
Think of your application as a performance in and of itself. Just like any performance of a play or movie, there is always some theme that it carries with it. In the case of your application, your theme is the main idea that will form the culture around your application.

Try to see the bigger picture of your application in order to see who is going to be your following and what your application will give them. Once you have determined that, you can figure out the style of your application, and this will help you form your icon, logo, UI, and every visual aspect of your application, including the official web site.

In addition to writing your application and finding your target audience, it is also important to establish a culture around your application. The culture is what your audience believes your application will do for them, and its members will help spread the word on your product. As a developer, it is your responsibility to define your culture, and to create a unique style for your application. This style will be apparent in your icon, logo, UI, and web site.

Developing your application as a culture is important as it involves the audience in the creative process of the application as well as its use. Hearing your audience’s feedback will be valuable in future versions of the application, and will ensure that it has a long life on mobile platforms and beyond.

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