Chapter 30. Electrodialysis and Electrophoresis

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles behind separation by electrodialysis and some of its applications.

  • Classify the types of membranes used in the process and understand the operation of a bipolar membrane.

  • Design and evaluate a electrodialysis system based on a simple model.

  • Understand how two charged species can be separated due to the differences in their relative mobility by the electrophoresis method.

  • Review the flow and field arrangements in some common electrophoresis units.

  • Develop and solve simple models for electrophoresis and apply these for preliminary design of a device.

Electrodialysis refers to mass transport through stacks of ion-selective membranes under the action of an electric field. It is used to separate an electrolyte feed solution into a dilute and a concentrated solution. A common application is to purify brackish water in connection with desalination, but the technique has found applications in many other fields as well. The use of selective ion-exchange membranes is the separating factor here. In this chapter, we start with the description of the process, application areas, and technological aspects together with some variations. Then a simple model to design or simulate the equipment is shown where we apply mass conservation law, Faraday’s law, and Ohm’s law to determine the voltage needed for the separation and the power requirements. Transport across the membranes is simply lumped into a resistance in this model. A more detailed model uses the transport across charged membranes using the Nernst-Planck equation and a brief discussion and pertinent references are provided. The concept of limiting current is an important design consideration as well and is also discussed briefly.

Electrophoresis refers to movement of charged particles in solution under the action of an electric field. This field is becoming important in what is now called the subject of proteomics, which requires separation of proteins, DNA molecules, and so on. The difference in mobility is used as the separating agent here. Proteins and colloidal materials carry a surface charge and move under the influence of an electric field with the velocity proportional to the mobility and the direction of motion dependent on the type of charge. If now a flow is superimposed, different species will follow different trajectories due to differences in their surface charge or mobility. Hence they separate into “bands” similar to chromatography. This is the basic idea used in the process and there are many variations and designs used in practice. Three such designs are introduced. A simple model is discussed to predict the bandwidth and the extent of separation.

30.1 Technological Aspects

Electrodialysis (ED) refers to transport across membranes using membranes that are selective only to either the cations or anions. Thus cation exchange membranes (CEMs) exclude anions and permit only the transport of positive ions; the negative ions are rejected. Conversely anion exchange membranes (AEMs) permit transport of only negative ions. By stacking these in an alternating manner it is possible to remove salt from water and produce a solution with a lower salt concentration; a more concentrated salt will be formed in the alternating layer between the membranes. An electrolytic reaction is allowed to take place at the anode and the cathode placed at the end of the stacks of membranes. This provides the current and is necessary to promote the transport of ions across the membrane. Thus the potential applied across the equipment provides the energy for separation. The electrodes are chemically neutral metals with the anode being typically stainless steel and the cathode a platinum- or titanium-coated surface.

An illustrative diagram of the unit is presented in Figure 30.1. The unit shown has two membrane pairs of anion-selective and cation-selective membranes. The working principle of the separation method can now be discussed using this figure as a reference. Note that in practice a large number of membrane pairs arranged into an alternating manner are used and assembled into a “plate and frame” type of design.

The schematic diagram of electrodialysis process.

Figure 30.1 Schematic diagram of electrodialysis process: A = anion exchange membrane; C = cation exchange membrane. Note that only two stack pairs are shown but larger scale applications use a large number of stack pairs in a similar alternating arrangement.

In this arrangement, the feed solution gets diluted in alternative compartments marked 1 and 3 in the figure. The presence of an anion-selective membrane on the left side of compartment 1 and a cation-selective one on the right side removes the anion X and the cation M+ in compartment 1. The salt concentration in feed solution gets diluted as it flows through compartment 1. A similar process occurs in compartment 3.

In compartment 2 the feed gets concentrated and the reason for this is because the M+ coming into compartment 2 from 1 is not able to cross to 3 due to the presence of the anion-exchange membrane as a barrier. Similarly X coming from 3 meets a cation exchange barrier and is not able to cross over to compartment 1. Hence a concentrated salt solution results in this compartment.

