Section 2.4 Functions

Before Starting this Section, Review

  1. 1 Graph of an equation (Section 2.2 , page 186)

  2. 2 Solving inequalities (Section 1.6 , page 146)


  1. 1 Use functional notation and find function values.

  2. 2 Find the domain and range of a function.

  3. 3 Identify the graph of a function.

  4. 4 Get information about a function from its graph.

  5. 5 Solve applied problems by using functions.

The Ups and Downs of Drug Levels

Medicines in the form of a pill have a much harder time getting to work than you do. First, they are swallowed and dumped into a pool of acid in your stomach. Then they dissolve; leave the stomach; and begin to be absorbed, mostly through the lining of the small intestine. Next, the blood around the intestine carries the medicines to the liver, an organ designed to metabolize (break down) and remove foreign material from the blood. Because of this property of the liver, most drugs have a tough time getting past it. The amount of drug that makes it into your bloodstream, compared with the amount that you put in your mouth, is called the drug’s bioavailability. If a drug has low bioavailability, then much of the drug is destroyed before it reaches the bloodstream. The amount of drug you take in a pill is calculated to correct for this deficiency so that the amount you need actually ends up in your blood.

Once the drugs are past the liver, the bloodstream carries them throughout the rest of the body in about one minute. The study of the ways drugs are absorbed and move through the body is called pharmacokinetics, or PK for short. PK measures the ups and downs of drug levels in your body. In Example 10, we consider an application of functions to the levels of drugs in the bloodstream.

(Adapted from The Ups and Downs of Drug Levels, by Bob Munk,


  1. 1 Use functional notation and find function values.

There are many ways of expressing a relationship between two quantities. For example, if you are paid $10 per hour, then the relation between the number of hours, x, that you work and the amount of money, y, that you earn may be expressed by the equation y=10x.y=10x. Replacing x with 40 yields y=400y=400 and indicates that 40 hours of work corresponds to a $400 paycheck. A special relationship such as y=10xy=10x in which to each element x in one set there corresponds a unique element y in another set is called a function. We say that your pay is a function of the number of hours you work. Because the value of y depends on the value of x, y is called the dependent variable and x is called the independent variable. Any symbol may be used for the dependent and independent variables.

Side Note

The range of a function from a set X to a set Y does not necessarily have to be the entire set Y.

As an example of an assignment that is not a function, consider the correspondence between U.S. and European airports. A U.S. airport is connected to a European airport if there is a direct flight between them. This is not a function because, for instance, the New York airport is connected by a direct flight to London, Paris, Barcelona, and other airports.

A rule of assignment may be described by a correspondence diagram, in which an arrow points from each domain element to the corresponding element or elements in the range.

To decide whether a correspondence diagram defines a function, we must check whether any domain element is paired with more than one range element. If, for some element of X, there are two or more corresponding elements of Y, then the relation is not a function. See the correspondence diagrams in Figure 2.36.

Figure 2.36

Correspondence diagrams

Side Note

If a correspondence diagram defines a function, then the situation

  1. is allowed.

  2. is not allowed.

Function Notation

We usually use single letters such as f, F, g, G, h, and H as the name of a function. Some special function names use more than one letter, like sin (the sine function) and log (the logarithm function). If we choose f as the name of a function, then for each x in the domain of f, there corresponds a unique y in its range. The number y is denoted by f(x), read as “f of x” or as “f at x.” We call f(x) the value of f at the number x and say that f assigns the value f(x) to x.

If the function shown in Figure 2.36(a) is named f, then the correspondence diagram may be described by:

f(a)=1, f(b)=3, f(c)=3, and f(d)=4.
f(a)=1, f(b)=3, f(c)=3, and f(d)=4.

Another way to illustrate the concept of a function is by visualizing a “machine,” as shown in Figure 2.37. If x is in the domain of a function, then the machine accepts x as an “input” and produces the value f(x) as the “output.” A hand-held bar code scanner that reads the bar codes and outputs the price of items is an example of a function.

Figure 2.37 The function f, as a machine


In writing y=f(x),y=f(x), do not confuse f, which is the name of the function, with f(x), which is a number in the range of f that the function assigns to x.

The symbol f(x) does not mean “f times x.”

Representations of Functions

Functions can be prescribed in many ways: directly by describing the assignment to each element of the domain, by formula, or by algorithm.

Functions Defined by Ordered Pairs

If the value of a function f at x is y, we can write this assignment as an ordered pair (x, y). A function can be defined by listing all the ordered pairs that correspond to all assignments made by this function. In general, any set of ordered pairs is called a relation. The set of first components is the domain of the relation, and the set of second components is the range of the relation. Not every relation is a function. Only relations in which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range is a function. In other words, a function is a relation in which no two distinct ordered pairs have the same first component.

Example 1 Functions Defined by Ordered Pairs

Determine whether each relation defines a function.

