• Natural exponential functions, 436

  • Natural logarithms, 453454

  • Natural numbers, 3

  • Negative exponents, 2021

  • Negative numbers, 7

    • multiplication involving square roots of, 123

    • on number line, 6

  • Newton, Isaac, 403, 684

    • Law of Cooling of, 455456

    • Law of Universal Gravitation of, 403, 408409

  • Nominal interest rate, 432

  • Nonlinear inequalities, 564

  • Nonlinear systems of equations. See Systems of nonlinear equations

  • Nonlinear systems of inequalities, 565566

  • Nonnegative inequalities, 145

  • Nonnegative numbers, 7

  • Nonrigid transformations of functions, 269272

  • Nonsquare linear systems of equations, 532533

  • Nonterminating repeating decimals, 3

  • Nonzero rows, in matrices, 594

  • Notation

    • factorial, 721722

    • function, 216217

    • interval, 9

    • for polynomials, 31

    • scientific, 2526

    • set, 9

    • set-builder, 7

    • summation (sigma), 722723, 724

  • Nova Stereometria Doliorum Vinariorum (Kepler), 332

  • nth roots, 6465

    • principal, 64

    • simplifying, 65

  • Null set, 7

  • Number(s)

  • Number i, 119

  • Number line, 6

    • distance between two points on, 1011

  • Number of Zeros Theorem, 378

  • Numbers, large, estimating, 467

  • Numerators, 13, 50

    • rationalizing, 6768

  • Nutrition, minimizing Calories and, 574575

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