In addition to the cell pairs, there are two electrodes at the two ends of the of the unit. A electrolyte rinse solution flows in these electrode compartments (marked E in the figure) in order to increase the solution conductivity. (The rinse solution is usually recycled.) Chemical reactions O2 evolution and H2 evolution occur at the anode and the cathode, respectively. The anode reaction is


The following is the cathode reaction:

2H+ + 2eH2

These reactions are needed for the current flow along the external circuit.

Chlorine formation at the anode is a possible side reaction if the feed contains Cl ions. This is an anodic reaction represented as

2Cl → 2e + Cl2

The extent of these reactions are minimal and only a small fraction of the water gets electrolyzed. The overall material balance is that the brackish water gets separated into relatively deionized water and a concentrated solution. This nature of separation is similar to that in reverse osmosis although the separation principles are different. One is based on pressure-driven transport while the other is based on electricity-driven transport.

30.1.1 When to Use Electrodialysis

The following guidelines are useful to decide when to use electrodialysis in lieu of other separation methods:

  • Very dilute salt solution: If the range of concentration of the salt is below 1000 mg/L, then use ion exchange.

  • Dilute solution: Electrodialysis fits well and is economical if the range of concentration is within a range of 1000 to 10,000 mg/L.

  • Not so dilute solution: If the range of concentration of the salt is above 10,000 mg/L, then reverse osmosis is more economical.

Large capacity systems, where about 220, 000 m3/day of brackish water are treated for potable use, have been designed. Other applications include the food industry (salt removal from cheese whey, soy sauce, etc.), organic chemicals (e.g., organic acids from organic salt wastes), and related applications. Valero et al. (2011) provide more application examples and a review of electrodialysis technology.

30.1.2 Membranes

A brief description of the membranes used in electrodialysis (ED) is in order. ED systems as shown earlier consist of a cation-transfer membrane and anion-transfer membrane arranged in alternating order. The cation transfer allows only positive ions to pass through. These are generally made from crosslinked polystyrene, which has been sulfonated to produce SO3H groups attached to the polymer. In water this ionizes to produce immobile SO3 groups within the membrane. This blocks the transport of negative ions through the membrane.

The anion-exchange membrane allows negative ions to pass through. The membrane matrix usually has fixed positive charge, for example, quaternary ammonium salts of the generic formula RNH+3, which repels the positive ions. Chloromethylation followed by amination is done on a polymer matix to create these functional groups.

Both membranes should have the following desirable properties:

  • Low electrical resistance

  • Insoluble in aqueous media

  • Mechanical rigidity

  • Resistance to change in pH and to osmotic swelling

The membranes can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. In the heterogeneous structure, the ion-selective membranes are embedded in a neutral membrane matrix. Membrane that are selective to univalent ions are also available, for example, NO3 transport is permitted with exclusion or limited transport to SO4, and so on. Such selectivity is accomplished by specially treating anion-exchange membranes to provide additional functional groups. Thus a wide range of membranes is available and selection depends on the application areas and relative cost of the equipment. A detailed review on the developments in the preparation, properties, and application of ion-exchange membranes is available in Xu (2005).

30.1.3 Electrodialysis Reversal Process

The electrodialysis reversal (EDR) process is a variation on the ED process that uses electrode polarity reversal to automatically clean membrane surfaces. EDR works the same way as ED, except that the polarity of the DC power is reversed two to four times per hour. When the polarity is reversed, the source water dilute and concentrate compartments are also reversed and so are the chemical reactions at the electrodes. This polarity reversal helps prevent the formation of scale on the membranes. The setup is very similar to an ED system except for the presence of reversal valves. More technological aspects of EDR are discussed by Katz (1977).

