Cumulative Review Exercises Chapters P–4

  1. Find the x- and y-intercepts of the graph of the equation x2+(y1)2=1. Check for symmetry with respect to both axes and the origin.

  2. Graph the equation y=x3.

  3. Find the center and radius of the circle x2+2x+y24y20=0. Graph the circle.

  4. Write the slope–intercept form of the equation of the line that passes through (2, 4) and is perpendicular to the line 2x+3y=17.

  5. Find the domain of f(x)=log x2x+3.

  6. Evaluate the function f(x)={2x3,x<12x2+1,x1 at each value specified.

    1. f(2)

    2. f(0)

    3. f(3).

  7. Identify the basic function and use transformations to sketch the graph of the function f(x)=3x+12.

  8. Let f(x)=3x and g(x)=1x.

    Find and write the domain of (fg)(x) in interval notation.

  9. Determine whether the function has an inverse function; if so, find the inverse function.

    1. f(x)=2x3+1

    2. f(x)=|x|

    3. f(x)= ln x.

  10. Divide

    1. 2x3+3x+1x2+1 using long division.

    2. 2x4+7x32x+3x+3 using synthetic division.

  11. Find a polynomial function of least degree with integer coefficients that has the given zeros.

    1. 1, 2, 3

    2. 1, 1, i, i

  12. Use rules of logarithms to rewrite the following expressions in expanded form.

    1. log2 5x3

    2. logaxy2z3

    3. ln 3x5y

  13. Use rules of logarithms to rewrite the following expressions in condensed form.

    1. 12(log x +log y)

    2. 3 ln x2 ln y

  14. Use a calculator to evaluate the expression. Round your answer to three decimal places.

    1. log917

    2. log325

    3. log1/20.3

  15. Solve each equation.

    1. log6(x+3)+log6(x2)=1

    2. 5x24x+5=25

    3. 3.1x1=23

  16. Find all possible rational zeros of


    Also find upper and lower bounds for the zeros of f.

  17. Let f(x)=(x1)3(x+2)2(x3).

    1. Find the zeros of f along with their multiplicities.

    2. What is the behavior of f near each zero?

    3. What is the end behavior of f?

    4. Sketch the graph of f.

  18. Let f(x)=(x1)(x+2)(x3)(x+4).

    1. Find the vertical asymptotes of f (if any).

    2. Find the horizontal asymptotes of f (if any).

    3. Find the intervals over which f(x)1>0 or f(x)1<0.

    4. Sketch the graph of f. 

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