C H A P T E R  9

Publishing to the Android Market

This chapter is going to be exciting, as I will present everything you need to know about getting your application on the Android Market at last. I am going to assume that your application is running without error, which is necessary for publishing to the Market. I’m sure that you have discovered that getting the application to run without errors is just the beginning. You might find that your application does exactly what you programmed it to do, but still not what you want it to do.

Eventually, you have to meet your launch date deadline, and if you can’t get the application to be perfect, you should at least have it running smoothly. If you don’t get everything you want on your application, relax! You can always update it later, and I will explain how to do that in the next chapter.

As I said in Chapter 1, submitting to the Android Market is easier than the Apple App Store because there isn’t any approval process. That means that you don’t have to sit around and wait for Apple (or Google) to get back to you. That also means that shortly after you are finished with all of the steps in this chapter, your application will be ready for downloading by Android users around the globe.

This is where it gets pretty exciting, as you are about to have a grand opening for your application. The potential for users and profits awaits, and your application will be available for review on the Android Market. You had better make certain that it is worthy of five stars!

This also means that you will need to shift gears as far as marketing is concerned, as you go from prerelease buzz to post-release buzz. That is something that I will go into detail about in the next chapter, but for now, I want to briefly address those who are entering the Android Market for the first time.

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