30.1.4 Electrodialysis with Bipolar Membranes

Bipolar membranes (BPMs) are composite membranes consisting of layers of both cation-exchange and anion-exchange membranes. These, for instance, permit water separation to H+ and OH ions with no gas evolution. The action of a bipolar membrane is shown in Figure 30.2. The BPM consists of a cation-selective layer, a transition layer, and an anion-selective layer sandwiched together. Th water splitting occurs in the transition layer and H+ and OH formed in this layer move in opposite directions to the bulk fluid toward the respective electrodes.

An illustration of the action of a bipolar membrane.

Figure 30.2 Illustration of the action of a bipolar membrane: water splitting occurs at the transition layer and the cations and anions move out on either side.

The mechanism for water splitting is not clear and could be due to the catalytic effect of the transition layer. Fu et al. (2003) discuss some proposed models for water splitting and they found that PEG (polyethylene glycol) has a strong effect on water splitting. The other solvent studied in BPMs is methanol, which dissociates into CH3O and H+ ions.

A common application is splitting the salt into an acid and base. The arrangement is shown in Figure 30.3. The CEM and AEM permit the separation of the cation and anion of the salt (MX) while the bipolar membrane (BPM) causes water to split into H+ and OH ions. The H+ ions permeate through the cation-exchange side of the BPM and form acid HX with the X ions provided by permeation through the AEM. Similarly on the other side the OH ions (shown as R in the figure for generality) from the anion exchange side of the BPM form the base MR (MOH) with M+ being supplied via the CEM. The final result is that a salt solution, MX, in the feed is split into an acid (HX) and a base (MOH). Note that this is one type of cell arrangement and a number of alternative designs are available as reviewed in Tongwen and Weihua (2002).

The illustration of the use of a bipolar membrane for the separation of an organic salt into an acid and a base.

Figure 30.3 Illustration of the use of a bipolar membrane for separation of an organic salt into an acid and a base.

Detailed review of the application of elecrodialysis with a bipolar membrane is presented by Tongwen and Weihua (2002). These membranes are finding applications in wastewater treatment and recovery of value from waste.

30.2 Preliminary Design of an Electrodialyzer

Chemical engineers may be involved in procurement and setup of ED units and hence it is useful to know how equipment can be evaluated. Simple back of the envelope calculations are often useful and are illustrated this section. Manufacturers of ED equipment are always looking for improvement in energy efficiency in which case it is important to know the mass transfer effects in more detail. Nernst-Planck equation–based mass transport models are useful in this regard and are discussed in briefly at the end of this section.

Preliminary design is done using mass balance and Faraday’s and Ohm’s laws. Detailed concentration profiles in the membrane and in the boundary layer near the membrane surface are not included. In other words, mass transport across the membrane and in the external film near the membrane are not considered. Finally a correction factor, the current efficiency, is applied to allow for these effects. These design aspects are available in Lee et al. (2002) and Korngold (1982) and the discussion follows the ideas developed in these sources.

30.2.1 Current and Voltage

The main parameters to be calculated for prescribed process conditions are the membrane area and power requirement. First the current needs to be calculated using Faraday’s law for a given extent of salt separation:


where F is the Faraday constant, Q is the flow rate across each cell pair, and ΔCA is the concentration change from inlet to outlet. The concentration is often expressed in g-equivalent (g-eq per m3 rather than g mole/m3). This takes care of the valency of the cation or anion and n (number of electrons transferred) is then set as one. For a univalent electrolyte such as NaCl, g-eq is the same as g-mol.

The membrane area can then be calculated if an operating current density i is chosen:


where η is a current efficiency factor to account for the various losses in the system.

The voltage drop across each stack pair in accordance with Ohm’s law is


where Σ R is the total resistance for current flow in the cell pair. V is the applied voltage across the system and N is the number of cell pairs in the complete unit.

The total resistance is composed of four individual resistances shown in Figure 30.4; these are added to get the total resistance.

An illustration of the Ohm’s law diagram for a cell pair showing current-voltage relation.

