Porting and Migration: Choosing the Best Options

Given the high rate of change and technological improvements in today's marketplace, one of HP's most sought after services is SES, Software Engineering Services. This is due to its ability to help customers migrate their mission-critical applications to Itanium systems regardless of the operating system in use. Successful migration in this area achieves nothing less than the business objectives of the enterprise.

In doing so, the user can retain functionality of the existing or redesigned native enterprise applications. Due to the mission-critical nature of these applications, reducing the risk of transitioning to newer or emerging technologies is a major benefit. Also, integrating these existing applications with emerging e-solutions improves their usefulness, which shows up on the bottom line.

Hewlett-Packard provides assessment of their business applications, databases, and data for customers concerned about what a porting and migration project might mean given their existing resources. The assessment includes consideration of business drivers and the impact of change—a clear picture of what it will take to successfully complete the porting process of the most important applications.

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