  1. r={(1, 2), (1, 3), (5, 2), (1,3)}r={(1, 2), (1, 3), (5, 2), (1,3)}

  2. s={(2, 1), (0, 2), (2, 1), (1,3)}s={(2, 1), (0, 2), (2, 1), (1,3)}


  1. The domain of the relation r is: {1, 1, 5}{1, 1, 5} and its range is: {2, 3,3}{2, 3,3}. It is not a function because the ordered pairs (1, 2)(1, 2) and (1,3)(1,3) have the same first component. See the correspondence diagram for relation r in Figure 2.38.

    Figure 2.38

  2. The domain of the relation s is: {2,1, 0, 2}{2,1, 0, 2} and its range is: {3, 1, 2}{3, 1, 2}. The relation s is a function because no two ordered pairs of s have the same first component. Figure 2.39 shows the correspondence diagram for the function s.

    Figure 2.39

Practice Problem 1

  1. Repeat Example 1 for the ordered pairs:

    1. R={(2, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2)}R={(2, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2)}

    2. S={(2, 5), (3,2), (3, 5)}S={(2, 5), (3,2), (3, 5)}

Functions Defined by Tables and Graphs

Tables and graphs can be used to describe relations and functions. We can display in a tabular form the list of ordered pairs (x, y) of a relation, where x is in the domain and the corresponding y is in the range. For example, the relations r and s of Example 1 described in tabular form are shown in Tables 2.6 and 2.7, respectively.

Table 2.6

x y=r(x)y=r(x)
11 2
1 3
5 2
11 33
Relation r

Table 2.7

x y=s(x)y=s(x)
22 1
11 33
0 2
2 1
Relation s

Alternatively, we can display geometrically the list of ordered pairs (x, y) in a relation by plotting each pair (x, y) as a point in the coordinate plane. The geometric display is the graph of the relation. Graphs of relations r and s are given in Figure 2.40.

Figure 2.40

Graphs of relations

The graph of the points in the table is called a scatterplot.

Functions Defined by Equations

When the relation defined by an equation in two variables is a function, we can often solve the equation for the dependent variable in terms of the independent variable. For example, the equation yx2=0yx2=0 can be solved for y in terms of x:


Now we can replace the dependent variable, in this case, y, with functional notation f(x) and express the function defined by the equation yx2=0yx2=0 as

f(x)=x2(read f of x equals x2).
f(x)=x2(read f of x equals x2).

Here f(x) plays the role of y and is the value of the function f at x. For example, if x=3x=3 is an element (input value) in the domain of f, the corresponding element (output value) in the range is found by replacing x with 3 in the equation

f(x)=x2,so thatf(3)=32=9.Replace x with 3.
so thatf(x)f(3)==x2,32=9.Replace x with 3.

We say that the value of the function f at 3 is 9 or that 9 is the evaluated function value f(3). See Figure 2.41. In other words, the number 9 in the range corresponds to the number 3 in the domain, and the ordered pair (3, 9) is an ordered pair of the function f.

Figure 2.41 The function f, as a machine

If a function g is defined by an equation such as y=x26x+8,y=x26x+8, the notations

y=x26x+8  and g(x)=x26x+8
y=x26x+8  and g(x)=x26x+8

define the same function.

Side Note

The definition of a function is independent of the letters used to denote the function and the variables. For example,

s(x)=x2, g(y)=y2,and h(t)=t2
s(x)=x2, g(y)=y2,and h(t)=t2

represent the same function.

Example 2 Determining Whether an Equation Defines a Function

In each equation, determine whether y is a function of x.

  1. 6x23y=126x23y=12

  2. y2x2=4y2x2=4


Solve each equation for y in terms of x. If more than one value of y corresponds to the same value of x, then y is not a function of x.

  1. 6x23y=12Original equation6x23y+3y12=12+3y12Add 3y12 to both sides.6x212=3ySimplify.2x24=yDivide by 3.y=2x24Interchange sides
    6x23y6x23y+3y126x2122x24y=====1212+3y123yy2x24Original equationAdd 3y12 to both sides.Simplify.Divide by 3.Interchange sides

    The last equation shows that only one value of y corresponds to each value of x. For example, if x=0,x=0, then y=04=4.y=04=4. So y is a function of x.

  2. y2x2=4Original equationy2x2+x2=4+x2Add x2 to both sides.y2=x2+4Simplify.y=±x2+4Square root property
    y2x2y2x2+x2y2y====44+x2x2+4±x2+4Original equationAdd x2 to both sides.Simplify.Square root property

    The last equation shows that two values of y correspond to each value of x. For example, if x=0,x=0, then y=±02+4=±4=±2.y=±02+4=±4=±2. Both y=2y=2 and y=2y=2 correspond to x=0.x=0. Therefore, y is not a function of x. However, the equation y2x2=4y2x2=4 defines two functions:

    f1(x)=x2+4;f1(x)=x2+4; domain: (, );(, ); range: [2, ),[2, ), and

    f2(x)=x2+4;f2(x)=x2+4; domain: (, );(, ); range (,2].(,2]. See Figure 2.42.

    Figure 2.42

Practice Problem 2

  1. In each equation, determine whether y is a function of x.

    1. 2x2y2=12x2y2=1

    2. x2y=5x2y=5

Example 3 Evaluating a Function

Let g be the function defined by the equation


Find each function value.

