308, 480

*= multiplication assignment operator 96

/= division assignment operator 96

%= modulus assignment operator 96

+= addition assignment operator 95

-= subtraction assignment operator 96

assignment statement 27, 97

associate from left to right 35, 98

associate from right to left 35, 98, 116

association 508

association (in the UML) 694 , 695, 696, 728, 729

name 695

associative container 480, 483, 500, 503

ordered 476 , 500

unordered 476 , 500

associative container functions

count 503

equal_range 503

find 503

insert 503 , 507

lower_bound 503

upper_bound 503

associativity 124, 126

associativity chart 35

associativity not changed by overloading 309

associativity of operators 29 , 35

asterisk (*) 28

asynchronous call 717

asynchronous event 570

at member function 493, 514

class string 308 , 595

class vector 226

ATM (automated teller machine) case study 683, 688

ATM class (ATM case study) 693, 694, 695, 699, 702, 703, 708, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 727

ATM system 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 698, 703, 707, 726

atof 647

atoi 647

atol 648

attribute 45 , 728, 729

compartment in a class diagram 701

declaration in the UML 701, 703

in the UML 5, 41, 693, 698, 700, 701 , 703, 707, 736

name in the UML 701

of a class 4

of an object 5

attributes of a variable 152

auto keyword 213

auto_ptr object manages dynamically allocated memory 577

automated teller machine 456

automated teller machine (ATM) 683, 684, 688

user interface 684

automatic array 188

automatic array initialization 199

automatic local array 199

automatic local variable 153, 156, 167

automatic object 571

automatic storage class 152 , 200

automatic storage duration 153

automatically destroyed 156

average 30

average calculation 79, 85

avoid naming conflicts 291

avoid repeating code 270


back member function of queue 511

back member function of sequence containers 492

back_inserter function template 540 , 542

backslash () 22, 794

backslash escape sequence (\) 23

backward traversal 607

bad member function 442

bad_alloc exception 493, 572 , 574, 578

bad_cast exception 578

bad_typeid exception 578

badbit 449

badbit of stream 422 , 442

BalanceInquiry class (ATM case study) 693, 696, 699, 700, 702, 704, 708, 715, 716, 717, 718, 727, 733, 734, 735

Bank account program 466

BankDatabase class (ATM case study) 693, 697, 699, 708, 715, 716, 717, 718, 720, 727, 729

banking system 456

bar chart 193, 194

bar chart printing program 194

bar of asterisks 193, 194

base 2 621

base case(s) 175 , 179, 182

base class 343 , 345, 733

base-class catch 578

base-class constructor 370

base-class exception 578

base-class member accessibility in derived class 371

base-class pointer to a derived-class object 389

base-class private member 361

base-class subobject 678

base e 132

base specified for a stream 436

base-10 number system 132, 432

base-16 number system 432

base-8 number system 432

base-class initializer syntax 359

base-class member function redefined in a derived class 368

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class header 402

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class implementation file 402

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class represents an employee who receives a base salary in addition to a commission 352

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class test program 355

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class that inherits from class CommissionEmployee, which does not provide protected data 367

basic searching and sorting algorithms of the Standard Library 533

basic_fstream class template 420 , 446

basic_ifstream class template 420 , 445

basic_ios class template 418, 677

basic_iostream class template 418 , 420, 446, 677

basic_istream class template 418 , 446, 677

basic_istringstream class template 609

basic_ofstream class template 446

basic_ostream class template 420 , 446, 677

basic_ostringstream class template 609

basic_string class template 592

begin function 240

begin iterator 608

begin member function of class string 608

begin member function of containers 479

begin member function of first-class containers 480

beginning of a file 452

beginning of a stream 452

behavior 707

of a class 4

behavior of the system 703, 704, 707, 716

bell 23

Bell Laboratories 2

bidirectional iterator 482, 483, 494, 501, 504, 505, 518, 540, 541, 542

bidirectional iterator operations 484

bidirectional navigability in the UML 727

binary (base 2) number system 781

binary arithmetic operator 90

binary function 553

binary function object 553

binary number 634

binary number system 650

binary operator 27 , 28

binary predicate function 497, 523, 532, 536, 540, 545, 550

binary_search algorithm 209 , 533, 536 , 558

bit 616

bit field 621, 630 , 633

bit-field manipulation 633

bit-field member of structure 631

bit fields save space 633

bit manipulation 621

bitand operator keyword 669

bitor operator keyword 669

“bits-and-bytes” level 621

bitset 477, 513, 514, 515

<bitset> header 140

bitwise AND assignment 669

bitwise AND assignment operator (&=) 629

bitwise AND operator (&) 621 , 621, 624, 626

bitwise AND, bitwise inclusive-OR, bitwise exclusive-OR and bitwise complement operators 624

bitwise assignment operator keywords 669

bitwise assignment operators 515, 629

bitwise complement 622, 669

bitwise complement operator (~) 621 , 624, 627, 629, 788

bitwise exclusive OR 669

bitwise exclusive OR assignment operator (^=) 629

bitwise exclusive OR operator (^) 621 , 624, 627

bitwise inclusive OR 669

bitwise inclusive OR assignment operator (|=) 629

bitwise inclusive OR operator (|) 461, 621 , 624, 626

bitwise left-shift operator (<<) 304, 627

bitwise logical OR 515

bitwise operator keywords 669

bitwise operators 621, 622, 629

bitwise right-shift operator (>>) 304

bitwise shift operator 627

BlackBerry OS 15

block 34 , 44, 66, 77 , 89, 153, 155, 156

block is active 153

block is exited 153

block of data 655

block of memory 498, 655

block scope 155 , 265

variable 265

body of a class definition 39

body of a function 21 , 22, 40

body of a loop 102, 105

Booch, Grady 684

bool data type 74

bool value false 74

bool value true 74

boolalpha stream manipulator 125 , 432, 438

Boolean attribute in the UML 699

Boost C++ Libraries 17

boundary of a storage unit 633

bounds checking 198

braces ({}) 22, 34, 66, 77, 89, 117

braces in a do...while statement 112

bracket ([]) 187

break statement 118, 121

break statement exiting a for statement 121

brittle software 364

buffer is filled 420

buffer is flushed 420

buffer overflow 198

buffered output 420

buffered standard error stream 418

buffering 443

building-block approach 3

built-in array 229, 238

business-critical computing 565

byte 621


.C extension 6

C legacy code 791, 792, 797

C-like pointer-based array 477

C string 252

c_str member function of class string 607

C++ 2

C++ compiler 7

C++ development environment 7, 8

C++ preprocessor 7, 21

C++ Standard Library 3

<string> file 43

class template vector 221

header location 57

headers 139

string class 43

C++11 17 , 178

all_of algorithm 536

anonymous function objects 518

any_of algorithm 536

associative container keys are immutable 477

auto keyword 213 , 503

begin function 240 , 489

cbegin container member function 489

cend container member function 489

compiler fix for types ending in >> 502

copy_n algorithm 541

crbegin container member function 490

crend container member function 490

default type arguments for function template type parameters 589

delegating constructor 271

end function 240 , 489

find_if_not algorithm 537

forward_list class template 476, 494

in-class initializer 120, 260

insert container member function (now returns an iterator) 493 , 494

iota algorithm 559

is_heap algorithm 551

is_heap_until algorithm 551

list initialization 94 , 507

list initialization of a return type 507

list initialization of associative container 507

list initializer 271

list initializers 490

minmax algorithm 552

minmax_element algorithm 532 , 553

move algorithm 540

move assignment operator 478

move constructor 478

move_backward algorithm 540

noexcept 571

none_of algorithm 536

non-member container swap function 478

nullptr constant 230

override 384

random-number generation 195

scoped enum 150

shrink_to_fit container member function for vector and deque 490

specifying an enum’s integral type 150

stod function 612

stof function 612

stoi function 612

stol function 612

stold function 612

stoll function 612

stoul function 612

stoull function 612

to_string function 612

trailing return types for functions 175

unique_ptr class template 575, 575 , 578

unordered_multimap class template 477

unordered_multiset class template 477

unordered_set class template 477

calculations 28, 70

call a function 41

call stack 242

calling function (caller) 40 , 47

calling functions by reference 233

camel case 39

capacity member function

of string 601

of vector 488

capacity of a string 599

Card Shuffling and Dealing

simulation 616, 618, 620

carriage return (' ') escape sequence 23, 634, 637

carry bit 788

cascading member function calls 293 , 294, 296

cascading stream insertion operations 28

case label 117, 118

case sensitive 26

CashDispenser class (ATM case study) 693, 695, 699, 700, 708, 720

casino 146

<cassert> header 141, 797

cast 249

downcast 383

cast away const-ness 662

cast expression 794

cast operator 85 , 90, 139, 337, 338

cast operator function 337

cast variable visible in debugger 792

catch a base class object 578

catch all exceptions 579

catch block 226

catch clause (or handler) 566, 570

catch handler 564

catch related errors 572

catch(...) 579

cbegin member function of containers 479

cbegin member function of vector 489

<cctype> header 140, 634

CD 445

ceil function 131

cend member function of containers 479

cend member function of vector 489

cerr (standard error stream) 9 , 66, 418, 419, 445

<cfloat> header 141

chaining stream insertion operations 28

char ** 648

char data type 26, 116 , 139, 606, 621

char16_t 418

char32_t 418

character 616

character array 253, 606

character constant 252

character-handling functions 634

isdigit, isalpha, isalnum and isxdigit 635

islower, isupper, tolower and toupper 636

isspace, iscntrl, ispunct, isprint and isgraph 637

character presentation 141

character sequences 456

character set 120

character string 22 , 188

character’s numerical representation 116

characters represented as numeric codes 644

character-string manipulation 633

checked access 595

cin (standard input stream) 9, 27, 418, 419, 445, 449

function getline 254

cin.clear 442

cin.eof 422, 442

cin.get function 115, 116, 423

cin.tie function 443

circular include 730

class 4 , 701, 707, 711, 726, 792

attribute 45

client-code programmer 62

constructor 50

data member 5 , 45

default constructor 51 , 53

define a constructor 52

define a member function 38

implementation programmer 62

instance of 46

interface 58

interface described by function prototypes 58

member function 38

member-function implementations in a separate source-code file 59

name 728

naming convention 39

object of 46

public services 58

services 49

class average on a quiz 79

class average problem 79

class definition 39

class development 324

class diagram

for the ATM system model 697, 722

in the UML 690 , 693 , 696, 698, 701, 708, 726, 729, 735, 736, 737

class diagram (UML) 41

class hierarchy 344 , 389, 391

class-implementation programmer 62

class keyword 173, 583

class libraries 109

class library 372

class members default to private access 616

class scope 155 , 261 , 264

class-scope variable is hidden 265

class template 186, 582 , 592

auto_ptr 575

definition 582

scope 585

specialization 582

Stack 583, 585

class variable 207

Classes 3

Array 324

bitset 477, 513, 514, 515

deque 485, 498

exception 562

forward_list 485, 494

invalid_argument 578

list 485, 494

multimap 505

out_of_range exception class 226

priority_queue 512

queue 511 , 511

runtime_error 562 , 570

set 504

stack 509

string 43

unique_ptr 575

vector 221

classic stream libraries 417

clear function of ios_base 442

clear member function of containers 479

clear member function of first-class containers 494

client code 376

client-code programmer 62

client of a class 707, 717

client of an object 48

<climits> header 141

clog (standard error buffered) 418, 419, 445

close member function of ofstream 450

<cmath> header 109, 140

code 5

CodeLite 7

coin tossing 141

collaboration 714, 715, 717

collaboration diagram in the UML 691 , 716

collaboration in the UML 714

colon (:) 155, 286, 675

column 211

column headings 189

column subscript 211

comma operator (,) 104 , 181

comma-separated list

of parameters 136 25 , 35, 104, 230

command-line argument 240

comma-separated list of base classes 675

comment 20

CommissionEmployee class header 399

CommissionEmployee class implementation file 400

CommissionEmployee class represents an employee paid a percentage of gross sales 347