Figure 30.4 Ohm’s law diagram for a cell pair showing the current–voltage relation; h is the thickness of one cell. AEM = anion-exchange membrane; CEM = cation-exchange membrane.

These resistances in series are the following:

  1. Resistance of the diluate solution, R1. This is calculated as h/κd where h is the cell width and κd is the specific electrical conductivity of the diluate solution, S/m.

  2. Resistance of the AEM membrane, RA, in Ωm2.

  3. Resistance of the concentrate solution, R2. This is calculated as h/κc where h is the cell width and κc is the specific electrical conductivity of the concentrate solution, S/m.

  4. Resistance of the CEM membrane, RC in Ωm2.

The total resistance Σ R is equal to R1 + RA + R2 + RC. Note that these are based on a unit area for transport. Hence the unit is Ωm2. Also note that S represents Siemens, an unit for conductance that is the same as Ω–1 and is denoted as mho in earlier work.

The resistance of the commercial ion-exchange membranes are in the range of 3 to 6 ×10–4 Δm2 and depends on the thickness of the membrane that are in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 mm.

The specific conductivity of the salt solution is concentration dependent and is expressed as

κ = C

where Λ is the equivalent conductance (S m2/mol) and C is the concentration in either the diluate or the concentrate compartment. The concentration changes along the reactor length and an average value between the inlet and outlet is used as an approximation. (Note that a mesoscopic model is required for more detail.)

The equivalent conductance of a salt solution is concentration dependent as well. However, a value of 10.86 S m2/kmol for equivalent conductance appears to be a reasonable average value, as suggested by Lee et al. (2002), and can be used for a preliminary design.

The calculations are demonstrated by Example 30.1.

Example 30.1 Voltage Balance and Power for Salt Separation

24, 000 m3/day of salt solution is to be purified from 1500 mg/L to 300 mg/L. A conversion of 50% is assumed, that is, 50% of the feed gets diluted and the rest ends up as the concentrate. One hundred fifty membrane pairs are used, with each membrane having a thickness of 0.65 mm. The operating current density is fixed at 30 A/m2 and a current efficiency of 90% is assumed. Find the membrane area needed, the voltage to be applied, and the power consumption. Additional data needed: membrane resistance = 7.0 × 10–4 Ωm2; equivalent conductivity of salt solution = 10.5 S m2/kmol.


The flow rate of feed solution is 24, 000 m3/day, which is equal to 0.2778 m3/s. The flow rate of NaCl across each cell pair is therefore equal to 0.2778/300 = 9.26 × 10–4 m3/sec. The inlet concentration is 1500 mg/L. The molecular weight of NaCl is 58.5. Hence the inlet concentration is calculated as 25.64 mol/m3. Similarly the exit concentration is 5.13 mol/m3. This gives a ΔCA of 20.5.

Now using a mass balance the exit concentration of the concentrate is found as 46 mol/m3. The current in the system can now be calculated using Equation 30.1:

I = (96500 C/mol) × (9.26 × 10–4 m3/s) × 20.5 mol/m3 = 1.83 × 103 A

The membrane area is then calculated using Equation 30.2:

area = 1.83 × 103 A/30 (A/m2)/0.9 = 67 m2

To find the power consumption the voltage to be applied across the system has to be calculated. First we find the individual resistances and the total resistance. The specific conductance of the diluate based on the average concentration is 0.1615 S/m. Hence the resistance of the diluate is 0.6 × 10–3 m/0.1615 S/m = .004Ωm2. The exit concentration of the concentrate was calculated by a mass balance and is 46 mol/m3. Hence the specific conductance of the concentrate based on the average concentration is 0.3769 S/m. The resistance of the concentrate is thus 0.6 × 10–3 m/0.3769 S/m = .0017Ω m2. The total resistance is calculated by summing the individual resistances:

R=0.004+7.0×104+0.0017+7.0×104=0.0071Ω m2

Hence the voltage needed is 30 A × 0.0071 Ωm2 = 0.2144 V per cell pair. The total voltage across the system is 300 × 0.2144 = 64.37 V. The power is equal to the voltage time current and is 64.37 V × 30 A = 117 kW.