  1. g(3)

  2. g(2)g(2)

  3. g(12)g(12)

  4. g(a+2)g(a+2)

  5. g(x+h)g(x+h)


Since the function is named g, we replace y with g(x) and write

g(x)=x26x+8Replace y with g(x).
g(x)=x26x+8Replace y with g(x).

In this notation, the independent variable x is a placeholder. We can write g(x)=x26x+8g(x)=x26x+8 as

  1. g(x)=(x)26(x)+8The given equationg(3)=(3)26(3)+8Replace x with 3 at each occurrence of x.=918+8=1Simplify.
    g(x)g(3)===(x)26(x)+8(3)26(3)+8918+8=1The given equationReplace x with 3 at each occurrence of x.Simplify.

    The statement g(3)=1g(3)=1 means that the value of the function g at 3 is 1.1.

    Just as in part a, we can evaluate g at any value x in its domain:

  2. g(x)=x26x+8Original equationg(2)=(2)26(2)+8=24Replace x with 2 and simplify.g(x)=x26x+8g(2)=(2)26(2)+8=24Original equationReplace x with 2 and simplify.

  3. g(12)=(12)26(12)+8=214Replace x with 12 and simplify.g(12)=(12)26(12)+8=214Replace x with 12 and simplify.

  4. g(a+2)=(a+2)26(a+2)+8Replace x with (a+2) in g(x).=a2+4a+46a12+8Recall: (x+y)2=x2+2xy+y2.=a22aSimplify.g(a+2)===(a+2)26(a+2)+8a2+4a+46a12+8a22aReplace x with (a+2) in g(x).Recall: (x+y)2=x2+2xy+y2.Simplify.

  5. g(x+h)=(x+h)26(x+h)+8Replace x with (x+h) in g(x).=x2+2xh+h26x6h+8Simplify.g(x+h)==(x+h)26(x+h)+8x2+2xh+h26x6h+8Replace x with (x+h) in g(x).Simplify.

Practice Problem 3

  1. Let g be the function defined by the equation y=2x2+5x.y=2x2+5x. Find each function value.

    1. g(0)

    2. g(1)g(1)

    3. g(x+h)g(x+h)

Example 4 Finding the Area of a Rectangle

In Figure 2.43, find the area of the rectangle PLMN.

Figure 2.43


Area of the rectangle PLMN=(length)(height)=(31)(f(1))P=(1, f(1))=(2)(2)f(1)=133(1)+4=2=4 square units
Area of the rectangle PLMN====(length)(height)(31)(f(1))(2)(2)4 square unitsP=(1, f(1))f(1)=133(1)+4=2

Practice Problem 4

  1. In Figure 2.43 , find the area of the rectangle TLMS.

The Domain of a Function

  1. 2 Find the domain and range of a function.

Sometimes a function is given by an equation without a predefined domain. In such cases, we use the following agreement.

Side Note


The □ represents any expression

When we use our agreement to find the domain of a function, first we usually find the values of the variable that do not result in real number outputs. Then we exclude those numbers from the domain. Remember that

  1. division by zero is undefined.

  2. the square root (or any even root) of a negative number is not a real number.

Example 5 Finding the Domain of a Function

Find the domain of each function.

  1. f(x)=11x2

  2. g(x)=x+1

  3. h(x)=1x1

  4. P(x)=x2x6


  1. The function f is not defined when the denominator 1x2 is 0. Because 1x2=0 if x=1 or x=1, the domain of f is the set {x|x1 and x1}, which in interval notation is written as (,1)(1, 1)(1, ).

  2. Because the square root of a negative number is not a real number, x+1 is a real number only if x+10, or x1. The domain of g is {x|x1}, or in interval notation [1, ).

  3. The function h(x)=1x1 has two restrictions. The square root of a negative number is not a real number, so x1 is a real number only if x10. However, we cannot allow x1=0 because x1 is in the denominator. Therefore, we must have x1>0, or x>1. The domain of h is {x|x>1}, or in interval notation (1, ).

  4. The function P(x) is defined when the expression under the radical sign is nonnegative. You can use the test-point method (see Section 1.6) to see that x2x6=(x+2)(x3)0 on the two intervals (,2] and [3, ). So the domain of the function P(x) in interval notation is (,2][3, ).

Practice Problem 5

  1. Find the domain of each function.

    1. f(x)=11x.

    2. g(x)=x2+2x3

The Range of a Function

Suppose a function f is defined by an equation. A number y is in the range of f if the equation f(x)=y has at least one solution.

Example 6 Finding the Range of a Function

Let f(x)=x2 with domain X=[3, 5].

  1. Is 10 in the range of f?

  2. Is 4 in the range of f?

  3. Find the range of f.


  1. We find possible solutions of the equation

    f(x)=10x2=10Replace f(x) with x2.x=±10Square root property

    Because 3<10<5, the number x=10 is in the interval X=[3, 5]. So the equation f(x)=10 has at least one solution in the domain of f. Therefore, 10 is in the range of f.