CommissionEmployee class test program 350

CommissionEmployee class uses member functions to manipulate its private data 365

Common Programming Errors overview xxiii

communication diagram in the UML 691 , 716 , 717

commutative 336

commutative operation 336

comparator function object 501, 505

comparator function object less 501 , 512

compare iterators 484

compare member function of class string 597


strings 639, 642

comparing blocks of memory 655

comparing strings 595

compilation error 95

compilation unit 667

compile 7

compiler 21, 90


multiple-source-file program 63

compl operator keyword 669

complement operator (~) 621

complex conditions 123

component 3

composition 264 , 283 , 287, 343, 346, 695 , 696, 721

compound interest 108

calculation with for 108

compound statement 34

computing the sum of the elements of an array 193

concatenate 595

stream insertion operations 28

strings 641

concrete class 390

concrete derived class 395

condition 32 , 73, 75, 111, 122

conditional compilation 791 , 794

conditional execution of preprocessing directives 791

conditional expression 75

conditional operator (?:) 75

conditional preprocessing directives 794

conditionally compiled output statement 795

confusing equality (==) and assignment (=) operators 32, 127

conserving memory 153

consistent state 65

const 281, 313, 792

const keyword 163

const member function 40 , 281

const member function on a const object 282

const member function on a non-const object 282

const object 192, 282

const object must be initialized 192

const objects and const member functions 282

const qualifier 191 , 240, 661

const qualifier before type specifier in parameter declaration 166

const variables must be initialized 192

const version of operator[] 335

const with function parameters 240


cast away const-ness 662

const_cast demonstration 662

const_cast operator 661 , 662, 663

const_iterator 479, 480, 481, 483, 484, 503, 505, 608

const_pointer 479

const_reference 479

const_reverse_iterator 479, 480, 484, 490, 608

constant integral expression 119

constant pointer

to an integer constant 243

to constant data 241, 243, 244

to nonconstant data 241, 243

constant reference 334

constant reference parameter 166

constant variable 191

const-ness” 663

constructed inside out 288

constructor 50

cannot be virtual 389

cannot specify a return type 50

conversion 337 , 339

copy 332

default 53

default arguments 269

defining 52

explicit 339

function prototype 59

in a UML class diagram 54

inherit 370

inherit from base class 370

naming 52

parameter list 52

single argument 339, 340

constructors and destructors called automatically 272

container 140, 475 , 476

container adapter 476 , 477 , 483, 509

priority_queue 512

queue 511

stack 509

container adapter functions

pop 509

push 509

container class 265, 328, 476


begin function 479

cbegin function 479

cend function 479

clear function 479

crbegin function 479

crend function 479

empty function 478

end function 479

erase function 479

insert function 478

max_size function 478

rbegin function 479

rend function 479

size function 478

swap function 478

continue statement 121

continue statement terminating a single iteration of a for statement 122

control characters 637

control statement 70 , 73, 74

nesting 73

stacking 73

control statements 73

do...while 110, 111

do...while repetition statement 72

for 102 , 104

for repetition statement 72

if 32

if single-selection statement 71

if...else double-selection statement 72

nested if...else 77

nesting 92

repetition statement 73

selection statement 73

sequence statement 73

switch 112 , 119

while 102, 110

while repetition statement 72

control variable 102

control-variable name 104

controlling expression 117

converge on the base case 182

conversion constructor 337 , 339

conversion operator 337

explicit 340

conversions among fundamental types

by cast 337

convert a binary number to decimal 786

convert a hexadecimal number to decimal 786

convert among user-defined types and built-in types 337

convert an octal number to decimal 786

convert between types 337

convert lowercase letters 140

convert strings to floating-point types 612

convert strings to integral types 612

converting strings to C-style strings and character arrays 606

copy algorithm 492 , 558

copy assignment 279

copy constructor 280 , 287, 327 , 332, 334, 370, 478, 480

copy member function of class string 461, 607

copy of the argument 241

copy_backward algorithm 539 , 558

copy_if algorithm 558

copy_n algorithm 541 , 558

copy-and-paste approach 356

copying strings 640

correct number of arguments 136

correct order of arguments 136

correctly initializing and using a constant variable 191

cos function 131

cosine 131

count algorithm 529, 532 , 558

count function of associative container 503

count_if algorithm 529, 532 , 558

counter 154

counter-controlled repetition 79 , 88, 92, 101, 182

counter-controlled repetition with the for statement 103

counter variable 82

counting loop 102

cout (<<) (the standard output stream) 418, 419, 445

cout (standard output stream) 9

cout (the standard output stream) 21, 24, 27

cout.put 421

cout.write 426

__cplusplus predefined symbolic constant 797

.cpp extension 6

CPU (central processing unit) 8

craps simulation 146, 147, 150

crbegin member function of containers 479

crbegin member function of vector 490

create an object (instance) 40

create your own data types 28

CreateAndDestroy class

definition 273

member-function definitions 274

creating a random access file 457

Creating a random-access file with 100 blank records sequentially 461

Creating a sequential file 447

creating an association 508

Credit inquiry program 453

credit processing program 458

crend member function of containers 479

crend member function of vector 490

<cstdio> header 141

<csdtlib> header 574

<cstdlib> header 140, 141, 646

<cstring> header 140, 640

<ctime> header 140, 146

<Ctrl>-d 116, 429, 449

Ctrl key 116

<Ctrl>-z 116, 429, 449

<cstdlib> header 142

current position in a stream 452

cursor 22

.cxx extension 6


dangerous pointer manipulation 407

dangling-else problem 77

dangling pointer 333

dangling reference 167

data hiding 47 , 49

data member 5 , 45 , 46, 726

data member function of class string 607

data members 38

data persistence 445

data structures 475

data types

bool 74

char 116 , 139

double 85 , 108

float 85 , 138

int 25

long 120

long double 138

long int 120, 139

long long 120, 138

long long int 138

short 120

short int 120

unsigned 145

unsigned char 139

unsigned int 139, 145

unsigned long 138

unsigned long int 138

unsigned long long 138

unsigned long long int 138

unsigned short 139

unsigned short int 139

data types in the UML 44

Date class 283, 316

Date class definition 283

Date class definition with overloaded increment operators 316

Date class member function definitions 284

Date class member-function and friend-function definitions 317

Date class test program 319

__DATE__ predefined symbolic constant 797

date source file is compiled 797

deallocate 321

deallocate memory 321, 575

debugger 792

debugging 144

debugging aid 795

debugging tool 797

dec stream manipulator 427 , 432, 436

decimal (base 10) number system 649, 650, 781

decimal (base-10) number system 432

decimal numbers 436, 634

decimal point 85, 90, 91, 109, 421, 432

decision 74

decision in the UML 705

decision symbol 74

declaration 25

declaration of a function 59

declaring a static member function const 301


a pointer 247

decrement a control variable 101

decrement operator (--) 96

decrement operators 315

default access mode for class is private 47

default argument 167 , 266

default arguments with constructors 266

default case 117 , 118, 144

default constructor 51 , 53, 267, 288, 316, 327, 332, 370, 478

provided by the compiler 53

provided by the programmer 53

default copy constructor 287

default delimiter 425

default memberwise assignment 279

default memberwise copy 332

default precision 90

default to decimal 436

default to public access 616

default type argument for a type parameter 589

default type arguments for function template type parameters 589

default_random_engine 151

#define 794, 796

define a constructor 52

define a member function of a class 38

Define class GradeBook with a member function displayMessage, create a GradeBook object, and call its displayMessage function 38

Define class GradeBook with a member function that takes a parameter, create a GradeBook object and call its displayMessage function 42

#define NDEBUG 797

#define PI 3.14159 792

#define preprocessing directive 792

#define preprocessor directive 259

defining occurrence 9

definition 101

Deitel Buzz Online newsletter 18

delegating constructor 271

delete 333, 575, 577

delete [] (dynamic array deallocation) 323

delete a record from a file 472

delete operator 321 , 389

deleting dynamically allocated memory 333

delimiter 254, 644

delimiter (with default value ' ') 423

delimiting characters 644

Deposit class (ATM case study) 693, 696, 699, 700, 708, 715, 716, 724, 727, 733, 734

