Chapter 4 Review and Tests


Definitions, Concepts, and Formulas Examples

4.1 Exponential Functions

  1. A function f(x)=ax, with a >0 and a1, is called an exponential function with base a and exponent x.

    Rules of exponents: axay=ax+y, axay=axy,

    (ab)x=axbx,(ab)x=axbx(ax)y=axy, a0=1,ax=1ax
  2. Exponential functions are one-to-one: If au=av, then u=v.

  3. If a>1, then f(x)=ax is an increasing function; f(x) as x  and f(x)0 as x .

  4. If 0<a<1, then f(x)=ax is a decreasing function; f(x)0 as x  and f(x) as x .

  5. The graph of f(x)=ax has y-intercept 1, and the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote.

  6. Simple interest formula. If P dollars is invested at an interest rate r per year for t years, then the simple interest is given by the formula I=Prt. The future value A(t)=P+Prt.

  7. Compound interest. P dollars invested at an annual rate r compounded n times per year for t years amounts to

  8. The Euler constant e=limh(1+1h)h2.718.

  9. Continuous compounding. P dollars invested at an annual rate r compounded continuously for t years amounts to A=Pert.

  10. The function f(x)=ex is the natural exponential function.

  1. f(x)=3x is an exponential function with base 3 and exponent x: f(2)=32=9.

  2. If 3x=34, then x=4.

  1. $500 is invested at 3% for 6 years. Find the amount A if the interest is compounded continuously.


    We use A=Pert.

    Here P=$500, r=3%=0.03, and t=5.



4.2 Logarithmic Functions

  1. For x>0, a>0, and a1, y=logax if and only if x=ay.

  2. Basic properties: loga a=1, loga 1=0,

    logaax=x,alogax=xInverse properties
  3. The domain of logax is (0, ), the range is (, ), and the y-axis is a vertical asymptote. The x-intercept is 1.

  4. Logarithmic functions are one-to-one: If loga x=loga y, then x=y.

  5. If a>1, then f(x)=loga x is an increasing function; f(x) as x  and f(x) as x 0+.

  6. If 0<a<1, then f(x)=loga x is a decreasing function; f(x) as x  and f(x) as x 0+.

  7. The common logarithmic function is y=log x (base 10); the natural logarithmic function is y=ln x (base e).

  1. log264=6 is equivalent to 64=26.

  2. log33=1, log31=0, log55x=x, 4log4 x=x

  1. log xln x==log10 xloge xCommon logarithmNatural logarithm

4.3 Rules of Logarithms

  1. Rules of logarithms:

    loga(MN)loga (MN)loga Mr===loga M+loga Nloga Mloga Nr loga MProduct ruleQuotient rulePower rule
  2. Change-of-base formula:

    logb x=loga xloga b(base a)=log xlog b(base 10)=ln xln b(base e)
  1. log3(57)log3(57)log357===log35+log37log35log377log35Product ruleQuotient rulePower rule
  2. log57=log3 7log35=log 7log 5=ln 7ln 51.2091Change of baseUse a calculator.

4.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities

An exponential equation is an equation in which a variable occurs in one or more exponents.

A logarithmic equation is an equation that involves the logarithm of a function of the variable.

Exponential and logarithmic equations are solved by using some or all of the following techniques:

  1. Using the one-to-one property of exponential and logarithmic functions.

  2. Converting from exponential to logarithmic form or vice versa

  3. Using the product, quotient, and power rules for exponents and logarithms

We use similar techniques to solve logarithmic and exponential inequalities (see page 483).

  1. Solve: 23x1=32.


    23x13x13xx====25562.32=2511 propertyAdd 1 to both sides.Divide both sides by 3.
  2. Solve: log(x22x)=log 8.


    x22xx22x8(x+2)(x4)===80011 property of logarithmSubtract 8 from both sides.Factor.x+2x==02ororx4x==04Zero-product property.Solve for x.

    Both values check. Solution set is {2, 4}.

  3. Solve: 3x=13.


    log 3xx log 3x===log 13log 13log 13log 32.3347Take log of both sides.Power ruleDivide by log 3.Exact Solution.Use a calculator.

4.5 Logarithmic Scales

A logarithmic scale is a scale in which logarithms are used in the measurement of quantities.

  1. pH=log[H+], where [H+] is the concentration of H+ ions in moles per liter.

  2. The Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude M of an earthquake.

    M=log (II0), where I is the intensity of the earthquake and I0 is the zero-level earthquake.

    The energy E released by an earthquake of magnitude M is given by log E=4.4+1.5M.

  3. The intensity of a sound wave is defined as the amount of power the wave transmits through a given area. The loudness L of a sound of intensity I is given by L=10 log (II0), where I0=1012W /m2 is the intensity of the threshold of hearing. Equivalently, I=10L/10 I0.

  1. Calculate ph of acid rain if its [H+]=104.


    pH===log 104(4)log 104[H+]=104Power rulelog 10=log1010=1
  2. Find the intensity and energy released by an earthquake if its magnitude is 8 on the Richter scale.


    Intensity,Energy,8II0Ilog Elog EE======log(II0)108108 I04.4+(1.5)816.41016.4 joulesM=8Exponential formMultiply by I0.M=8Simplify.Exponential form
  3. Find the intensity of a sound with L=60 dB.


    II====I010L/1010121060/101012106106W/m2Intensity formulaI0=1012 W/m2, L=60 dBSimplify.1012106=1012+6=106.
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