  2. The solutions of the equation x2=4 are x=±2. Neither of these numbers is in the domain X=[3, 5]. So 4 is not in the range of f.

  3. The range of f is the interval [9, 25] because for each number y in the interval [9, 25], the number x=y is in the interval [3, 5] so that f(x)=f(y)=(y)2=y.

    9y253=9y25=53x5Since y is positive, we can take3x5square roots of both sides.

Practice Problem 6

  1. Repeat Example 6 for f(x)=x2 with domain X=[3, 3].

Finding the range of a function such as f(x)=x+1x2 is more complicated. We discuss this problem in Section 2.9 (See Example 7, page 300). In calculus, we will learn how to find the range of any function given by an equation.

Graphs of Functions

  1. 3 Identify the graph of a function.

The graph of a function f is the set of ordered pairs (x, f(x)) such that x is in the domain of f. That is, the graph of f is the graph of the equation y=f(x). We sketch the graph of y=f(x) by plotting points and joining them with a smooth curve. The graph of a function provides valuable visual information about the function.

Figure 2.44 shows that not every curve in the plane is the graph of a function. In this figure, a vertical line x=a intersects the curve at two distinct points (a, b) and (a, c). This curve cannot be the graph of y=f(x) for any function f because having f(a)=b and f(a)=c means that f assigns two different range values to the same domain element a. We express this statement, called the vertical-line test, as follows:

Figure 2.44

Graph does not represent a function

Example 7 Testing for Functions

Determine which graphs in Figure 2.45 are graphs of functions.

Figure 2.45

The vertical-line test


The graphs in Figures 2.45(a) and 2.45(b) are not graphs of functions because a vertical line can be drawn through the two points farthest to the left in Figure 2.45(a) and the y-axis is one of many vertical lines that contain more than one point on the graph in Figure 2.45(b). The graphs in Figures 2.45(c) and 2.45(d) are the graphs of functions because no vertical line intersects either graph at more than one point.

Practice Problem 7

  1. Decide whether the graph in Figure 2.46 is the graph of a function.

    Figure 2.46

Function Information from Its Graph

  1. 4 Get information about a function from its graph.

Given a graph in the xy-plane, we use the vertical-line test to determine whether the graph is that of a function. We can also obtain the following additional information from the graph of a function.

  1. Point on a graph

    A point (a, b) on the graph of f means that a is in the domain of f and the value of f at a is b; that is, f(a)=b. We can visually determine whether a given point is on the graph of a function. In Figure 2.47, the point (a, b) is on the graph of f and the point (c, d) is not on the graph of f.

    Figure 2.47

  2. Domain and range from a graph

    To determine the domain of a function, we look for the portion on the x-axis that is used in graphing f. We can find this portion by projecting (collapsing) the graph onto the x-axis. This projection is the domain of f.

    The range of f is the projection of its graph onto the y-axis. See Figure 2.48.

    Figure 2.48 Domain and range of f

    Example 8 Finding the Domain and Range from a Graph

    Use the graphs in Figure 2.49 to find the domain and range of each function.

    Figure 2.49


    1. In Figure 2.49(a), the open circle at (2, 1) indicates that the point (2, 1) does not belong to the graph of f, while the full circle at the point (3, 3) indicates that the point (3, 3) is part of the graph. When we project the graph of y=f(x) onto the x-axis, we obtain the interval (2, 3]. So, the domain of f in interval notation is (2, 3]. Similarly, the projection of the graph of f onto the y-axis gives the interval (1, 4], which is the range of f.

    2. The projection of the graph of g in Figure 2.49(b) onto the x-axis is made up of the two intervals [3, 1] and [3, ). So the domain of g is [3, 1][3, ).

      To find the range of g, we project its graph onto the y-axis. The projection of the line segment joining (3,1) and (1, 1) onto the y-axis is the interval [1, 1]. The projection of the horizontal ray starting at the point (3, 4) onto the y-axis is just a single point at y=4. Therefore, the range of g is [1, 1]{4}.

    Practice Problem 8

    1. Find the domain and range of a function whose graph is given in Figure 2.50 .

      Figure 2.50

  3. Evaluations

    1. Finding f(c) Given a number c in the domain of f, we find f(c) from the graph of f.

      First, locate the number c on the x-axis. Draw a vertical line through c. It intersects the graph at the point (c, f(c)). Through this point, draw a horizontal line to intersect the y-axis. Read the value of f(c) on the y-axis. See Figure 2.51.

      Figure 2.51

      Locating f(c) graphically

    2. Solving f(x)=d Given d in the range of f, find values of x for which f(x)=d. Locate the number d on the y-axis. Draw a horizontal line through d. This line intersects the graph at point(s) (x, d). Through each of these points, draw a vertical line to intersect the x-axis. Read the corresponding values of x on the x-axis. These are the values of x for which f(x)=d. Figure 2.52 shows three solutions: x1, x2, and x3 of the equation f(x)=d.

      Figure 2.52

      Graphically solving f(x)=d

Example 9 Examining the Graph of a Function

Let f(x)=x22x3.