DepositSlot class (ATM case study) 693, 695, 699, 708, 716, 728

<deque> header 140, 499

deque class template 485, 498

push_front function 499

shrink_to_fit member function 490


a const iterator 482

a null pointer 232

a pointer 232 , 235, 241

an iterator 480, 481, 484

an iterator positioned outside its container 490

dereferencing operator (*) 232

derive one class from another 264

derived class 343 , 345, 372, 733, 734

indirect 401

derived-class catch 578

descriptive words and phrases 699, 701

deserialized object 473

design process 5 , 683, 689, 708, 713

design specification 689

destructor 272 , 357, 478

called in reverse order of constructors 272

destructor in a derived class 370

destructors called in reverse order 370

Dev C++ 7

diagnostics that aid program debugging 141

diamond inheritance 677

diamond symbol 71 , 74

dice game 146

die rolling

using an array instead of switch 195

difference_type 480

digit 26, 253, 781

direct base class 345

directly reference a value 229

disk 8, 9

disk drive 417

disk I/O completion 570

disk space 449, 573, 574

displacement 410

display screen 417, 419

divide by zero 9

DivideByZeroException 566

divides function object 554

division 29

do...while repetition statement 72 , 110, 111

dollar amount 109

dot (.) operator 40

dot operator (.) 265, 293, 384, 576

dotted line 71

double 26

double data type 85 , 108, 138

double-ended queue 498

double-precision floating-point number 89

double quote 22, 23

double-selection statement 72

double-word boundary 617

“doubly initializing” member objects 288

doubly linked list 494, 477

downcasting 383

driver program 55

dummy value 85

duplicate keys 500, 505

DVD 445

dynamic binding 384 , 406, 407, 410

dynamic casting 411

dynamic data structure 229

dynamic memory 575

dynamic memory management 321

dynamic storage duration 153

dynamic_cast 413 , 578

dynamically allocate array of integers 328

dynamically allocated memory 279, 280, 333, 389, 575

allocate and deallocate storage 272

dynamically allocated storage 332

dynamically determine function to execute 383


Eclipse 7

Eclipse Foundation 15

edit 6

edit a program 6

editor 6

element of an array 186

elided UML diagram 694

#elif 795

emacs 6

embedded parentheses 29

embedded system 15

Employee class 283

definition showing composition 285

definition with a static data member to track the number of Employee objects in memory 299

