• Tables, functions defined by, 218

  • Tap-water flow, friction and, 61, 6364

  • Tartaglia, Nicolo, 376

  • Tax revenues, 384

  • Technology matrix, 628

  • Temperature

    • converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit, 8788, 151

    • cricket chirps and, 2, 1516

    • inside a parked car, modeling, 498499

  • Term(s)

    • of an arithmetic sequence, 730731

    • of a binomial expansion, 763764

    • constant, 31, 332

    • of a geometric sequence, 740741, 742743

    • of a polynomial, 31

    • of a polynomial function, 332

    • of a sequence, 716

  • Terminating decimals, 3

  • Test-point method, for solving inequalities, 151153

  • Theorems

  • Threshold of hearing (TOH), 493

  • Time, interest and, 430

  • Time dilation, 130, 139140

  • TOH (threshold of hearing), 493

  • Transcendental numbers/functions, 436

  • Transformations of functions, 263280

    • combining, 268

    • on exponential functions, 427430

    • on logarithmic functions, 451452

    • multiple, in sequence, 272274

    • nonrigid, 269272

    • reflections and, 267269

    • rigid, 263, 267

    • stretching or compressing and, 269272

    • vertical and horizontal shifts and, 263266

  • Transition points, 255

  • Transitive property, 7

  • Translations

    • of an ellipse, 680684

    • graphing rational functions using, 388392

    • of a hyperbola, 698701

    • of a parabola, 667670

  • Transverse axis, of a hyperbola, 691

  • Triangles, right. See Right triangles

  • Trichotomy property, 7

  • Trinomials, 31

    • multiplying with a binomial, 3334

    • multiplying with a monomial, 33

    • perfect-square, 109

  • Turning points, 238, 341342

  • Tut, King, 462, 470471

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