  1. Is the point (1,3) on the graph of f?

  2. Find all values of x so that (x, 5) is on the graph of f.

  3. Find all y-intercepts of the graph of f.

  4. Find all x-intercepts of the graph of f.


  1. We check whether (1, 3) satisfies the equation y=x22x3.

    3?=(1)22(1)3Replace x with 1 and y with 3.3?=4 No !

    So (1,3) is not on the graph of f. See Figure 2.53.

    Figure 2.53

  2. Substitute 5 for y in y=x22x3 and solve for x.

    5=x22x30=x22x8Subtract 5 from both sides.0=(x4)(x+2)Factor.x4=0orx+2=0Zero-product propertyx=4orx=2.Solve for x.

    The point (x, 5) is on the graph of f only when x=2 or x=4. Both points (2, 5) and (4, 5) are on the graph of f. See Figure 2.53.

  3. Find all points (x, y) with x=0 in y=x22x3.

    y=022(0)3Replace x with 0 to find the y-intercept.y=3Simplify.

    The only y-intercept is 3. See Figure 2.53.

  4. Find all points (x, y) with y=0 in y=x22x3.

    0=x22x30=(x+1)(x3)Factor.x+1=0orx3=0Zero-product propertyx=1orx=3Solve for x.

    The x-intercepts of the graph of f are 1 and 3. See Figure 2.53.

Practice Problem 9

  1. Let f(x)=x2+4x5.

    1. Is the point (2, 7) on the graph of f?

    2. Find all values of x so that (x,8) is on the graph of f.

    3. Find the y-intercept of the graph of f.

    4. Find any x-intercepts of the graph of f.

Building Functions

  1. 5 Solve applied problems by using functions.

Level of Drugs in Bloodstream

When you take a dose of medication, the drug level in the blood goes up quickly and soon reaches its peak, called Cmax (the maximum concentration). As your liver or kidneys remove the drug, your blood’s drug levels drop until the next dose enters your bloodstream. The lowest drug level is called the trough, or Cmin (the minimum concentration). The ideal dose should be strong enough to be effective without causing too many side effects. We start by setting upper and lower limits on the drug’s blood levels, shown by the two horizontal lines on a pharmacokinetics (PK) graph. See Figure 2.54. The upper line represents the drug level at which people start to develop serious side effects. The lower line represents the minimum drug level that provides the desired effect.

Figure 2.54

Drug levels

Example 10 Cholesterol-Reducing Drugs

Many drugs used to lower high blood cholesterol levels are called statins. These drugs, along with proper diet and exercise, help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Recall from the introduction to this section that bioavailability is the amount of a drug you have ingested that makes it into your bloodstream. A statin with a bioavailability of 30% has been prescribed for Boris to treat his cholesterol levels. He is to take 20 milligrams daily. Every day his body filters out half the statin. Find the maximum concentration of the statin in the bloodstream on each of the first ten days of using the drug and graph the result.


Because the statin has 30% bioavailability and Boris takes 20 milligrams per day, the maximum concentration in the bloodstream is 30% of 20 milligrams, or 20(0.3)=6 milligrams from each day’s prescription. Because half the statin is filtered out of the body each day, the daily maximum concentration is

12 (previous days maximum concentration)+6.

So if C(n) denotes the maximum concentration on the nth day, then

C(n)=12 C(n1)+6, C(0)=0.

Equation (1) is an example of a recursive definition of a function.

Table 2.8 shows the maximum concentration of the drug for each of the first ten days. After the first day, each number in the second column is computed (to three decimal places) by adding 6 to one-half the number above it. The graph of C(t) is shown in Figure 2.55.

Figure 2.55

Maximum drug concentration

Table 2.8

Day Maximum Concentration
1 6.000
2 9.000
3 10.500
4 11.250
5 11.625
6 11.813
7 11.907
8 11.954
9 11.977
10 11.989

The graph shows that the maximum concentration of the statin in the bloodstream approaches 12 milligrams if Boris continues to take one pill every day.

Practice Problem 10

  1. In Example 10 , use Table 2.8 to find the range of the function C(t). Also compute C(11).

Example 11 Cost of a Fiber-Optic Cable

Two points A and B are opposite each other on the banks of a straight river that is 500 feet wide. The point D is on the same side as B but is 1200 feet up the river from B. The local Internet cable company wants to lay a fiber-optic cable from A to D. The cost per foot of cable is $5 per foot under water and $3 per foot on land. To save money, the company lays the cable under water from A to P and then on land from P to D. In Figure 2.56, write the total cost C as a function of x.

Figure 2.56


In Figure 2.56, we have

d(A, P)=AP=(500)2+x2 feetPythagorean Theoremd(P, D)=PD=1200x feet

So the total cost C is given by


Practice Problem 11

  1. Repeat Example 11 , assuming that the cost is 30% more under water than it is on land.

Functions in Economics

The important concepts of breaking even, earning a profit, and taking a loss in economics will be discussed throughout this text. Here we define some of the elementary functions in economics.