header 394

implementation file 395

member-function definitions 286, 299

empty member function

of containers 478

of priority_queue 513

of queue 511

of sequence container 493

of stack 509

of string 307 , 601

empty parentheses 40, 41, 43

empty statement 78

empty string 48 , 601

encapsulate 47

encapsulation 5 , 49, 262, 278, 288

end function 240

end line 28

end member function of class string 608

end member function of containers 479

end member function of first-class container 480

end of a sequence 536

end of a stream 452

“end of data entry” 85

end-of-file 116, 117, 254, 442

#endif preprocessing directive 795

#endif preprocessor directive 259

endl 28, 90

end-of-file 449

end-of-file indicator 449

end-of-file key combination 449

end-of-file marker 445

Enter key 27

enter key 117, 118


scoped 150

specifying underlying integral type 150

unscoped 150

enum class 150

enum keyword 149

enum struct 150

enumeration 149 , 792

enumeration constant 149 , 794

EOF 116, 422, 425, 634

eof member function 422, 442

eofbit of stream 442

equal algorithm 523 , 558

equal to 32

equal_range algorithm 546, 548 , 558

equal_range function of associative container 503

equal_to function object 554

equality and relational operators 33

equality operator (==) 324, 480

equality operators 32 , 33

equality operators (== and !=) 74, 123

equation of straight line 30

erase 603

erase member function of class string 603

erase member function of containers 479

erase member function of first-class containers 493

e-reader device 16

#error preprocessing directive 795


off-by-one 104

error bits 425

error detected in a constructor 571

error state of a stream 422, 440, 441

escape character 22

escape early from a loop 121

escape sequence 22 , 24

escape sequences

' (single-quote character) 23

" (double-quote character) 23

\ (backslash character) 23

a (alert) 23

(newline) 23

(carriage return) 23

(tab) 23, 118

event 703

<exception> header 140

exception 225 , 561

handler 225

handling 221

parameter 226

exception class 562 , 578

what virtual function 562

exception classes derived from common base class 572

exception handling 140, 561

out_of_range exception class 226

what member function of an exception object 226

<exception> header 562 , 578

exception object 566

exception parameter 564

exceptional condition 118

Exceptions 226

bad_alloc 572

bad_cast 578

bad_typeid 578

length_error 578

logic_error 578

out_of_range 226 , 578

overflow_error 578

underflow_error 579

executable image 8

executable program 7

execute a program 6, 8

execution-time error 9

execution-time overhead 407

exit 449

exit a function 23

exit function 272 , 273, 574



exp function 131

expand a macro 793

explicit constructor 339

explicit conversion 90

explicit keyword 52 , 339

conversion operators 340

exponential “explosion” of calls 182

exponential complexity 182

exponential function 131

exponentiation 31, 108

expression 74, 75, 90, 104

extensibility 376

extensibility of C++ 314

extensible language 179

extensible markup language (XML) 473

extensible programming language 40

extern keyword 154

extern storage-class specifier 152


fabs function 131

Facebook 15

factorial 176, 177, 179

fail member function 442

failbit 449

failbit of stream 422 , 426, 442

false 32

false 74 , 75, 182, 438

fatal logic error 32

fatal runtime error 9

fault-tolerant programs 225 , 561

Fibonacci series 179, 182

field width 110 , 189, 426, 429

fields larger than values being printed 435

FIFO 477, 498

FIFO (first-in, first-out) 511

file 445 , 451

file of n bytes 445

file open mode 447 , 450

file open modes

ios::app 447

ios::ate 448

ios::binary 448, 461 , 464

ios::in 448, 450

ios::out 447

ios::trunc 448

__FILE__ predefined symbolic constant 796

file processing 417, 420

file scope 155 , 264

filename 447 , 450

filename extensions 6

file-position pointer 452 , 464, 472

file-processing classes 420

fill algorithm 520 , 521, 558

fill character 261 , 426, 429 , 434, 435

fill member function 433, 435

fill member function of basic_ios 442

fill_n algorithm 520 , 521, 558


class 389

member function 389

final state 71

final state in the UML 705

final value of a control variable 101 , 105

find algorithm 533, 535 , 558

find function of associative container 503

find member function of class string 601, 603

find_end algorithm 558

find_first_not_of member function of class string 603

find_first_of algorithm 558

find_first_of member function of class string 603

find_if algorithm 533, 536 , 558

find_if_not algorithm 533, 537 , 558

find_last_of member function of class string 603

finding strings and characters in a string 601

first data member of pair 503

first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure 511

first-class container 477 , 479, 480, 483, 489, 494

begin member function 480

clear function 494

end member function 480

erase function 493

first-in, first-out (FIFO) 477, 498

fixed notation 421, 432, 437

fixed-point format 91

fixed-point value 110

fixed stream manipulator 91 , 432, 433, 437

fixed-size data structure 238

flag value 85

flags member function of ios_base 439

flash drive 445

float data type 85 , 138

floating point 432, 437

floating-point arithmetic 304

floating-point division 90

floating-point literal 89

double by default 89

floating-point number 85 , 90

double data type 85

double precision 89

float data type 85

single precision 89

floating-point size limits 141

floating-point number in scientific format 437

floor function 131

flow of control 78, 88

flow of control in the if...else statement 75

flow of control of a virtual function call 408

flush buffer 443

flush output buffer 28

flushing stream 426

fmod function 131

fmtflags data type 439

for repetition statement 72 , 102 , 104

for repetition statement examples 105

for_each algorithm 529, 533 , 558

force a decimal point 421

forcing a plus sign 434

form feed ('f') 634, 637

formal parameter 136

formal type parameter 173

format error 442

format of floating-point numbers in scientific format 437

format state 426, 439

format-state stream manipulators 432

formatted data file processing 445

formatted I/O 417

formatted input/output 456

formatted text 456

forward declaration 730

forward iterator 482, 518, 521, 529, 536, 538, 540

forward iterator operations 484

forward iterators 494

<forward_list> header 140

forward_list class template 476, 485, 494

splice_after member function 498

fractional parts 90

fragile software 364

free function (global function) 262

free store 321

friend function 289, 346

friend of a derived class 675

friends are not member functions 291

Friends can access private members of class 289

friendship granted, not taken 289

front member function of queue 511

front member function of sequence containers 492

front_inserter function template 540

<fstream> header 140

fstream 446, 462, 466, 471

<fstream> header 445

function 3, 9, 21 , 137

argument 41

call 136

call overhead 163

call stack 159

declaration 137

definition 136, 156

empty parentheses 40, 41, 43

header 40

local variable 44

multiple parameters 44

name 154

overloading 170

parameter 41 , 43

parameter list 43

prototype 58 , 136, 137, 156, 165, 235

return a result 47

signature 137 , 171

that takes no arguments 162

trailing return type 175

function body 40

function call 41

function call operator () 340, 410

function call stack 242

function object 501, 505, 518, 553

binary 553

divides 554

equal_to 554

greater 554

greater_equal 554

less 554

less_equal 554

logical_end 554

logical_not 554

logical_or 554

minus 554

modulus 554

multiplies 554

negate 554

not_equal_to 554

plus 554

predefined in the STL 553

function object less< int > 501

function object less< T > 505, 512

function overhead 793

function overloading 416

function pointer 407, 410, 518, 553

function prototype 58 , 109, 289, 792

parameter names optional 59

function prototype scope 155 , 156

function scope 155 , 155

function template 173 , 582, 589

function template specialization 173

<functional> header 141, 553

functional structure of a program 22

functions 3

functions for manipulating data in the standard library containers 141

functions with empty parameter lists 162

function-template specialization 582

fundamental type 26

fundamental types

unsigned int 82


game of chance 146

game of craps 147

game playing 141

gcount function of istream 426

general class average problem 85

general utilities library <cstdlib> 797

generalities 376

generalization in the UML 733

generalized numeric operations 557

general-utilities library <cstdlib> 646

generate algorithm 520 , 521, 558

generate_n algorithm 520 , 521, 558

generating values to be placed into elements of an array 191

generator function 520

generic algorithms 519

generic programming 582

get a value 49

get and set functions 48

get member function 422, 423

get pointer 452

getline function for use with class string 593

getline function of cin 424

getline function of the string header 43 , 48

gets the value of 32

global 60

global function 130

global identifier 665

global namespace 667

global namespace scope 155, 156, 272, 298

global object constructors 272

global scope 272, 274, 667

global variable 154 , 156, 158, 169, 667

golden mean 179

golden ratio 179

good function of ios_base 442

Good Programming Practices overview xxiii

goodbit of stream 442

goto elimination 70

goto statement 70

GradeBook.cpp 80, 86

GradeBook.h 80, 85

graph information 194

Graphical User Interface (GUI) 16

greater function object 554

greater_equal function object 554

greater-than operator 32

greater-than-or-equal-to operator 32

guard condition 74

guard condition in the UML 705

GUI (Grahical User Interface) 16

guillemets (« and ») in the UML 54


.h filename extension 54

half-word 617

handle on an object 264

hard disk 445

hardcopy printer 9

hardware platform 2

has-a relationship 343, 695 , 283

header 54 , 62, 139, 259, 372, 791


<algorithm> 492, 558

<cmath> 109

<deque> 499

<exception> 562

<forward_list> 494

<fstream> 445

<functional> 553

<iomanip.h> 90

<iostream> 21 , 116

<list> 494

<map> 505 , 507

<memory> 575

<numeric> 559

<queue> 511 , 512

<set> 501

<stack> 509

<stdexcept> 562 , 578

<string> 43

<typeinfo> 413

<unordered_map> 505, 507

<unordered_set> 501, 504

<vector> 221

how they are located 57

name enclosed in angle brackets (< >) 57

name enclosed in quotes (" ") 57

heap 321 , 512, 548, 551

heapsort sorting algorithm 548

helper function 265

hex stream manipulator 427 , 432, 436

hexadecimal 650

integer 232

hexadecimal (base-16) number 421, 427, 432, 436, 649, 781

hexadecimal notation 421

hexadecimal number system 634

hide implementation details 288

hide names in outer scopes 155

hierarchy of exception classes 578

hierarchy of shapes 390

“highest” type 138

high-level I/O 417

horizontal tab (' ') 23, 634, 637

host object 283


IDE (integrated development environment) 6

identifier 26 , 72, 156

identifiers for variable names 152

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 2

#if 795

#if preprocessing directive 795

if single-selection statement 71, 74

