• Saarinen, Eero, 318

  • Sales, composite functions applied to, 289290

  • Scalar multiplication, of matrices, 608

  • Scientific notation, 2526

    • converting decimals to, 26

  • Scott, David R., 30

  • Search range for an aircraft, 158, 161162

  • Secant line, 242

  • Second component, of ordered pairs, 175

  • Semitones, 495

  • Sense, of an inequality, 146

  • Sequences, 716723

  • Series, 723724

  • Set-builder notation, 7

  • Set notation, 9

  • Sets of numbers

    • classifying, 3

    • of real numbers, 3, 45, 79

  • Shareholders, 551

  • Sigma notation, 722723

  • Sign(s)

    • Descartes’s Rule of Signs and, 367368

    • variations of, 367368

  • Sign-chart method, for solving inequalities, 151153

  • Simple interest, 9495, 430431

  • Simplification

    • of complex fractions, 5657

    • exponential expressions, 25

    • of expressions having rational exponents, 7071

    • of rational expressions, 5152

    • of square roots, 6364

  • Slope, 198200

  • Slope-intercept form, 202

  • Social Security numbers, 767, 769

  • Solutions

    • of an equation, 82, 185

    • of an inequality, 145

    • of an inequality in two variables, 558

    • extraneous, 132

    • optimal, 571

    • of a system of equations, 515

    • of a system of inequalities in two variables, 562

    • of a system of linear equations in three variables, number of, 530532

  • Solution sets

    • of an inequality in two variables, 558

    • feasible, 571

    • of a system inequalities in two variables, 562564

  • Sørensen, Søren, 489

  • Sound, loudness of, 493495

  • Space junk, 729, 734735

  • Special products, 3435, 37

  • Square, completing, solving quadratic equations by, 109111

  • Square matrices, 590

  • Square root(s), 6164

    • of negative numbers, multiplication involving, 123

    • of perfect squares and their ratios, 62

    • principal, 61

    • simplifying, 6364

  • Square root function, 251, 257

  • Square root method, for solving quadratic equations, 108

  • Square root property, 61, 108

  • Squaring, of binomial sums or differences, 3536

  • Squaring function, 257

  • Standard form

    • for a complex number, 120

    • for equation of a circle, 191192

    • of equation of a hyperbola, 691

    • for the equation of an ellipse, 677, 682683

    • for the equation of a parabola, 663

    • linear equations in one variable in, 83

    • polynomials in, 31

    • for a quadratic function, 319321

  • Star brightness, 497

  • Statins, 225226

  • Steinmetz, Charles, 119

  • Step functions, 256

  • Stock market investments, 551, 554555

  • Stretching graphs of functions, 269272

  • Strings, 716

  • Substitution method

    • for solving systems of linear equations, 517518

    • for systems of nonlinear equations, 552

  • Subtraction. See also Difference(s)

    • of complex numbers, 121

    • of fractions, 14

    • of matrices, 608609

    • of polynomials, 3233

    • of radical expressions, 6566

    • of rational expressions, 5356

    • of real numbers, 1314

  • Sum(s). See also Addition

    • of an infinite geometric series, 746747

    • binomial, squaring, 3536

    • of cubes, factoring, 4546

    • of a finite arithmetic sequence, 732735

    • of a finite geometric sequence, 743744

    • of functions, 282

    • of terms, product of difference of terms and, 3638

  • Summation notation, 722723, 724

  • Supply-side economics, 384

  • Sylvester, James Joseph, 607

  • Symmetry, 188191

    • of an ellipse, 678

    • of even and odd functions, 239, 240

    • tests for, 188

  • Synthetic division, 355356

  • Systems of equations, 514522. See also Systems of linear equations; Systems of linear equations in three variables; Systems of linear equations in two variables; Systems of nonlinear equations

  • Systems of inequalities, 562569

  • Systems of linear equations. See also Systems of linear equations in three variables; Systems of linear equations in two variables

    • matrices compared with, 593594

    • matrices for solving, 590595

    • solving using matrix inverses, 627628

  • Systems of linear equations in three variables, 527538

    • application involving, 534535

    • consistent and inconsistent, 530

    • with dependent or independent equations, 530, 531

    • Gaussian elimination method and, 528530

    • geometric interpretation of, 533

    • nonsquare, 532533

    • number of solutions of, 530532

  • Systems of linear equations in two variables, 514522

    • applications involving, 521522

    • elimination (addition) method for solving, 519520

    • graphical method for solving, 515516

    • substitution method for solving, 517519

  • Systems of nonlinear equations, 514, 551557

    • applications involving, 554555

    • elimination method for solving, 553554

    • substitution method for solving, 552

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