Review Exercises

Building Skills

  1. List all of the numbers in the set

    {4,7, 5, 12, 0.31¯, 0, 0.2, 12} that are
    1. natural numbers.

    2. whole numbers.

    3. integers.

    4. rational numbers.

    5. irrational numbers.

    6. real numbers.

In Exercises 2–5, state which property of the real numbers is being used.

  1. 3x+1=1+3x

  2. π(x+y)=πx+πy

  3. (x2+1)0=0(x2+1)

  4. (x2+1)1=x2+1

In Exercises 6 and 7, write each interval in inequality notation and then graph each interval.

  1. [2,3)

  2. (, 1]

In Exercises 8 and 9, write each inequality in interval notation and then graph the interval.

  1. 1x<4

  2. x>0

In Exercises 10–13, rewrite each expression without absolute value bars.

  1. 12|2|

  2. |2|3||

  3. |5|7||

  4. |115|

In Exercises 14–37, evaluate each expression.

  1. 50

  2. (4)3

  3. 218217

  4. 24532

  5. (23)2

  6. 251/2

  7. (116)1/4

  8. 84/3

  9. (27)2/3

  10. (2536)3/2

  11. 81 3/2

  12. 253

  13. 3225

  14. 21×1063×107

  15. 10,0004

  16. 52

  17. (9)2

  18. 1253

  19. 31/2271/2

  20. 64 1/3

  21. 5 20

  22. (3+2)(32)

  23. (116)3/2

  24. 3270181

In Exercises 38–41, evaluate each expression for the given values of x and y.

  1. 4(x+7)+2y;x=3,y=4

  2. y6 xxy;x=4,y=2

  3. |x|x+|y|y;x=6,y=3

  4. xy;x=16,y= 12

In Exercises 42–49, simplify each expression. Write each answer with only positive exponents. Assume that all variables represent positive numbers.

  1. x6x9

  2. (x2)5

  3. x3y2

  4. (x3y1)2

  5. (xy3x5y)2

  6. (16x 2/3y 4/3)3/2

  7. (49x 4/3y2/3) 3/2

  8. (64y 9/2x3) 2/3

In Exercises 50–66, simplify each expression. Assume that all variables represent positive numbers.

  1. (2x2/3)(5x3/4)

  2. (7x1/4)(3x3/2)

  3. 32x2/38x1/4

  4. x5(2x)34x3

  5. (64x4y4)1/24y2

  6. (x2y4/3x1/3)6

  7. 73+375

  8. 6411

  9. 180x2

  10. 76324

  11. 7543+1283

  12. 2x 6x

  13. 75x2

  14. 100x34x

  15. 52x28x

  16. 41353+403

  17. y56x3189xy33

In Exercises 67–70, rationalize the denominator of each expression.

  1. 73

  2. 496

  3. 131+3

  4. 25+3345

  5. Write 3.7×(6.23×1012) in scientific notation.

  6. Write 3.19×1090.02×103 in decimal notation.

In Exercises 73–82, perform the indicated operations. Leave the resulting polynomial in standard form.

  1. (x36x2+4x2)+(3x36x2+5x4)

  2. (10x3+8x27x3)(5x3x2+4x9)

  3. (4x4+3x35x2+9)+(5x4+8x37x2+5)

  4. (8x4+4x3+3x2+5)+(7x4+3x3+8x23)

  5. (x12)(x3)

  6. (x7)2

  7. (x52)(x5+2)

  8. (4x3)(4x+3)

  9. (2x+5)(3x11)

  10. (3x6)(x2+2x+4)

In Exercises 83–104, factor each polynomial completely.

  1. x23x10

  2. x2+10x+9

  3. 24x238x11

  4. 15x2+33x+18

  5. x(x+11)+5(x+11)

  6. x3x2+2x2

  7. x4x3+7x7

  8. 9x2+24x+16

  9. 10x2+23x+12

  10. 8x2+18x+9

  11. 12x2+7x12

  12. x44x2

  13. 4x249

  14. 16x281

  15. x2+12x+36

  16. x210x+100

  17. 64x2+48x+9

  18. 8x31

  19. 8x3+27

  20. 7x37

  21. x3+5x216x80

  22. x3+6x29x54

In Exercises 105–118, perform the indicated operation. Simplify your answer.

  1. 4x9109x

  2. 2x23x+2+6x21

  3. 3x+5x2+14x+483x2x2+10x+16

  4. x+7x27x+653xx22x24

  5. x1x+1x+1x1

  6. x313x236x+6x2+x+1

  7. x12x34x292x2x1

  8. x2+2x8x2+5x+6x+2x+4

  9. x244x292x23x2x+4

  10. 3x217x+10x24x5x2+3x+2x2+x2

  11. 1x2x1x2+x

  12. xx2+x1x24

  13. xx3+xx3xx

  14. x+218x5x112x5

Applying the Concepts

  1. Assuming that a right triangle has legs a and b of lengths 20 and 21, respectively, find the length of the hypotenuse.

  2. One leg of a right triangle measures 5 inches. The hypotenuse is 1 inch longer than the other leg. Find the length of the hypotenuse.

  3. Find the area A and the perimeter P of a right triangle with hypotenuse of length 20 and a leg of length 12.

  4. Find the volume V of a box of length 13, width 7, and height 60.

  5. Find the area of a rectangular rug if its width is 6 feet and its diagonal measures 10 feet.

  6. The amount of alcohol in the body of a person who drinks x grams of alcohol every hour over a relatively long period is 4.2x10x grams. How many grams of alcohol will be in the body of a person who drinks 2 grams of alcohol every hour (over a relatively long period)?

  7. Because of the earth's curvature, the maximum distance a person can see from a height h above the ground is 7920h+h2, where h is given in miles. What is the maximum distance an airplane pilot can see when the plane is 0.7 mile above the ground?

  8. A contaminated reservoir contains 2% arsenic. The percentage (in decimal) of arsenic in the reservoir can be reduced by adding water. Assuming that the reservoir contains a million gallons of water, write a rational expression whose values give the percentage of arsenic in the reservoir when x gallons of water are added to it.

  9. The height (in feet) of an open fruit crate that is three times as long as it is wide is given by 363x28x, where x is the width of the box. Find the height of a fruit crate that is 2 feet wide.

  10. An object thrown down with an initial velocity of v0 feet per second will travel 16t2+v0t feet in t seconds. How far has an orange that is dropped from a hot air balloon traveled after 9 seconds if it has an initial downward velocity of 25 feet per second?

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