if statement 32 , 74

if statement activity diagram 74

if...else double-selection statement 72, 74, 75

if...else statement activity diagram 75

#ifdef preprocessing directive 795

#ifndef preprocessor directive 259

#ifndef preprocessing directive 795

ifstream 446, 450, 451, 464

ifstream constructor function 450

ignore 312

ignore function of istream 425

implementation inheritance 393

implementation of a member function changes 270

implementation phase 737

implementation process 708, 726

implicit conversion 90 , 338, 339

via conversion constructors 339

implicit first argument 291

implicit handle 264

implicit, user-defined conversions 338

implicitly virtual 384

improper implicit conversion 338

in-class initializers 260

in-memory formatting 609

in-memory I/O 609

in-class initializer (C++11) 120

#include 791 , 791

#include "filename" 791

include guard 257, 259

#include <iomanip> 90

#include <iostream> 21

#include preprocessing directive 791

#include preprocessor directive 137

includes algorithm 543, 544 , 559

including a header multiple times 259


a pointer 247

increment a control variable 101 , 104, 105

increment an iterator 484

increment operator 315

increment operator (++) 96

indentation 73, 76

independent software vendor (ISV) 3

index 186

indexed access 498

indirect base class 345

indirect derived class 401

indirection 229 , 407

indirection operator (*) 232 , 234

indirectly reference a value 229

inequality 668

inequality operator (!=) 324

inequality operator keywords 668

infinite loop 89, 104, 176

information hiding 5

inherit constructors 370

inherit constructors from base class 370

inherit interface 390

inherit members of an existing class 343


hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 344

inheritance 5 , 258, 264 , 343 , 345, 732, 733, 736, 737

examples 344

hierarchy 384

implementation vs. interface inheritance 393

multiple 672

relationships of the I/O-related classes 420, 446

virtual base class 679

initial state 71

initial state in the UML 703 , 705

initial value of a control variable 101 , 103

initial value of an attribute 702

initialize a pointer 230

initializer 189

initializer list 189 , 253

initializer_list 552

initializer_list class template 336

initializing an array’s elements to zeros and printing the array 189

initializing multidimensional arrays 212

initializing the elements of an array with a declaration 190

inline 164, 335, 794

inline function 163

inline function 792, 793

inline function to calculate the volume of a cube 164

inline keyword 163

inner block 155

inner_product algorithm 559

innermost pair of parentheses 29

inplace_merge algorithm 542 , 559

input a line of text 424

Input and output stream iterators 481

input from string in memory 140

input iterator 482, 484, 523, 526, 529, 532, 540, 545

input line of text into an array 254

input/output library functions 141

input/output of objects 473

input/output operations 71

input/output stream header <iostream> 21

input sequence 481

input stream 422, 423

input stream iterator 481

input stream object (cin) 27

inputting from strings in memory 609

insert function of associative container 503 , 507

insert member function of class string 605

insert member function of containers 478

insert member function of sequence container 493

inserter function template 540

insertion at back of vector 486

instance 4

instance of a class 46

instant access processing 466

instant-access application 456

instruction 8

int 21, 26, 138

int & 165

int operands promoted to double 90

integer 21, 25

integer arithmetic 304

Integer class definition 575

integer division 28 , 90

integer promotion 90

integers prefixed with 0 (octal) 436

integers prefixed with 0x or 0X (hexadecimal) 436

integral constant expression 112

integral size limits 141

integrated development environment (IDE) 6

interaction diagram in the UML 716

interactions among objects 714, 717

interest rate 108

interface 58

Interface Builder 16

interface inheritance 393

interface of a class 58

internal spacing 434

internal stream manipulator 432, 434

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2

International Standards Organization (ISO) 2

invalid_argument class 578

invalid_argument exception 493

invalid_argument exception class 260

invoking a non-const member function on a const object 281

<iomanip> header 140, 791, 418, 427

<iomanip.h> header 90

iOS 15

ios_base base class 440

ios_base class

precision function 427

width member function 429

ios::app file open mode 447

ios::ate file open mode 448

ios::beg seek direction 452

ios::binary file open mode 448, 461 , 464

ios::cur seek direction 452

ios::end seek direction 452

ios::in file open mode 448, 450

ios::out file open mode 447

ios::trunc file open mode 448

<iostream> header 21 , 139, 418, 419, 791, 116, 445

iota algorithm 559

iPod Touch 16

is a 675

is-a relationship (inheritance) 343 , 372

is_heap algorithm 551 , 559

is_heap_until algorithm 551 , 559

is_partitioned algorithm 558

is_permutation algorithm 558

is_sorted algorithm 558

is_sorted_until algorithm 558

isalnum 634

isalpha 634

iscntrl 634, 637

isdigit 634 , 636

isgraph 634, 637

islower 634, 636


isprint 634, 637

ispunct 634, 637

isspace 634, 637

istream 420

istream class 452, 457, 464, 471, 473, 609

peek function 425

seekg function 452

tellg function 452

istream member function ignore 312

istream_iterator 481

istringstream 611

istringstream class 609 , 611

isupper 634, 636

isxdigit 634, 634

iter_swap algorithm 537, 538 , 558

iterating 82

iteration 182, 184

Iterative factorial solution 183

iterative model 688

iterative solution 176 , 184

<iterator> header 141, 540, 542

iterator 198, 475 , 607, 608

iterator 479, 480, 481, 484, 503, 608

iterator invalidation 519

iterator operations 484

iterator pointing to first element past the end of container 480

iterator pointing to the first element of the container 480

iterator typedef 483

iterator-category hierarchy 483


Jacobson, Ivar 684

Jacopini, G. 70

Java programming language 16

Jobs, Steve 16

justified field 435


key 500

keyboard 9, 27, 115, 417, 419, 445

Keypad class (ATM case study) 690, 693, 695, 708, 715, 716, 720, 728

key–value pair 477 , 505, 507, 508

keywords 72

and 668

and_eq 669

auto 213

bitand 669

bitor 669

class 173, 583

compl 669

const 163

enum 149

enum class 150

enum struct 150

explicit 52 , 339

extern 154

inline 163

mutable 663

namespace 665 , 667

not 668

not_eq 668

or 668

or_eq 669

private 47

public 39

static 154

table of keywords 72

template 583

throw 566

typedef 418

typename 173, 583

void 40

xor 669

xor_eq 669


label 155

labels in a switch structure 155

lambda expression 518, 556

lambda function 556

lambda introducer 557

large object 166

last-in, first-out (LIFO) 158

data structure 477, 509

order 582, 587

late binding 384

leading 0 436

leading 0x and leading 0X 432, 436

left brace ({) 21 , 24

left justification 110 , 434

left-shift operator (<<) 304, 621 , 621, 627, 628

left side of an assignment 128, 187, 276, 328

left stream manipulator 110 , 432, 433 , 433

left-to-right associativity 98

left value 128

left-shift assignment operator (<<=) 629

left-shift operator (<<) 419

left-to-right associativity 35

left-to-right evaluation 29, 30

legacy C code 792

legacy code 797

length member function of class string 593

length of a string 254

length of a substring 340

length_error exception 493, 578 , 599

less function object 554

less_equal function object 554

less< double > 505

less< int > 501 , 505

less-than operator 32, 480

less-than-or-equal-to operator 32

lexicographical 597

lexicographical_compare algorithm 522, 524 , 559

lifeline of an object in a UML sequence diagram 719

LIFO (last-in, first-out) 158, 477, 509

order 582, 587

<limits> header 141

line 30

line number 796

line of communication with a file 448, 450

line of text 424

__LINE__ predefined symbolic constant 796

link 6

linkage 152 , 667

linker 7

Linux 15

shell prompt 9

Linux operating system 15

<list> header 140

list class 485, 494

list functions

assign 498

merge 498

pop_back 498

pop_front 498

push_front 497

remove 498

sort 497

splice 497

swap 498

unique 498

<list> header 494

list initialization 94

list initializer 227, 271

dynamically allocated array 322

vector 490


floating point 89

live-code approach xxiii

load 6

loader 8, 8

local automatic object 275

local variable 44 , 154, 156

<locale> header 141

log function 132

log10 function 132

logarithm 132

logic error 6 , 32

logic_error exception 578

logical AND 668

logical AND (&&) 123

logical negation 123 , 124

logical NOT (!) 123, 124 , 668

logical operator keywords 668

logical operators 123

logical OR (||) 123, 124 , 626, 668

logical_and function object 554

logical_not function object 554

logical_or function object 554

long data type 120

long double data type 138

long int 177

long int data type 120, 139

long long data type 120, 138

long long int data type 138

loop 72 , 79

loop-continuation condition 72 , 101 , 102, 104, 105, 110, 111

loop counter 101

loop-continuation condition fails 182

looping statement 72

loss of data 442

lower_bound algorithm 548 , 558

lower_bound function of associative container 503

lowercase letter 634, 636

lowercase letters 26, 140

“lowest type” 138

low-level I/O capabilities 417

lvalue (“left value”) 128 , 167, 187, 231, 232, 276, 328, 335, 500

lvalues as rvalues 128


m-by-n array 211

Mac OS X 15, 16

machine code 110

machine dependent 247

machine language 153

Macintosh 16

macro 139

macro argument 793

macro definition 796

macro expansion 793

macro-identifier 792

macros 791

magnitude 434

magnitude right justified 432

main 21, 24

“make your point” 146

make_heap algorithm 550 , 559

make_pair 507

mandatory function prototypes 137

mangled function name 171

manipulating individual characters 633

manipulator 109

manipulators 446

many-to-one relationship 697

<map> header 140, 505 , 507

mapped values 500

mask 623

“masked off” 623

matching catch block 564

math library 140

math library functions 109, 131

ceil 131

cos 131

exp 131

fabs 131

floor 131

fmod 131

log 132

log10 132

pow 132

sin 132

sqrt 132

tan 132

mathematical algorithms 529

mathematical algorithms of the Standard Library 529

max algorithm 552 , 559

max_element algorithm 529, 532 , 559

max_size member function of a string 601

max_size member function of containers 478

maximum function 132

maximum length of a string 601

maximum size of a string 599

mean 30

member function 4 , 38, 39, 726

argument 41

implementation in a separate source-code file 59

parameter 41

member function automatically inlined 261

member function call 5

member function calls for const objects 281

member function calls often concise 262

member function defined in a class definition 261

member function definitions of class Integer 576

member functions that take no arguments 262

member-initializer list 52 , 283, 286, 675

member object

default constructor 288

initializer 287

member selection operator (.) 265, 293, 384, 576

memberwise assignment 279 , 308

memberwise copy 332

memchr 656, 658

