
It's probably easier to explain what this book isn't, rather than go into detail about what it is. If you are looking for a book that will teach you exactly how to write Android programs, this is not that book.

This is not to say that I won't be discussing how to construct an Android app, but I just won't go into great detail. My purpose is to make certain that you, the successful Android developer, are pointed in the right direction. If help in programming Android apps is the type of help you need, then you might want to check out some other books from Apress, such as the following:

  • Android Apps for Absolute Beginners, by Wallace Jackson (Apress 2011)
  • Beginning Android 3, by Mark Murphy (Apress 2011)
  • Pro Android 3, by Satya Komatineni, Sayed Hashimi, and Dave MacLean (Apress 2011)
  • Pro Android Web Apps, by Damon Oehlman and Sébastien Blanc (Apress 2011)
  • Android Essentials, by Chris Haseman (Apress, 2008)
  • Learn Java for Android Development, by Jeff Friesen (Apress 2010) (note that this book is only about the subset of Java you need to program on Android; it says nothing about Android itself)

It is of course essential that the Android developer learn as much about programming as possible to pursue a career in original application development. However, what is almost as important is what to do once that incredible mobile program has been created. That's where this book comes in. Proper marketing, promotion, and advertising could be the difference between major and minor profits for your application. If you are in the business to make money from your Android mobile software, then the information contained within these pages is going to make a significant difference.

Much of the focus of this book is geared toward the marketing of an Android application, but I touch on specific aspects of programming and app creation.

Chapters 1 through 3 discuss how to conceive the idea of a well-marketed application, and what tools you will need to build this application. Chapters 4 through 9 are all about what marketing steps you need to take as you are building the application, in anticipation for the launch date. Chapters 10 and 11 discuss what to do after the launch date and how to keep momentum going on your application so it will continue to make you money for years to come. Chapter 12 talks about how to program with Android and the Eclipse IDE. The following lists details what's covered in each chapter.

  • Chapter 1: This chapter introduces Android in general and talks about its origins and development as a platform.
  • Chapter 2: As you well know, the Android Market is flooded with applications, so you need to find out what sets yours apart. Chapter 2 discusses what you can do to produce a work that will be in demand, how to analyze the competition, where to find your target audience, and even how to name your application. Chapter 2 also discusses what you need to do to protect the intellectual property of your application.
  • Chapter 3: Chapter 3 discusses how to narrow your target audience by introducing culture into everything your application does. This includes making the user interface, the icon, the logo, and the web site follow a specific theme.
  • Chapter 4: Once you have decided on a look and theme for your application, it's time to create a marketing plan for when it is released. You should determine your marketing strategy based on what media outlets you want to report on your Android application. This includes blogs, printed media, social networks, and other methods of spreading the word about your application, including word-of-mouth (the best and worst marketing method).
  • Chapter 5: As a developer, you might want to create several applications. Chapter 5 shows how you can use one app to promote other apps you have developed. It also shows how to promote applications on social networks like Twitter and Facebook, as well as how to prompt users to review your applications, which will lead to more downloads.
  • Chapter 6: Just because you are giving away an app for free on the Android Market doesn't mean that you can't get something out of it. This chapter will discuss creating a lite version of your app along with a paid version. Chapter 6 also discusses ad revenue, as well as affiliate programs to maximize profits.
  • Chapter 7: The initial price of your app isn't the only way to make money from an application; there are several other methods, including in-app billing. This is when the application sets up a store for selling virtual goods, such as rewards within a game. This chapter shows how to put it in your program.
  • Chapter 8: At this point, you should be just about ready to publish the application to the Android Market. In order to avoid work after your prerelease date, you should prepare a press release and get the word out on social networks and your application's website.
  • Chapter 9: The Android Market is a lot simpler to get into than Apple's App Store, because there is no approval process. However, there are a lot of hoops to jump through before you can get your application on the Android Market. This chapter discusses the process, including digital signing, keystores, and creating an Android Market account.
  • Chapter 10: Once your application is out on the market, it is time to let everyone know. Chapter 10 shows the easiest way to send out multiple e-mails, as well as how to inform potential users via social networks and other methods of promotion. The more people that know about your application, the better chance it has of selling.
  • Chapter 11: Now that the app is out there, you can take other steps to ensure its success. Chapter 11 shows you steps that need to be taken in order to ensure that profits increase and the application lives on.
  • Chapter 12: This chapter is for those who are using Eclipse IDE for the first time, and teaches basic Java SE programming commands. Also included is a sample application so you can see these tools in action.
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