30.2.2 Limiting Current

The operating current density is the key value used in the previous example to get the design estimates. The maximum value is limited by mass transfer considerations and hence the limiting current is an important factor in the design of ED systems. The limiting current refers to a situation where the concentration of the diffusing species becomes zero at the membrane surface.

The operating current density cannot be larger than the limiting current. A value of 0.85 times the limiting current is used as an approximate design criteria.

The equation to calculate the limiting current density is

iL = nFkLCA

where kL is the mass transfer coefficient near the external film near the membrane. CA should be the exit concentration since this is where the limiting conditions will happen. It is however difficult to estimate the mass transfer coefficient since it depends on the flow velocity, spacer configuration, and membrane surface roughness. Hence experimentally determined values are used in practical design as suggested by Lee et al. (2002). Typical values are in the range of 30–50 A/m2. Additional information is available in Tanaka (2005).

30.2.3 Detailed Models

Mass transfer theory–based models are presented in Kraaijeveld et al. (1995), who also modeled a circulating batch system. (These are commonly used in laboratory testing.) The fluxes across the membranes were calculated using the Stefan-Maxwell model and coupled to the transient equation for the batch reactor. A ternary system, Na+, H+, and Cl, were used in their study, for which the Stefan-Maxwell model is more appropriate. For a binary system (e.g., NaCl) the transport model in a charged membrane shown in Section 16.4 can be modified and used to find the fluxes across the membrane. The previously cited study shows an example of coupling a macroscopic model (for bulk fluid concentrations in the batch system) with the differential model (membrane transport).

Factors leading to inefficiencies such as diffusion of co-ions through the membranes and water transport across the membranes can also be investigated using the framework of the detailed model. Hence such models provide more phenomenological understanding, which in turn helps in improving the performance of the unit.

30.3 Principle of Electrophoresis

Electrophoresis refers to movement of charged particles in solution under the action of an electric field. This separation method is widely used in bioseparations, for example, separation of proteins, DNA molecules, and so on. Different components in a mixture have different mobilities and hence different migration velocities. Electrophoretic separation exploits this difference to accomplish a separation. In some sense it is similar to chromatography where the differences in the adsorption equilibrium constant are used to achieve separation. The application of this technique has now expanded to separation of a large class of products in addition to proteins, including dyes, colloids, and so on.

It is useful to indicate the direction of the motion of the various types of molecules. This depends on the type of the surface charge, which depends on a number of factors discussed next.

30.3.1 Solutes with Fixed Type of Charge

Colloids are suspensions of fine particles in a liquid media with a particle size generally less than 10 μm and can be classified into hydrophobic or hydrophilic types. Typical examples of hydrophobic colloids are suspensions of metals, metal oxides, colloidal sulfur, and so on, and these move in a fixed direction in an electric field depending on the type of charge carried by these particles. Solutes of metallic particles are positively charged while those of metal oxides, and so on, are negatively charged.

30.3.2 Solutes with Charge Dependent on pH

For proteins, the direction of the motion is not unique and is very sensitive to the hydrogen ion concentration. A typical amino acid that forms the backbone of a protein can be represented as NH2RCOOH, but is an amphoteric electrolyte and has a bipolar structure represented as +NH3RCOO; it is also called as Zwitterion. In strong acids the following reaction takes place, which makes it positively charged:


In alkaline solutions the proteins acquire a negative charge due to the following reaction:


Hence the nature of the charge of a protein therefore depends on pH. If the pH is increased progressively, the charge changes from positive to zero and then negative. The pH at which the charge is zero is called the iso-electric pH value and the protein will not move in an electric field at that pH. This gives another handle on separation since the relative motion of one protein to another can be controlled by simply changing the pH of the solution. This method is called isoelectric focusing.

