Applying the Concepts

  1. 95. |x|=|y|

  2. 97.

  3. 99.

    1. $12 million (profit)

    2. $5.5 million (loss)

    3. t=2; it represents the ­beginning of September 2018, when there is neither profit nor loss.

    4. 8; it represents the profit in July 2018.

  4. 101.

    1. After 0 second: 320 ft; after 1 second: 432 ft; after 2 seconds: 512 ft; after 3 seconds: 560 ft; after 4 seconds: 576 ft; after 5 seconds: 560 ft; after 6 seconds: 512 ft

    2. 0t10

    3. t-intercept: 10; it represents the time when the object hits the ground. y-intercept: 320; it shows the height of the building.

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