Review Exercises

In Exercises 1–8, sketch the graph of each parabola. Determine the vertex, focus, axis, and directrix of each parabola.

  1. y2=6x

  2. y2=12x

  3. x2=7y

  4. x2=3y

  5. (x2)2=(y+3)

  6. (y+1)2=5(x+2)

  7. y2=4y+2x+1

  8. x2+2x+y=0

In Exercises 9–12, find an equation of the parabola satisfying the given conditions.

  1. Vertex: (0, 0) focus: (3, 0)

  2. Vertex: (0, 0) focus: (0, 4)

  3. Focus: (0, 4) directrix: y=4

  4. Focus: (3, 0); directrix: x=3

In Exercises 13–20, sketch the graph of each ellipse. Determine the foci, vertices, and endpoints of the minor axis of the ellipse.

  1. x225+y24=1

  2. x29+y236=1

  3. 4x2+y2=4

  4. 16x2+y2=64

  5. 16(x+1)2+9(y+4)2=144

  6. 4(x1)2+3(y+2)2=12

  7. x2+9y2+2x18y+1=0

  8. 4x2+y2+8x10y+13=0

In Exercises 21–24, find an equation of the ellipse satisfying the given conditions.

  1. Vertices: (±4, 0); endpoints of minor axis: (0, ±2)

  2. Vertices: (0, ±6); endpoints of minor axis: (±2, 0)

  3. Length of major axis: 20; foci: (±5, 0)

  4. Length of minor axis: 16; foci: (0, ±6)

In Exercises 25–32, sketch the graph of each hyperbola. Determine the vertices, the foci, and the asymptotes of each hyperbola.

  1. y216x24=1

  2. x216y29=1

  3. 8x2  y2=8

  4. 4y24x2=1

  5. (x+2)29(y3)24=1

  6. (y+1)26(x2)28=1

  7. 4y2  x2+40y4x+60=0

  8. 4x29y2+16x54y29=0

In Exercises 33–36, find an equation of the hyperbola satisfying the given condition.

  1. Vertices: (±1, 0); foci: (±2, 0)

  2. Vertices: (0,±2); foci: (0,±4)

  3. Vertices: (±2, 0); asymptotes: y=±3x

  4. Vertices: (0,±3); asymptotes: y=±x

In Exercises 37–48, identify each equation as representing a circle, a parabola, an ellipse, or a hyperbola. Sketch the graph of the conic.

  1. 5x24y2=20

  2. x2x+y=1

  3. 3x2+4y2+8y12x6=0

  4. 2y  x2=0

  5. x2+y2+2x3=0

  6. 2x+y2=0

  7. y2=x2+3

  8. x2=103y2

  9. 3x2+3y26x+12y+5=0

  10. y+2x  x2+2y2=0

  11. 9x2+8y2=36

  12. 2y2+4y=3x26x+9

  13. Find an equation of the hyperbola whose foci are the vertices of the ellipse 4x2+9y2=36 and whose vertices are the foci of this ellipse.

  14. Find an equation of the ellipse whose foci are the vertices of the hyperbola 9x216y2=144 and whose vertices are the foci of this hyperbola.

In Exercises 51–54, find all points of intersection of the given curves and make a sketch.

  1. x24y2=36 and x2y20=0

  2. y28x2=5 and y2x2=0

  3. 3x27y2=5 and 9y22x2=1

  4. x2  y2=1 and x2+y2=7

  5. Parabolic curve. Water flowing from the end of a horizontal pipe 20 feet above the ground describes a parabolic curve whose vertex is at the end of the pipe. If at a point 6 feet below the line of the pipe the flow of water has curved outward 8 feet beyond a vertical line through the end of the pipe, how far beyond this vertical line will the water strike the ground?

  6. Parabolic arch. A parabolic arch has a height of 20 meters and a width of 36 meters at the base. Assuming that the vertex of the parabola is at the top of the arch, find the height of the arch at a distance of 9 meters from the center of the base.

  7. Football. A football is 12 inches long, and a cross section containing a seam is an ellipse with a minor axis of length 7 inches. Suppose every cross section of the ball formed by a plane perpendicular to the major axis of the ellipse is a circle. Find the circumference of such a circular cross section located 2 inches from an end of the ball.

  8. Production cost. A company assembles computers at two locations A and B that are 1000 miles apart. The per unit cost of production at location A is $20 less than at location B. Assume that the route of delivery of the computers is along a straight line and that the delivery cost is 25¢ per unit per mile. Find the equation of the curve at any point the computers can be supplied from either location at the same cost.

    [Hint: Take A at (500, 0) and B at (500, 0).]

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