memcmp 656, 657

memcpy 655, 656

memmove 656, 657

<memory> header 140

memory 153

memory address 229

memory consumption 407

memory functions of the string-handling library 655

memory handling

function memchr 658

function memcmp 658

function memcpy 656

function memmove 657

function memset 659

<memory> header 575

memory leak 322 , 476, 575, 577, 607

prevent 577

memory-access violation 476

memset 656, 659

merge algorithm 538, 540 , 558

merge in the UML 705

merge member function of list 498

merge symbol 79

message in the UML 714 , 716, 717, 720

message passing in the UML 719


Visual C++ 6

Microsoft Visual C++ 669

Microsoft Windows 116

min algorithm 552 , 559

min_element algorithm 529, 532 , 559

minmax algorithm 552 , 559

minmax_element algorithm 529, 532 , 553 , 559

minus function object 554

minus sign (-) indicating private visibility in the UML 726

minus sign, – (UML) 50

mismatch algorithm 522, 524 , 558

mission-critical computing 565

mixed-type expression 138

model of a software system 694, 702, 735

modifiable lvalue 308, 328, 335

modify a constant pointer 243

modify address stored in pointer variable 243

modulus function object 554

modulus operator (%) 28 , 29, 142, 146

monetary formats 141

most derived class 681

move algorithm 540 , 558

move assignment operator 334, 480

move constructor 334, 370, 478, 480

move semantics 334, 480

move_backward algorithm 540 , 558

Mozilla Foundation 15

multidimensional array 211

multimap associative container 505

multiple 28

multiple inheritance 345 , 418, 672 , 673, 674, 675, 677

multiple inheritance demonstration 673

multiple parameters to a function 44

multiple-selection statement 72 , 112

multiple-source-file program

compilation and linking process 62

multiple-statement body 34

multiplication 28, 29

multiplicative operators (*, /, %) 90

multiplicity 694

multiplies function object 554


data member 663 , 663, 664

demonstration 664

keyword 152 , 663

mutable data member 664

mutating sequence algorithms 558

mutator 49


name decoration 171

name function of class type_info 413

name handle 264

on an object 264

name mangling 171

name mangling to enable type-safe linkage 172

name of a control variable 101

name of a source file 796

name of a user-defined class 39

name of a variable 152

name of an array 187

named constant 191

namespace 22

alias 668

global 667

nested 667

qualifier 668

unnamed 667

namespace 665

namespace alias 668

namespace keyword 665 , 667

namespace member 665

namespace scope 155

namespaces 665

naming conflict 291, 665

narrowing conversion 95

natural logarithm 132

navigability arrow in the UML 726


near container 477

negate function object 554

nested blocks 155

nested control statement 92

nested for statement 194, 214, 219

nested if...else statement 76 , 77

nested message in the UML 718

nested namespace 667

nested namespace 667

nested parentheses 29

NetBeans 7

network connection 417

network message arrival 570

new 332

new calls the constructor 321

new failure handler 574

<new> header 572

new operator 321

new returning 0 on failure 573

new stream manipulators 430

new throwing bad_alloc on failure 572, 573

newline (' ') escape sequence 22 , 28, 35, 118, 252, 421, 637

next_permutation algorithm 559

NeXTSTEP operating system 16

noboolalpha stream manipulator 438

noexcept keyword 571

non-const member function 282

non-const member function called on a const object 282

non-const member function on a non-const object 282

nonconstant pointer to constant data 241

nonconstant pointer to nonconstant data 241

noncontiguous memory layout of a deque 499

nondeterministic random numbers 144

none_of algorithm 533, 536 , 558

nonfatal logic error 32

nonfatal runtime error 9

non-member, friend function 313

non-member function to overload an operator 336

nonmodifiable function code 264

nonmodifiable lvalue 226, 308

nonmodifying sequence algorithms 557, 558

nonparameterized stream manipulator 90

nonrecoverable failures 442

non-static member function 291, 301, 337

nontype template parameter 589

nonzero treated as true 127

noshowbase stream manipulator 432, 436

noshowpoint stream manipulator 432

noshowpos stream manipulator 432, 434

noskipws stream manipulator 432

NOT (!; logical NOT) 123

not equal 32

not operator keyword 668

not_eq operator keyword 668

not_equal_to function object 554

note 71

nothrow object 573

nothrow_t type 573

noun phrase in requirements specification 692, 698

nouppercase stream manipulator 432, 438

nth_element algorithm 558

NULL 231

null character ('') 253 , 254, 426, 640, 645

null pointer (0) 230 , 232, 449, 639

null statement 78

null terminated 606

null-terminated string 255, 421

nullptr constant 230

number of arguments 136

number of elements in an array 245

<numeric> 532

numeric algorithms 553, 559

<numeric> header 559

numerical data type limits 141


object 2, 3

object (or instance) 5, 717

object code 7, 62

object leaves scope 272

object of a derived class 377, 380

object of a derived class is instantiated 369

object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) 6 , 683

object-oriented design (OOD) 683, 690, 692, 698, 702, 707, 726

object-oriented language 6

object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 , 6 , 16 , 258, 343, 2

object serialization 473

object’s vtable pointer 410

Objective-C 16

objects contain only data 264

oct stream manipulator 427 , 432, 436

octal (base-8) number system 427, 432, 649

octal number 421, 436, 634, 650

octal number system (base 8) 781

off-by-one error 104

offset 410

offset from the beginning of a file 452

offset to a pointer 250

ofstream 446, 448, 450, 451, 461, 464, 466

constructor 448

open function 448

one’s complement 627, 788

one’s complement operator (~) 621

one-pass algorithm 482

ones position 781

one-to-many mapping 477

one-to-many relationship 505 , 697

one-to-one mapping 477, 507

one-to-one relationship 697

OOAD (object-oriented analysis and design) 6, 683

OOD (object-oriented design) 683, 690, 692, 698, 702, 707

OOP (object-oriented programming) 2, 6 , 343

open a file for input 448

open a file for output 448

open a nonexistent file 449

open function of ofstream 448

Open Handset Alliance 16

open source 15 , 16

opened 445

operand 22 , 27, 28, 75

operating system 15 , 16

operation (UML) 41

operation compartment in a class diagram 708

operation in the UML 41, 694, 707, 708, 711, 728, 731, 736

operation parameter in the UML 44, 708, 711, 712


associativity 126

overloading 28 , 173, 304 , 416, 621

precedence 29, 98, 126, 629

precedence and associativity chart 35

operator keywords 669

operator keywords 308, 668 , 669

operator keywords demonstration 669

operator overloading

decrement operators 315

increment operators 315

operator void* 452

operator void* member function 442

operator void* member function of ios 449

operator! member function 314, 442, 449

operator!= 335

operator() overloaded operator 553


const version 335

non-const version 335

operator+ 308

operator++ 315, 321

operator++( int ) 315

operator<< 313, 331

operator= 333, 478

operator== 334, 523

operator>> 312, 331


! (logical NOT operator) 123, 124

!= (inequality operator) 32

.* and ->* 670

() (parentheses operator) 29

* (multiplication operator) 29

* (pointer dereference or indirection) 232 , 232

*= multiplication assignment 96

/ (division operator) 29

/= division assignment 96

&& (logical AND operator) 123

% (modulus operator) 29

%= modulus assignment 96

+ (addition operator) 27, 29

+= 595

+= addition assignment 95

< (less-than operator) 32

<< (stream insertion operator) 22 , 28

<= (less-than-or-equal-to operator) 32

= (assignment operator) 27, 29, 125

-= subtraction assignment 96

== (equality operator) 32, 125

> (greater-than operator) 32

>= (greater-than-or-equal-to operator) 32

|| (logical OR operator) 123, 124

addition assignment (+=) 95

address (&) 232

arithmetic 95

arrow member selection (->) 265

assignment 95

conditional (?:) 75

const_cast 661

decrement (--) 96 , 97

delete 321

dot (.) 40

increment (++) 96

member selection (.) 265

multiplicative (*, /, %) 90

new 321

parentheses (()) 90

postfix decrement 96

postfix increment 96 , 98

prefix decrement 96

prefix increment 96 , 98

scope resolution (::) 60

sizeof 244 , 245

static_cast 90

ternary 75

typeid 413

unary minus (-) 90

unary plus (+) 90

unary scope resolution (::) 169

optimizations on constants 281

optimizing compiler 110, 154

OR (||; logical OR) 123

or operator keyword 668

or_eq operator keyword 669

order in which constructors and destructors are called 274

order in which destructors are called 272

order in which operators are applied to their operands 180

order of evaluation 181

ordered associative containers 476 , 500

original format settings 440

OS X 16

ostream 452, 457, 466, 473

ostream class 418

seekp function 452

tellp function 452

ostream_iterator 481

ostringstream class 609

other character sets 592

out-of-range array subscript 570

out-of-range element 328

out of scope 158

out_of_bounds exception 493

out_of_range class 335

out_of_range exception 493, 514, 578 , 595

out_of_range exception class 226

outer block 155

outer for structure 214

out-of-bounds array elements 198

output a floating-point value 432

output buffering 443

output data items of built-in type 419

output format of floating-point numbers 437

output iterator 482, 484, 521, 529, 542, 545

output of char * variables 421

output of characters 420

output of floating-point values 421

output of integers 421

output of standard data types 420

output of uppercase letters 421

output sequence 481

output stream 492

output to string in memory 140

outputting to strings in memory 609

overflow 570

overflow_error exception 578

overhead of a function call 793

overload the addition operator (+) 308

overload unary operator ! 314

overloaded [] operator 328

overloaded << operator 314

overloaded addition assignment operator (+=) 316

overloaded assignment (=) operator 327, 333

overloaded binary operators 309

overloaded cast operator function 337

overloaded constructors 371

overloaded equality operator (==) 327, 334

overloaded function 171, 589

overloaded function call operator () 340

overloaded function definitions 170

overloaded increment operator 316

overloaded inequality operator 327, 335

overloaded operator

() 553

overloaded operator += 320

overloaded operator[] member function 335

overloaded postfix increment operator 316, 320

overloaded prefix increment operator 316, 320

overloaded stream insertion and stream extraction operators 311

overloaded stream insertion operator 675

overloaded subscript operator 328, 335

overloading 28, 170

constructor 271

overloading + 309

overloading << and >> 173

overloading binary operator < 310

overloading binary operators 309

overloading function call operator () 340

overloading operators 173

overloading postfix increment operator 315, 321

overloading prefix and postfix decrement operators 315

overloading prefix and postfix increment operators 315

overloading resolution 589

overloading stream insertion and stream extraction operators 310, 316, 320, 327, 331

