
Submitting an application to the Android Market is a fairly simple matter, provided you follow the process. The first step is making certain the application runs without errors and does absolutely everything it is supposed to do. If it is your first, then you might want to hold off on your marketing until everything is in working order.

Part of the submission process is getting screenshots, and you can obtain screenshots with the SDK. Be sure to pick out screenshots that really show the application in action.

Before the application is submitted, it is necessary to prepare an APK file. You must digitally sign the APK file with a certification with a public/private key pair. This can be done in several ways, and one of them is on Eclipse, which can export a signed application package.

Once the destination and key certificate checks are done, you must create an account on the Android Market. After you sign in with a Google account and pay the $25.00 registration fee, you are free to submit applications.

From there, it is a simple matter of submitting your application by uploading the APK file and screenshots, and including a description and other pertinent information. Once your app is published, it should appear on the Android Market right away.

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