Let x represent the number of units of an item manufactured, and each item is sold at a price of p dollars. Then the cost C(x) of producing x items includes the fixed cost (such as rent, insurance, product design, setup, promotion, and overhead) and the variable cost (which depends on the number of items produced at a certain cost per item).

Linear Cost Function

A linear cost function C(x) is given by

C(x)=(variable cost)+(fixed cost)=ax+b,

where the fixed cost is b and the marginal cost (cost of producing each item) is a dollars per item.

Average cost, denoted by ˉC(x), is defined by ˉC(x)=C(x)x.

Linear Price–Demand Function

Suppose x items can be sold (demanded) at a price of p dollars per item. Then a linear demand function usually has the form

p(x)=mx+dExpressing p as a function of x


x(p)=np+kExpressing x as a function of p

Both expressions indicate that a higher price will result in fewer items sold. The constants m, d, n, and k depend on the given situation, with m>0 and n>0. A price–supply function has the form p=S(x) or x=G(p), where a higher price results in a greater supply of items.

Revenue Function R(x)

Revenue =(Price per item)(Number of items sold)R(x)=px=(mx+d)xp=p(x)=mx+d

Profit Function P(x)


A manufacturing company will

  1. have a profit if P(x)>0.

  2. break even if P(x)=0.

  3. suffer a loss if P(x)<0.

Example 12 Breaking Even

Metro Entertainment Co. spent $100,000 on production costs for its off-Broadway play Bride and Prejudice. Once the play runs, each performance costs $1000 per show and the revenue from each show is $2400. Using x to represent the number of shows,

  1. write the cost function C(x).

  2. write the revenue function R(x).

  3. write the profit function P(x).

  4. determine how many showings of Bride and Prejudice must be held for Metro to break even.


  1. C(x)=(Variable cost)+(Fixed cost)=1000x+100,000
  2. R(x)=(Revenue per show)(Number of shows)=2400x
  3. P(x)=R(x)C(x)=2400x(1000x+100,000)=2400x1000x100,000=1400x100,000
  4. Metro will break even when P(x)=0.

    1400x100,000=01400x=100,000x=100,000140071Divide both sides by 1400.

    Only a whole number of shows is possible, so Metro needs 71 shows to break even.

Practice Problem 12

  1. Suppose in Example 12 that once the play runs, each performance costs $1200 and the revenue from each show is $2500. How do the results in Example 12 change?

Section 2.4 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. In the functional notation y=f(x), x is the                     variable.

  2. If f(2)=7, then 2 is in the                     of the function f and 7 is in the of f.

  3. If the point (9,14) is on the graph of a function f, then f(9)=                   .

  4. If (3, 7) and (3, 0) are points on a graph, then the graph cannot be the graph of a(n)                   .

  5. True or False. Every relation is a function.

  6. True or False. If a and b are in the domain of f(x)=1x, then a+b is also in the domain of f.

  7. True or False. If x=7, then x is in the domain of f(x)=x.

  8. True or False. The domain of f(x)=1x+2 is all real x, x2.

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–14, determine the domain and range of each relation. Explain why each nonfunction is not a function.

  1. x 0 3 8 0 3 8
    y 1 2 3 1 2 2
  2. x 3 1 0 1 2 3
    y 8 0 1 0 3 8

In Exercises 15–28, determine whether each equation defines y as a function of x.

  1. x+y=2

  2. x=y1

  3. y=1x

  4. xy=1

  5. y2=x2

  6. x=|y|

  7. y=12x5

  8. y=1x21

  9. 2y=3x

  10. 3x5y=15

  11. x+y2=8

  12. x=y2

  13. x2+y3=5

  14. x+y3=8

In Exercises 29–32, let f(x)=x23x+1, g(x)=2x, and h(x)=2x.

  1. Find f(0), g(0), h(0), f(a), and f(x).

  2. Find f(1), g(1), h(1), g(a), and g(x2).

  3. Find f(1), g(1), h(1), h(c), and h(x).

  4. Find f(4), g(4), h(4), g(2+k), and f(a+k).

  5. Let f(x)=2x4x2. Find each function value.

    1. f(0)

    2. f(1)

    3. f(2)

    4. f(2)

    5. f(x)

  6. Let g(x)=2x+x24. Find each function value.

    1. g(0)

    2. g(1)

    3. g(2)

    4. g(3)

    5. g(x)

  7. In the figure for Exercise 35, find the sum of the areas of the shaded rectangles.

  8. Repeat Exercise 35 in the figure for Exercise 36.

In Exercises 37–48, find the domain of each function.

  1. f(x)=8x+7

  2. f(x)=2x211

  3. f(x)=1x9

  4. f(x)=1x+9

  5. h(x)=2xx21

  6. h(x)=x3x24

  7. G(x)=x3x+2

  8. f(x)=34x

  9. F(x)=x+4x2+3x+2

  10. F(x)=1xx2+5x+6

  11. g(x)=x2+1x

  12. g(x)=1x2+1

In Exercises 49–54, use the vertical-line test to determine whether the given graph represents a function.

In Exercises 55–58, the graph of a function is given. Find the indicated function values.