overloading template functions 589

overloading the stream insertion operator 473

override a function 383

override keyword 384


pad with specified characters 421

padding 633

padding characters 429 , 432, 433, 435

padding in a structure 633

pair 503

pair of braces {} 34, 66

parameter 41 , 43

parameter in the UML 44, 708, 711, 712

parameter list 43 , 52

parameterized stream manipulator 90 , 109, 418 , 427, 452

parameterized type 582

parentheses operator (()) 29, 90

parentheses to force order of evaluation 35

partial_sort algorithm 558

partial_sort_copy algorithm 558

partial_sum algorithm 559

partition algorithm 558

partition_copy algorithm 558

partition_point algorithm 558

Pascal case 39

pass-by-reference 164 , 229, 235, 237

with a pointer parameter used to cube a variable’s value 235

with pointer parameters 233

with reference parameters 165, 233

pass-by-reference with pointers 166

pass-by-value 164 , 165, 233, 234, 236, 243

used to cube a variable’s value 234

passing arguments by value and by reference 165

passing large objects 166

passing options to a program 240

“past the end” iterator 532

peek function of istream 425

percent sign (%) (modulus operator) 28

perform a task 40

perform an action 22

performance 3

PI 792, 793

plus function object 554

plus sign 434

plus sign (+) indicating public visibility in the UML 726

plus sign, + (UML) 41

pointer 247

pointer 479

pointer arithmetic 247 , 248, 250, 489

machine dependent 247

pointer assignment 249

pointer-based strings 252

pointer comparison 249

pointer dereference (*) operator 232

pointer expression 247, 250

pointer handle 264

pointer manipulation 407

pointer notation 251

pointer operators & and * 232

pointer to a function 407

pointer to an object 242

pointer to void (void *) 249

pointer variable 575

pointer/offset notation 250

pointer/subscript notation 250

pointer-based string 606

pointers and array subscripting 249, 250

pointers and arrays 249

pointers declared const 243

pointers to dynamically allocated storage 293, 334

pointer-to-member operators

.* 670

->* 670

point-of-sale system 456

poll analysis program 196

polymorphic exception processing 572

polymorphic programming 390, 410

polymorphic screen manager 376

polymorphically invoking functions in a derived class 678

polymorphism 373, 375

polymorphism and references 407

polynomial 31

pop 587

pop function of container adapters 509

pop member function of priority_queue 512

pop member function of queue 511

pop member function of stack 509

pop_back member function of list 498

pop_front 494, 495, 500, 511

pop_heap algorithm 551 , 559

Portability Tips overview xxiv

portable 2

position number 186

positional notation 781

positional value 781 , 782

positional values in the decimal number system 782

postdecrement 96 , 98

postfix decrement operator 96

postfix increment operator 96 , 98

postincrement 96 , 320

postincrement an iterator 484

pow function 108 , 110, 132

power 132

precedence 29, 31, 35, 98, 104, 124, 180

precedence chart 35

precedence not changed by overloading 309

precedence of the conditional operator 75

precision 90 , 421, 426

format of a floating-point number 91

precision function of ios_base 427

precision of a floating-point value 85

precision of floating-point numbers 427

precision setting 428

predecrement 96 , 98

predefined function objects 553

predefined symbolic constants 796

predicate function 265 , 497, 523, 526, 529, 532, 536, 537, 540, 545, 550

prefix decrement operator 96 , 97

prefix increment operator 96 , 98

preincrement 96 , 320

preprocessing directives 7, 21

preprocessor 6, 7, 137, 791

preprocessor directives

#ifndef 259

#define 259

#endif 259

prev_permutation algorithm 559

prevent memory leak 577

preventing headers from being included more than once 259

primary memory 8

primitive data type promotion 90

principal 108

principle of least privilege 153 , 239, 240, 243, 281, 450, 483

print a line of text 20

printer 9, 417


line of text with multiple statements 23

multiple lines of text with a single statement 24

unsigned integer in bits 622

priority_queue adapter class 512

empty function 513

pop function 512

push function 512

size function 513

top function 513


access specifier 47 , 726

base class 372

base-class data cannot be accessed from derived class 358

inheritance 345

members of a base class 345

static data member 298

private libraries 7

probability 141

program development environment 6

program execution stack 159

program in the general 375

program in the specific 375

program termination 275, 276

programmer-defined function

maximum 132

promotion 90

promotion hierarchy for built-in data types 138

promotion rules 138

prompt 27 , 88

prompting message 443

proprietary classes 372

protected 361

protected access specifier 258

protected base class 372

protected base-class data can be accessed from derived class 363

protected inheritance 345 , 372

pseudorandom numbers 144


keyword 726, 731

method 260

public access specifier 39

public base class 372

public inheritance 343, 345

public keyword 39

public member of a derived class 346

public services of a class 58

public static class member 298

public static member function 298

punctuation mark 644

pure specifier 391

pure virtual function 391 , 407

push 587

push function of container adapters 509

push member function of priority_queue 512

push member function of queue 511

push member function of stack 509

push_back member function of class template vector 227

push_back member function of vector 488

push_front member function of deque 499

push_front member function of list 497

push_heap algorithm 551, 559

put file-position pointer 457, 462

put member function 421, 422

put pointer 452

putback function of istream 425


qualified name 369

<queue> header 140

queue adapter class 511

back function 511

empty function 511

front function 511

pop function 511

push function 511

size function 511

<queue> header 511 , 512

quotation marks 22


radians 131

raise to a power 132

rand function 141, 142

RAND_MAX symbolic constant 141

random integers in range 1 to 6 142

random number 144

random_shuffle algorithm 529, 531 , 558

random-access file 445, 457 , 458, 464, 466

random-access iterator 482, 483, 498, 501, 518, 524, 531, 536, 550, 551

random-access iterator operations 484

randomizing 144

randomizing the die-rolling program 145

range 481 , 532

range checking 324, 595

range-based for 595, 608

range-based for statement 200

Rational Software Corporation 690

Rational Unified Process™ 690

raw data 456

raw data processing 445

rbegin member function of class string 608

rbegin member function of containers 479

rbegin member function of vector 490

rdstate function of ios_base 442

read 457, 464

read a line of text 43

read characters with getline 43

read data sequentially from a file 450

read function of istream 425

read member function 426

read member function of istream 457 , 471

read-only variable 191

Reading a random-access file sequentially 464

Reading and printing a sequential file 450

real number 85

record 446, 466

record format 459

recover from errors 442

recursion 175 , 182, 183

recursion step 176 , 179

recursive call 176 , 179

recursive function 175

recursive function factorial 178

recursive solution 184

redundant parentheses 31 , 123

reference 229, 416, 479

reference argument 233

reference parameter 164, 165 , 165

reference to a constant 166

reference to a private data member 276

reference to an automatic variable 167

reference to an int 165

referencing array elements 251

referencing array elements with the array name and with pointers 251

register declaration 154

register storage-class specifier 152

regular expression 17 , 609

reinterpret_cast operator 249, 458 , 461, 464

reinventing the wheel 3

relational operator 32 , 33

relational operators >, <, >=, and <= 122

release dynamically allocated memory 333

remainder after integer division 28

remove algorithm 526 , 558

remove member function of list 498

remove_copy algorithm 524, 526 , 558

remove_copy_if algorithm 524, 527 , 541 , 558

remove_if algorithm 524, 526 , 558

rend member function of class string 608

rend member function of containers 479

rend member function of vector 490


counter controlled 79 , 88

repetition statement 70, 73

do...while 110, 111

for 102 , 104

while 78, 102, 110

repetition terminates 78

replace 603

replace == operator with = 127

replace algorithm 527, 529 , 558

replace member function of class string 603, 605

replace_copy algorithm 527, 529 , 558

replace_copy_if algorithm 527, 529 , 558

replace_if algorithm 527, 529 , 558

replacement text 793, 796

for a macro or symbolic constant 792 , 794

requirements 5 , 683 , 688

requirements document 688, 689

requirements gathering 688

requirements specification 684

reset 514

resize member function of class string 601

resource leak 572

restore a stream’s state to “good” 442

resumption model of exception handling 565

rethrow an exception 567

return a result 137

Return key 27

return message in the UML 720

return statement 23, 47 , 137, 176

return type 40

void 40 , 48

return type in a function header 137

return type in the UML 708, 713

returning a reference from a function 167

returning a reference to a private data member 276

reusability 582

reusable software components 3

reuse 4, 54, 264

reverse algorithm 538, 541 , 558

reverse_copy algorithm 541, 542 , 558

reverse_iterator 479, 480, 484, 490, 608

rfind member function of class string 603

right brace (}) 21 , 23, 89

right justification 110 , 432, 433

right operand 22

right shift (>>) 621

right shift operator (>>) 304

right shift with sign extension assignment operator (>>=) 629

right stream manipulator 110 , 432, 433

right-to-left associativity 98

right value 128

rightmost (trailing) arguments 167

right-shift operator (>>) 419, 621, 622, 628

right-shifting a signed value is machine dependent 629

right-to-left associativity 35

Ritchie, Dennis 2

robust application 561 , 565

role in the UML 695

role name in the UML 695

rolling a die 142

rolling a six-sided die 6000 times 143

rolling two dice 146, 147

rotate algorithm 558

rotate_copy algorithm 558

round a floating-point number for display purposes 91

rounded rectangle (for representing a state in a UML state diagram) 703

rounding numbers 91 , 131

row subscript 211

rows 211

RTTI (runtime type information) 411 , 414

rules of operator precedence 29

Rumbaugh, James 684

runtime error 9

runtime type information (RTTI) 411 , 414

runtime_error class 562 , 570, 578

what function 567

rvalue (“right value”) 128 , 167, 328


SalariedEmployee class header 397

SalariedEmployee class implementation file 398

savings account 108

scaling 142

scaling factor 142 , 146

scientific notation 91 , 421, 437

scientific notation floating-point value 438

scientific stream manipulator 432, 437

scope 104 , 155, 665

scope of a symbolic constant or macro 794

scope of an identifier 152, 154

scope resolution operator (::) 60 , 298, 585, 665, 668, 672, 677

scoped enum 150

scope-resolution operator (::) 150


class 155

file 155

function 155

function prototype 155

namespace 155

scoping example 156

screen 9, 21

Screen class (ATM case study) 693, 695, 708, 714, 715, 716, 718, 720, 728

screen-manager program 376

scrutinize data 259

search algorithm 558

search functions of the string-handling library 651

search key 500

search_n algorithm 558

searching 533

searching arrays 209

searching blocks of memory 655

searching strings 639, 646

second data member of pair 503

second-degree polynomial 31

secondary storage device 445

secondary storage devices

CD 445

DVD 445

flash drive 445

hard disk 445

tape 445

second-degree polynomial 31

“secret” implementation details 663

security flaws 198

seed 146

seed function rand 144

seek direction 452

seek get 452

seek put 452

seekg function of istream 452 , 472

seekp function of ostream 452 , 462

select a substring 340

selection statement 70 , 73

self assignment 333

self-assignment 293

self-documenting 26

semicolon (;) 22 , 34, 78, 791

semicolon that terminates a structure definition 617

send a message to an object 5

sentinel value 85 , 89, 116

separate interface from implementation 58

sequence 210, 481 , 538, 540

sequence container 476 , 483, 485, 493, 497

back function 492

empty function 493

front function 492

insert function 493

sequence diagram in the UML 691 , 716

sequence of messages in the UML 717

sequence of random numbers 144

sequence statement 70 , 71, 73

sequence-statement activity diagram 71

sequential execution 70

sequential file 445, 446, 447, 450, 456

serialized object 473

services of a class 49

<set> header 140

set a value 49

set and get functions 48

set associative container 504

set function 288

<set> header 501, 504

set_intersection 545

set_new_handler function 572 , 574

set of recursive calls to method Fibonacci 181

set operations of the Standard Library 543

set_difference algorithm 543, 545 , 559

set_intersection algorithm 543, 545 , 559

set_new_handler specifying the function to call when new fails 574

set_symmetric_difference algorithm 543, 545, 559

set_union algorithm 543, 546, 559

setbase stream manipulator 427

setfill stream manipulator 261 , 433, 435

setprecision stream manipulator 90 , 109, 427

setw 189, 312

setw parameterized stream manipulator 109

setw stream manipulator 254, 429, 433

Shape class hierarchy 345

shell prompt on Linux 9

shift a range of numbers 142

shifted, scaled integers 142

shifted, scaled integers produced by 1 + rand() % 6 142

shiftingValue 146

short-circuit evaluation 124

short data type 120

short int data type 120

showbase stream manipulator 432, 436

showpoint stream manipulator 91 , 432

showpos stream manipulator 432, 434

shrink_to_fit member function of classes vector and deque 490

shuffle algorithm 558

shuffling algorithm 619

side effect 164

side effect of an expression 154, 164, 181

sign extension 622

sign left justified 432

signal value 85

signature 137 , 171, 315

signatures of overloaded prefix and postfix increment operators 315

significant digits 433

simple condition 122 , 124

sin function 132

sine 132

single-argument constructor 339, 340

single-entry/single-exit control statement 73 , 74

single inheritance 345 , 677

single-line comment 21

single-precision floating-point number 89

single quote 23

single quote (') 252

single-selection if statement 72 , 76

singly linked list 476, 494

six-sided die 142

size function of string 461

size member function of array 187

size member function of class string 64 , 593

size member function of containers 478

size member function of priority_queue 513

size member function of queue 511

size member function of stack 509

size member function of vector 224

size of a string 599

size of a variable 152

size of an array 244

size_t 189 , 458

size_t type 244

size_type 480

sizeof 464, 651, 794

sizeof operator 244 , 245, 291

used to determine standard data type sizes 245

sizeof operator when applied to an array name returns the number of bytes in the array 245

skip remainder of switch statement 121

skip remaining code in loop 122

skipping whitespace 426, 432

skipws stream manipulator 432

small circle symbol 71

smart pointer xxi , 18

smartphone 16

software engineering 58

data hiding 47 , 49

encapsulation 49

reuse 54, 57

separate interface from implementation 58

set and get functions 48

Software Engineering Observations overview xxiv

software life cycle 688

software reuse 3, 343, 582, 672

solid circle (for representing an initial state in a UML diagram) in the UML 703 , 705

solid circle enclosed in an open circle (for representing the end of a UML activity diagram) 705

solid circle symbol 71

solid diamonds (representing composition) in the UML 695

sort algorithm 209 , 533, 536 , 558

sort member function of list 497

sort_heap algorithm 550 , 559

sorting 446, 533

sorting and related algorithms 557

sorting arrays 209

sorting order 536, 540

sorting strings 141

source code 6 , 372

source-code file 54

SourceForge 15

spaces for padding 435

space-time trade-off 466

special character 253

special characters 26

specialization in the UML 734

spiral 179

splice member function of list 497

splice_after member function of class template forward_list 498

sqrt function of <cmath> header 132

square function 139

square root 132, 428

srand function 144

srand( time( 0 ) ) 146

<sstream> header 140, 609, 609

stable_partition algorithm 558

stable_sort algorithm 558

<stack> header 140

stack 158 , 582

stack adapter class 509

empty function 509

pop function 509

push function 509

size function 509

top function 509

Stack class template 582, 589

stack frame 159

<stack> header 509

stack overflow 159 , 176

stack unwinding 566 , 569, 571

Stack< double > 585, 588

stack<int> 588

Stack<T> 587

standard data type sizes 245

standard error stream (cerr) 9

standard exception classes 578

standard input object (cin) 27

standard input stream (cin) 9 , 418

standard input stream object (cin) 445

Standard Library

class string 305

container classes 476

deque class template 499

exception classes 579

exception hierarchy 578

headers 141, 791

list class template 495

map class template 508

multimap class template 506

multiset class template 501

priority_queue adapter class 513

queue adapter class templates 512

set class template 504

stack adapter class 509

vector class template 487

standard output object (cout) 22 , 418

standard output stream (cout) 9

standard output stream object (cout) 445

standard stream libraries 418

Standard Template Library 475

state 690

state bits 422

state diagram for the ATM object 703

state diagram in the UML 703

state in the UML 690 , 705

state machine diagram in the UML 690 , 703

state of an object 698, 703

statement 22 , 40

statement spread over several lines 35

statement terminator (;) 22


break 118, 121

continue 121

do...while 110, 111

for 102 , 104

if 32

return 23

switch 112, 119

throw 261

try 226

while 102, 110

static array initialization 198, 199

static array initialization and automatic array initialization 199

static binding 384

static_cast<int> 116

static data member 207, 297 , 298

static data member tracking the number of objects of a class 300

static data members save storage 298

static keyword 154

static linkage specifier 667

static local object 273, 275

static local variable 156, 158, 198, 521

static member 298

static member function 298

static storage class 152

static storage duration 153, 154, 155

static storage-class specifier 152

static_cast 98, 126

static_cast (compile-time type-checked cast) 188

static_cast operator 90

status bits 442

std namespace 592

std::cin 27

std::cout 21

std::endl stream manipulator 28

__STDC__ predefined symbolic constant 797

<stdexcept> header 140, 562 , 578

StepStone 16

“sticky” setting 261

sticky setting 110 , 125

STL 475

STL algorithms

accumulate 553

STL exception types 493

stod function 612

stof function 612

stoi function 612

stol function 612

stold function 612

stoll function 612

storage alignment 617

storage duration 152

automatic 153

dynamic 153

static 153

thread 153

storage unit 633

storage-class specifiers 152

extern 152

mutable 152

register 152

static 152

storage-unit boundary 633

stoul function 612

stoull function 612

str member function 610

str member function of class ostringstream 609

straight-line form 29 , 30

strcat function of header <cstring> 639, 641

strchr 651

strcmp function of header <cstring> 639, 642

strcpy function of header <cstring> 639, 640

strcspn 651, 652

stream base 427

stream extraction operator 419

stream extraction operator >> (“get from”) 27 , 34, 173, 304, 310, 332, 419, 422, 473

stream I/O class hierarchy 446

stream input 419, 422

stream input/output 21

stream insertion operator << (“put to”) 22 , 23, 28, 173, 304, 310, 332, 419, 420, 449, 675

