The App Is Published, Now What?

Sit back and watch the profits grow, that’s what! Okay, you don’t want to be doing that, as you might be sitting a long time.

The first thing you should do is just check to see if your app is available on the Android Market. Go ahead and enter your application’s name into the search engine.

If you don’t see it on the Android Market, don’t panic! This happened to me, and I first thought I had not filed correctly. Fortunately, there was a help section on the Android Market Publisher website. I sent a message to it, and I was answered within the hour. Granted, the answer wasn’t really anything except telling me why the Android Market would filter my new application out on a search. This was when I discovered that some Android devices won’t even show applications on the Android Market if they will not work on the device after being downloaded.

Considering that I had spent most of the night publishing the application, I decided to sleep on it and solve the problem in the morning. After I woke up, I did a search on the Android Market, and my application was waiting for me. I have no idea if my message to Android somehow fixed the problem. So if you can’t download your application right away, wait a few hours to see if it shows up on the Android Market before you contact their help line.

I will discuss what to do on your launch date in the next chapter, but the first thing you should do is contact all of your friends and associates with Android devices and make certain that they can download your app. The point is that you are looking to see if your application works on every type of Android device. If it doesn’t, then you might have a problem with your application on specific types of Android devices. You might want to take care of those before you send out your application into the world.

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