30.4 Electrophoretic Separation Devices

We now discuss the common electophoretic separation devices and simple models to track the trajectory of a species injected to the system. Continuous free-flow electrophoretic systems are widely used and there are many variations of the design. A basic electrophoretic device is a flow channel in which an elutant fluid is used to carry the protein (or species to be separated). A voltage is also applied in the device by placing electrodes suitably in the system. The species migrates toward one or the other electrode depending on the type of charge carried by it and is also being carried by the flow depending on the local velocity. Since different species have different mobilities or different types of charge, they get separated at various locations downstream and are collected at various ports downstream in the flow channel. A number of design arrangements have been proposed and we discuss some of these in some detail.

30.4.1 Philpot Design

In this design, we have the elutant flowing in a narrow channel with a voltage gradient applied across the gap as shown in Figure 30.5.

The Philpot design showing the electrophoretic transport of two proteins with different mobilities injected into a flow stream.

Figure 30.5 Electrophoretic transport of two proteins with different mobilities injected into a flow stream. Philpot design is shown where the applied field is perpendicular to the flow. Protein 1 accumulates at port 1 while the protein with lower mobility accumulates at port 2.

The feed solution containing the proteins to be separated is introduced as a point source at a location near the inlet. This is convected by flow in the x-direction and moves to the electrode at y = H by electrophoretic migration. (Here we assume y = H is of the opposite polarity to the charge on the protein.) The computation of the trajectory of a protein and the point at which it will separate is described next by a simple model. The model is for plug flow of the liquid for simplicity but it is easy to extend this to a parabolic profile, which is characteristic of laminar flow in a channel.

A coordinate system in the direction of the flow vector (x-axis) and perpendicular to the flow (y-axis or the direction of the field) is set up as shown in the figure. The species is convected by flow in the x-direction and hence has an x-velocity of vx. Here we assume no slip and the velocity of the particle is taken to be equal to that of the fluid. The species moves with a y-velocity of μpEy in the y-direction. Hence the velocity of the particle is

v = exvx + eyμpEy

The angle between the direction of convection and the x-axis can therefore be calculated as

tan θ=μpEyυx

The speed in this direction (the θ-direction), denoted as vp, is


This provides the trajectory of the protein due to the action of the flow and migration and is shown in Figure 30.5. Trajectories are shown in this figure for two proteins with different mobility values.

Different proteins have different mobilities and arrive at different locations as shown in the figure. The fractions are collected at suitable locations along the wall (ports 1 and 2 in the figure).

Superimposed on the trajectory there is a spread due to diffusion. This can be described by a Gaussion distribution:


where mp is the source strength equal to the mass or moles of protein being injected at the source point per unit width of the slab. xc is the distance along the trajectory. yc is the distance perpendicular to the trajectory; this is the direction where the spread occurs due to diffusion.

The standard deviation for diffusion is


The separability of two protein species by electrophoresis can be assessed by this simple model. In general the standard deviation of 4 will maintain a concentration difference of 0.1%. Otherwise there will be an overlap and the separation will not be sharp.

This discussion provides a basic model for the process and is useful to provide some guidelines in design and selection of suitable equipment. The factors to consider are as follows:

  • The length of the device must be reasonable.

  • Multiple species must be separable without overlap.

  • Joule heating due to the imposed field causes a temperature rise, which can cause protein denaturation. Hence the design should limit the maximum temperature rise in the system and heat transfer models also become important.

  • Other effects such as Taylor dispersion and double-layer distortion affecting the mobility of the particle become important in many cases.

30.4.2 Hannig Design

In the Hannnig design, the direction of the field and the direction of the flow are parallel. A schematic diagram of this arrangement is shown in Figure 30.6.

An illustration of the Hannig design.

Figure 30.6 Hannig design: the applied field is parallel to the flow. Proteins appear at the exit at different mean retentions, which depend on their mobility.