stream manipulator 28 , 109, 426 , 434, 452

stream manipulators 90

boolalpha 125 , 438

dec 427

fixed 91 , 437

hex 427

internal 434

left 110 , 433

noboolalpha 438

noshowbase 436

noshowpoint 432

noshowpos 432, 434

nouppercase 432, 438

oct 427

right 110 , 433

scientific 437

setbase 427

setfill 261 , 435

setprecision 90 , 109, 427

setw 109 , 254, 429

showbase 436

showpoint 91 , 432

showpos 434

std::endl (end line) 28

stream of bytes 417

stream of characters 22

stream operation failed 442

stream output 419

<string> header 140

string 477

size function 461

string assignment 593, 594

string assignment and concatenation 594

string being tokenized 645

string class 43 , 304, 307, 593

at member function 308

size member function 64

substr member function 66 , 307

string class copy constructor 592

string class from the Standard Library 140

string comparison 595

string concatenation 593

string constant 253

string-conversion function 646

atof 647

atoi 648

atol 648

strtod 649

strtol 649

strtoul 650

string find member function 601

string find member functions 601

<string> header 43 , 592, 56

string insert functions 605

string insert member function 605

string length 645

string literal 22 , 253

string object

empty string 48

initial value 48

string of characters 22

string-search function

strchr 652

strcspn 652

strpbrk 653

strrchr 653

strspn 654

strstr 655

string stream processing 609

string::npos 603

strings as full-fledged objects 252

strlen function 640, 645

strncat function 639, 641

strncmp function 640, 642

strncpy function 639, 640

Stroustrup, B. 2

strpbrk 651, 653

strrchr 651, 653

strspn 651, 654

strstr 651, 654

strtod 646, 648

strtok function 640, 644

strtol 647, 649 , 649

strtoul 647, 650

struct 616

structure 616, 792

structure definition 616, 630

structure members default to private access 616

structure name 616

structure of a system 702, 703

structure type 616

structured programming 70

student-poll-analysis program 196

subclass 343

subobject of a base class 678

subproblem 176

subscript 186

subscript 0 (zero) 186

subscript operator 500

subscript operator [] 595

subscript operator [] used with strings 593

subscript operator for map 507

subscript out of range 493

subscript through a vector 493

subscripted name used as an rvalue 328

subscripting 498

subscripting with a pointer and an offset 251

substr 598

substr member function of class string 66 , 598

substr member function of string 307

substring 340

substring length 340

substring of a string 598

subtract one pointer from another 247

subtraction 29

sum of the elements of an array 193

summing integers with the for statement 107

superclass 343

survey 196, 198

swap algorithm 538 , 558

swap member function of class string 598

swap member function of containers 478

swap member function of list 498

swap_ranges algorithm 537, 538 , 558

swapping strings 598

swapping two strings 598

switch logic 390

switch multiple-selection statement 112 , 119

switch multiple-selection statement activity diagram with break statements 120

symbol 592

symbol values 781

symbolic constant 791 , 792 , 794, 796

symbolic constant NDEBUG 797

symbolic constant PI 793

synchronize operation of an istream and an ostream 443

synchronous call 717

synchronous error 570

system 690

system behavior 690

system requirements 688

system structure 690


tab 35

tab escape sequence 118

Tab key 22

tab stop 23

table of values 211

tablet computer 16

tabular format 189

tails 142

tan function 132

tangent 132

tape 445

tellg function of istream 452

tellp function of ostream 452

template 792

default type argument for a type parameter 589

template definition 174

template function 173

template keyword 173 , 583

template parameter 583

template parameter list 173

temporary object 337

temporary value 90, 139

terminate a program 574

terminate normally 449

terminate successfully 23

terminating condition 177

terminating null character 253, 254, 607, 640, 645

terminating right brace (}) of a block 155

termination condition 198

termination housekeeping 272

termination model of exception handling 565

termination test 182

ternary conditional operator (?:) 181

ternary operator 75

test 514

test characters 140

test state bits after an I/O operation 422

text editor 450

text file 466

text-printing program 20

text substitution 793

this pointer 291 , 293, 301, 334

this pointer used explicitly 291

this pointer used implicitly and explicitly to access members of an object 292

thread storage duration 153

throw an exception 226 , 260, 261, 564

throw exceptions derived from standard exceptions 579

throw exceptions not derived from standard exceptions 579

throw keyword 566

throw point 565

throw standard exceptions 579

tie an input stream to an output stream 443

tilde character (~) 272

Time class containing a constructor with default arguments 266

Time class definition 258

Time class definition modified to enable cascaded member-function calls 294

Time class member-function definitions 259

Time class member-function definitions, including a constructor that takes arguments 267

time function 146

__TIME__ predefined symbolic constant 797

time source file is compiled 797

to_string function 612

token 640, 644

tokenizing strings 639, 644

tolower 634, 636

top member function of priority_queue 513

top member function of stack 509

total 154

toupper 634, 636

trailing return type 557

trailing return type (function) 175

trailing return types 175

trailing zeros 432

Transaction class (ATM case study) 733, 734, 735, 738, 772

transaction processing 505

transaction-processing program 466

transaction-processing system 456

transfer of control 70

transform algorithm 529, 533, 558

transition 71

transition arrow 71 , 74, 78, 79

transition between states in the UML 703

translation 7

translation unit 667

traversal 607

trigonometric cosine 131

trigonometric sine 132

trigonometric tangent 132

true 32

true 73, 74 , 75

truncate 28 , 83 , 90 , 448

truncate fractional part of a double 138

truth table 123

! (logical NOT) operator 125

&& (logical AND) operator 123

|| (logical OR) operator 124

try block 226 , 564, 567, 570, 571

try block expires 565

try statement 226

Turing Machine 70

two-dimensional array 211 , 215

two-dimensional array manipulations 215

two’s complement 788

notation 788

twos position 783

tying an output stream to an input stream 443

type checking 793, 794

type field 473

type information 473

type name (enumerations) 149

type of a variable 152

type of the this pointer 292

type parameter 173, 583, 589

type-safe linkage 171

type_info class 413

typedef 418 , 592, 609, 618

fstream 420

ifstream 420

in first-class containers 479

iostream 418

istream 418

ofstream 420

ostream 418

typeid 413 , 578

<typeinfo> header 140, 413

typename keyword 173, 583

type-safe I/O 425


UML (Unified Modeling Language) 6, 41, 683, 684, 690, 694, 701, 702, 733

action expression 71

action state 71

activity diagram 70 , 71, 78

arrow 71

attribute 41

class diagram 41

constructor in a class diagram 54

data types 44

decision symbol 74

diagram 690

diamond symbol 71 , 74

dotted line 71

final state 71

guard condition 74

guillemets (« and ») 54

initial state 71

merge symbol 79

minus sign (–) 50

note 71

plus sign (+) 41

public operation 41

Resource Center ( 691

small circle symbol 71

solid circle symbol 71

String type 44

transition 71

transition arrow 71 , 74, 78, 79

UML activity diagram 105

solid circle (for representing an initial state) in the UML 705

solid circle enclosed in an open circle (for representing the end of an activity) in the UML 705

UML class diagram

attribute compartment 701

constructor 54

operation compartment 708

UML sequence diagram

activation 720

arrowhead 720

lifeline 719

UML state diagram

rounded rectangle (for representing a state) in the UML 703

solid circle (for representing an initial state) in the UML 703

UML use case diagram

actor 689

use case 689

unary decrement operator (--) 96

unary increment operator (++) 96

unary minus (-) operator 90

unary operator 90 , 124, 231

unary operator overload 309, 314

unary plus (+) operator 90

unary predicate function 497, 526, 529

unary scope resolution operator (::) 169

unbuffered output 420

unbuffered standard error stream 418

#undef preprocessing directive 794, 796

undefined area in memory 618

underflow_error exception 579

underlying container 509

underlying data structure 512

underscore ( _ ) 26

unformatted I/O 417 , 418, 425

unformatted output 420, 422

Unicode 592

Unicode character set 417

Unified Modeling Language (UML) 6, 683, 684, 690, 694, 701, 702, 733

uniform initialization 94

uniform_int_distribution 151

unincremented copy of an object 321

unique algorithm 538, 540 , 558

unique keys 500, 504, 507

unique member function of list 498

unique_copy algorithm 541, 542 , 558

unique_ptr class 575

built-in array 578

universal-time format 260

UNIX 449

unnamed bit field 633

unnamed bit field with a zero width 633

unnamed namespace 667

unordered associative containers 476 , 477, 500

<unordered_map> header 140

unordered_map class template 477, 507

unordered_multimap class template 477, 505

unordered_multiset class template 477, 501

<unordered_set> header 140

unordered_set class template 477, 504

unscoped enum 150

unsigned char data type 139

unsigned data type 139, 145

unsigned int 91

unsigned int data type 139, 145

unsigned int fundamental type 82

unsigned integer in bits 622

unsigned long 178, 650

unsigned long data type 138

unsigned long int 177, 178

unsigned long int data type 138

unsigned long long data type 138

unsigned long long int 178

unsigned long long int data type 138

unsigned short data type 139

unsigned short int data type 139

untie an input stream from an output stream 443

unwinding the function call stack 568

update records in place 456

upper_bound algorithm 548 , 558

upper_bound function of associative container 503

uppercase letter 26, 140, 634, 636

uppercase stream manipulator 432, 436, 438

use case diagram in the UML 689 , 690

use case in the UML 688 , 689

use case modeling 688

user-defined class name 39

user-defined function 132

user-defined type 40 , 149, 337

using a dynamically allocated ostringstream object 610

using a function template 173

Using a static data member to maintain a count of the number of objects of a class 299

using an iterator to output a string 608

using arrays instead of switch 195

using declaration 34

in headers 56

using directive 34 , 665

in headers 56

using function swap to swap two strings 598

using Standard Library functions to perform a heapsort 548

Using virtual base classes 680

<utility> header 141

utility function 265


validation 64

validity checking 64

value 27

value initialize 238

value of a variable 152

value of an array element 187

value_type 479

variable 25

variable name

argument 44

parameter 44

variadic template 504

<vector> header 140

vector class 221

capacity function 488 , 488

crbegin function 490

crend function 490

push_back function 488

push_front function 488

rbegin function 490

rend function 490

vector class template 186 , 486

push_back member function 227

shrink_to_fit member function 490

vector class template element-manipulation functions 490

<vector> header 221

verb phrase in requirements specification 707

vertical spacing 102

vertical tab ('v') 634, 637

vi 6

virtual base class 661, 678, 679 , 680, 681

virtual destructor 389

virtual function 375, 383 , 407, 409, 678

call 409

call illustrated 408

table (vtable) 407

virtual inheritance 679

virtual memory 573, 574

visibility in the UML 726

visibility marker in the UML 726

Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition 7

void * 249 , 655

void keyword 40 , 48

void return type 138

volatile qualifier 661

volume of a cube 164

vtable 407 , 409, 410

vtable pointer 410


“walk off” either end of an array 323

warning message 66

waterfall model 688

wchar_t 592

wchar_t character type 418

“weakest” iterator type 482, 519

what member function of an exception object 226

what virtual function of class exception 562 , 567, 573

while repetition statement 72 , 78, 102, 110

while statement activity diagram 79

whitespace characters 21 , 22, 35, 422 , 423, 426, 634, 637, 791, 796

whole/part relationship 695

width implicitly set to 0 429

width member function of class ios_base 429

width of a bit field 630

width of random number range 146

width setting 429

Windows 15, 116

Windows operating system 15

Windows Phone 7 15

Withdrawal class (ATM case study) 693, 694, 695, 696, 699, 700, 705, 708, 715, 716, 719, 720, 728, 729, 731, 733, 734, 735, 737, 738, 739

word 617

word boundary 617

workflow of a portion of a software system 71

workflow of an object in the UML 704

Wozniak, Steve 16

wraparound 320

write 457, 462

write function of ostream 421, 425

writing data randomly to a random-access file 462


Xcode 7

Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) 16

XML (extensible markup language) 473

xor operator keyword 669

xor_eq operator keyword 669


zeroth element 186

zero-width bit field 633

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