  1. f(4), f(1), f(3), f(5)

  2. g(2), g(1), g(3), g(4)

  3. h(2), h(1), h(0), h(1)

  4. f(1), f(0), f(1)

  5. Let h(x)=x2x+1. Find x such that (x, 7) is on the graph of h.

  6. Let H(x)=x2+x+8. Find x such that (x, 7) is on the graph of H.

  7. Let f(x)=2(x+1)2+7.

    1. Is (1, 1) a point of the graph of f?

    2. Find all x such that (x, 1) is on the graph of f.

    3. Find all y-intercepts of the graph of f.

    4. Find all x-intercepts of the graph of f.

  8. Let f(x)=3x212x.

    1. Is (2, 10) a point of the graph of f?

    2. Find x such that (x, 12) is on the graph of f.

    3. Find the y-intercept of the graph of f.

    4. Find all x-intercepts of the graph of f.

In Exercises 63–70, find the domain and the range of each function from its graph. The axes are marked in one-unit intervals.

For Exercises 71–78, refer to the graph of y=f(x) in the figure. The axes are marked off in one-unit intervals.

  1. Find the domain of f.

  2. Find the range of f.

  3. Find the x-intercepts of f.

  4. Find the y-intercepts of f.

  5. Find f(7), f(1), and f(5).

  6. Find f(4), f(1), and f(3).

  7. Solve the equation f(x)=3.

  8. Solve the equation f(x)=2.

In Exercises 79–84, refer to the graph of y=g(x) in the figure. The axes are marked off in one-unit intervals.

  1. Find the domain of g.

  2. Find the range of g.

  3. Find g(4), g(1), and g(3).

  4. Find |g(5)g(5)|.

  5. Solve g(x)=4.

  6. Solve g(x)=6.

Applying the Concepts

In Exercises 85–88, state whether the given relation is a function and explain why.

  1. To each day of the year there corresponds the high temperature in your hometown on that day.

  2. To each year since 1950 there corresponds the cost of a first-class postage stamp on January 1 of that year.

  3. To each letter of the word NUTS there corresponds the states whose names start with that letter.

  4. To each day of the week there corresponds the first names of people currently living in the United States born on that day of the week.

  5. Square tiles. The area A(x) of a square tile is a function of the length x of the square’s side. Write a function rule for the area of a square tile. Find and interpret A(4).

  6. Cube. The volume V(x) of a cube is a function of the length x of the cube’s edge. Write a function rule for the volume of a cube. Evaluate the function for a cube with sides of length 3 inches.

  7. Surface area. Is the total surface area S of a cube a function of the edge length x of the cube? If it is not a function, explain why not. If it is a function, write the function rule S(x) and evaluate S(3).

  8. Measurement. One meter equals about 39.37 inches. Write a function rule for converting inches to meters. Evaluate the function for 59 inches.

  9. Motion of a projectile. A stone thrown upward with an initial velocity of 128 feet per second will attain a height of h feet in t seconds, where

    h(t)=128t16t2, 0t8.
    1. What is the domain of h?

    2. Find h(2), h(4), and h(6).

    3. How long will it take the stone to hit the ground?

    4. Sketch a graph of y=h(t).

  10. Drug prescription. A certain drug has been prescribed to treat an infection. The patient receives an injection of 16 milliliters of the drug every four hours. During this same four-hour period, the kidneys filter out one-fourth of the drug. Find the concentration of the drug after 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 16 hours, and 20 hours. Sketch the graph of the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream as a function of time.

  11. Numbers. The sum of two numbers x and y is 28. Write the product P of these numbers as a function of x.

  12. Area of a rectangle. The dimensions of a rectangle are x and y, and its perimeter is 60 meters. Write the area A of the rectangle as a function of x.

  13. Box volume. A closed box with a square base of side x inches is to hold 64 in3. Write the surface area S of the box as a function of x.

  14. Inscribed rectangle. In the figure, a rectangle is inscribed in a semicircle of diameter 2r.

    1. Write the perimeter P of the rectangle as a function of x.

    2. Write the area A of the rectangle as a function of x.

  15. Piece of wire. A piece of wire 20 inches long is to be cut into two pieces. (See the figure.) The piece of length x is to form a circle, and the other is to form a square. Write A, the sum of the areas of the two figures, as a function of x.

  16. Area of metal. An open cylindrical tank with circular base of radius r is to be constructed of metal to contain a volume of 64 in3. Write the surface area A of the metal as a function of r.

  17. Cost of pool. A 288-ft3 pool is to be built with a square bottom of side length x. The sides are built with tiles and the bottom with cement. The cost per unit of tiles is $6/ft2, and cost of the bottom is $2/ft2. Write the total cost C as a function of x.

  18. Distance between cars. Two cars are traveling along two roads that cross each other at right angles at point A. Both cars are traveling toward A for t seconds at 30 ft/sec. Initially, their distances from A are 1500 ft and 2100 ft, respectively. Write the distance d between the cars as a function of t.

