Beyond the Basics

  1. 95. {(y+2w, y,2y3w, w)}

  2. 97.

    1. B=[1320101012001120001], C=[123101012001120001]

    2. The reduced row-echelon form of the matrices B and C is [1000010000100001]

  3. 99.

    1. {(dmnbadbc, ancmadbc)}

      1. cbad

      2. cb=ad and mbnd

      3. cb=ad and mb=nd

  4. 101. {(10, 100, 1000)}

  5. 103. Yes

  6. 105. Yes

  7. 107. P(n)=12n+32n2

  8. 109. [00], [10]

  9. 111. Yes, the inverse of the operation used to transform A to B

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