The velocity of a protein in the flow direction is now the algebraic sum of the convection and electromigration velocity. The time it takes to arrive at a distance L (the length of the device) is L/vp; this represents the retention time. Two proteins with different retention times can therefore be separated. The analysis is therefore similar to the chromatography studied in Chapter 29.

An ideal pulse will be observed in the exit stream as a dirac delta function after the elapse of the retention time. In reality band broadening will be observed due to both diffusion and dispersion. The diffusion in the flow direction (y) will cause a spread in the response curve in the y-direction while the axial dispersion will cause a peak broadening in the x-direction as well. The difference in the retention time for separation should be about 4σ apart so that the pulse overlap does not interfere with the separation.

Additional band spreading can occur due to electro-osmosis, and hydrodynamic effects caused by thermal gradients. The thermal gradients are due to Joule heating caused by the applied potential. These can cause protein denturation and control of the temperature peak is important.

30.4.3 Rotating Annular Bed

Another design is the continuous flow rotating annular bed electrophoresis column, which is shown in Figure 30.7, The feed and elutant enter at a fixed location in the annular region between two coaxial cylinders. The electric field is applied in the axial direction. The annular bed is slowly rotated about its axis. Each component leaves the column at a different angular position located at the bottom of the unit. Multiple product ports are provided along the circumference at the bottom of the column. As a result of rotation, separated fractions appear as helical bands. Since separation occurs in the angular direction in addition to the axial direction, the bed thickness can be kept small to reduce the bed temperature rise. This reduces the effect of Joule heating. Both the inner and outer part of the system are kept cold by circulating a coolant to further reduce the temperature rise in the system. Detailed modeling and the band spreading calculations are presented in Yoshisato et al. (1986) and also addressed briefly in exercise problem 30.6 in this chapter.

An illustration of the continuous flow rotating bed electrophoresis unit.

Figure 30.7 Continuous flow rotating bed electrophoresis unit.

Other designs include serpentine channels, studied for example by Wang et al. (2004), and the use of microchannel devices.


  • Electrodialysis refers to separation using transport in a charged membrane that permits selective transport of only positive or negative ions.

  • Pairs of cation-selective and anion-selective membranes are arranged in series in a typical electrodialysis setup. The feed solution gets depleted in one of these setup cells while it gets concentrated in the adjacent cells.

  • An electric potential applied across the cells promotes the current flow. Near the electrodes a electrolyte rinse solution is introduced to improve the solution conductivity and the current flow. Some gas evolution reaction may take place near the electrodes; the extent of gas evolution is small compared to the quantity of feed treated.

  • A preliminary model for electrodialysis is based on a mass balance, Faraday’s law, and Ohm’s law. Resistance to the current flow is taken as the sum of four resistances in series: the resistance of the two membranes and the resistance of the diluate and the concentrated solution. The current density cannot exceed the limiting current and is usually chosen as 80% of the limiting current value. The area of membrane required for a given separation and the power needed can be assessed based on this model.

  • Detailed models for electrodialysis include mass transfer effects in the film and in the charged membrane. These models provide detailed concentration profiles in the membrane and permit current–voltage calculations using a detailed Nernst-Planck model rather than the simple Ohm’s law. A transport model in a charged membrane together with the Donnan equilibrium at the membrane–solution interface is used as the basic framework in setting up these models.

  • Electrophoresis refers to the migration of a charged species relative to a liquid caused by an applied electric field. It finds wide applications in bio-separation including separation of proteins, DNA, and so on.

  • A simple migration-convection model is useful to track the particle trajectory in electrophoretic devices. The migration is caused by the electric field while the convection is caused by the elutant flow. The spread due to diffusion is then superimposed as a Gaussian distribution. Hence the separation distance and the spread can be evaluated and the model can be used to assess the separability given the mobility parameter.

  • A number of flow arrangements can be used to improve the separation efficiency in electrophoretic devices. These include the Philpot design, the Hannig design, the rotating annular bed, and so on. The relative merits of each setup can be analyzed using simple convection-migration-diffusion models.