  19. Distance. Write the distance d from the point (2, 1) to the point (x, y) on the graph of f(x)=x33x+6 as a function of x.

  20. Time of travel. An island is at point A, 5 mi from the nearest point B on a straight beach. A store is at point C, 8 mi up the beach from point B. Julio can row at 4 mi/hr and walk 5 mi/hr. He rows to the point P, x mi up the beach from point B and walks from P to C. Write the total time T of travel from A to C as a function of x.

  21. Price–demand. Analysts for an electronics company determined that the price–demand function for its 60-inch LED televisions is

    p(x)=127525x, 1x30,

    where p is the wholesale price per TV in dollars and x, in thousands, is the number of TVs that can be sold.

    1. Find and interpret p(5), p(15), and p(30).

    2. Sketch the graph of y=p(x).

    3. Solve the equation p(x)=650 and interpret your result.

  22. Revenue.

    1. Using the price–demand function p(x)=127525x,1x30, of Exercise 105, write the company’s revenue function R(x) and state its domain.

    2. Find and interpret R(1), R(5), R(10), R(15), R(20), R(25), and R(30).

    3. Using the data from part (b), sketch the graph of y=R(x).

    4. Solve the equation R(x)=4700 and interpret your result.

  23. Breaking even. Peerless Publishing Company intends to publish Harriet Henrita’s next novel. The estimated cost is $75,000 plus $5.50 for each copy printed. The selling price per copy is $15. The bookstores retain 40% of the selling price as commission. Let x represent the number of copies printed and sold.

    1. Find the cost function C(x).

    2. Find the revenue function R(x).

    3. Find the profit function P(x).

    4. How many copies of the novel must be sold for Peerless to break even?

    5. What is the company profit if 46,000 copies are sold?

  24. Breaking even. Capital Records Company plans to produce a CD by the popular rapper Rapit. The fixed cost is $500,000, and the variable cost is $0.50 per CD. The company sells each CD to record stores for $5. Let x represent the number of CDs produced and sold.

    1. How many disks must be sold for the company to break even?

    2. How many CDs must be sold for the company to make a profit of $750,000?

Beyond the Basics

In Exercises 109–112, find an expression for f(x) by solving for y and replacing y with f(x). Then find the domain of f and compute f(4).

  1. x=2y4

  2. xy3=2y

  3. (x2+1)y+x=2

  4. yx2x=2y

In Exercises 113–118, state whether f and g represent the same function. Explain your reasons.

  1. f(x)=3x4, 0x8,g(x)=3x4

  2. f(x)=3x2, g(x)=3x2, 5x5

  3. f(x)=x1, g(x)=x21x+1

  4. f(x)=x+2x2x6, g(x)=1x3

  5. f(x)=x2+1, g(x)=8x14, both with domain {3, 5}

  6. f(x)=2x2+8, g(x)=3x+7, both with domain {1, 2}

  7. Let f(x)=ax2+ax3. If f(2)=15, find a.

  8. Let g(x)=x2+bx+b2. If g(6)=28, find b.

  9. Let h(x)=3x+2a2xb. If h(6)=0 and h(3) is undefined, find a and b.a=9, b=6

  10. Let f(x)=2x3. Find f(x2) and [f(x)]2.

  11. If g(x)=x21x2, show that g(x)+g(1x)=0.

  12. If f(x)=x1x+1, show that f(x1x+1)=1x.

  13. If f(x)=x+34x5 and t=3+5x4x1, show that f(t)=x.

Critical Thinking / Discussion / Writing

  1. Write an equation of a function with each domain. Answers will vary.

    1. [2, )

    2. (2, )

    3. (, 2]

    4. (, 2)

  2. Consider the graph of the function

    f(x)=ax2+bx+c, a0.
    1. Write an equation whose solution yields the x-intercepts.

    2. Write an equation whose solution is the y-intercept.

    3. Write (if possible) a condition under which the graph of y=f(x) has no x-intercepts.

    4. Write (if possible) a condition under which the graph of y=f(x) has no y-intercepts.

  3. Give an example (if possible) of a function matching each description. Some have many different correct answers.

    1. Its graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.

    2. Its graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis.

    3. Its graph is symmetric with respect to the origin.

    4. Its graph consists of a single point.

    5. Its graph is a horizontal line.

    6. Its graph is a vertical line.

  4. Let X={a, b} and Y={1, 2, 3}

    1. How many functions are there from X to Y?

    2. How many functions are there from Y to X?

  5. If a set X has m elements and a set Y has n elements, how many functions can be defined from X to Y? Justify.

Getting Ready for the Next Section

In Exercises 131–134, solve each inequality.

  1. 2x4<12

  2. 5x+97(x+1)

  3. x2>0

  4. (3x)(x+5)0

In Exercises 135–140, let f(x)=32x2, g(x)=x+3, and h(x)=2x2+1, and find

  1. f(0), g(0), h(0)

  2. f(1), g(1), h(1)

  3. f(2), g(2), h(2)

  4. f(x+1), g(x+1), h(x+1)

  5. f(x), g(x), h(x)

  6. f(x),g(x),h(x)

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