Review Questions

30.1 What is electrodialysis?

30.2 State some applications of electrodialysis.

30.3 What are the two exit streams from an electrodialysis system?

30.4 What is electrodialysis reversal?

30.5 What are some of the applications of electrodialysis with bipolar membranes?

30.6 What is the general chemical composition of a cation-exchange membrane?

30.7 What is the general chemical composition of an anion-exchange membrane?

30.8 Define the limiting current and show its importance in electrodialysis.

30.9 What is the principle behind electrophoresis?

30.10 What is an amphoteric electrolyte?

30.11 What is meant by an isoelectric point?

30.12 What data is needed to find the isoelectric point of an amino acid?

30.13 Differentiate between the field arrangements in the Philpot and Hannig designs of an electrophoresis unit.

30.14 What is the effect of Joule heating in electophoresis on separation efficiency?

30.15 What additional benefit is obtained in the rotating bed over the Hannig design?


30.1 Current and power calculation in electrodialysis. A 150 L/hour of salt solution with 3000 ppm of NaCl is to be purified to 400 ppm by electrodialysis. A cell stack of 100 cell pairs are used. Find the current density needed. If the voltage drop per cell pair is 0.3 V find the power needed and the energy needed per liter of water processed.

30.2 Membrane area needed for separation. An electrodialysis unit has a feed concentration of 58 g eq./m3 and the diluate concentration is reduced by 90%. The recovery factor is 0.75. The production capacity of the plant is 350 m3/day. An operating current density of 40 A/m2 is suggested with 200 cell pairs. Find the area of membrane needed. The current efficiency is 0.9.

30.3 Limiting current. If a limiting current of 50 A/m2 is measured for a salt concentration of 0.1 M NaCl, estimate the mass transfer coefficient. The data on limiting current at a fixed salt concentration was fitted as iL = Avα by Lee et al. (2002) and the exponent α was found to be in the range of 0.41 to 0.52. Determine the exponent if a convection-diffusion model with laminar flow is used.

30.4 Separation distance for proteins. It is required to separate two proteins with mobilities of μ1 = 8 × 10–5 m.C/N.s and μ2 = 6 × 10–5 m. C/N.s. The diffusion coefficient is 6 × 10–10 m2/s. The flow velocity is 0.2 mm/s. The applied field is 2000 V/m. The electrodes are placed 1 cm apart. The Philpot design is used with the field perpendicular to the flow. Find the trajectory of the “plumes” of the two proteins and the distance at which the two proteins can be separated. First assume plug flow and use the equations suggested in the text. Second assume laminar flow and calculate the trajectory by solving the following pair of equations. The following equation is applicable for the distance along the elutant flow (same for both proteins):


Here the right-hand side represents the velocity for laminar flow in a channel, G the applied pressure gradient, and μL the viscosity of the liquid. For distance across the flow (different for different proteins) the following equation is applicable:


30.5 Retention time and spread in the Hannig design. Two proteins with mobilities of μ1 = 8 × 10–5 m.C/N.s and μ2 = 6 × 10–5 m.C/N.s are to be separated in a Hannig design arrangement. The diffusion coefficient is 6 × 10–11 m2/s. The elutant velocity is 1 cm/s. Find the retention time and the spread in the bands if the length of the channel is 100 cm.

30.6 Rotating annular bed. Show that the distance traveled in the angular direction in the rotating annular bed is Rfωt¯A, where t¯A is the retention time for protein A, Rf is the radial position at which the feed is introduced, and ω is the angular velocity. Show that the separation distance between two components A and B is


Determine the expression for the retention time for A and B. Find the separation distance for a design with an inner radius = 25 cm, outer radius = 35 cm, length = 50 cm, applied voltage = 60 V, μA = 8 × 10–5 m.C/N.s and μB = 4 × 10–5 m C/N.s, and rotation speed = 15 rpm.

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