
images A

AdMobix SDK, 89

AdWords, 153, 154

Age of Zombies, 42, 43

Alchemy, 43

Aldiko Book Reader, 92

Android app blogs, 56

Android application

Amazon, 31

Android market. See Android Market

AndroidZoom, 32

AndroLib, 31

APIs, 23, 32

AppBrain, 32

Appsfire, 32

Aproov, 32

categories, 2930

Color Flashlight, 25

consumers and marketing, 29

copyrights, 35

culture. See Culture

developer programs

Eclipse IDE, 13

JDK, 810

SDK, 1011

doubleTwist, 32

emulator, 20

Geico's BroStache application, 28

GetJar, 32

Google, 33

intellectual property rights, 35

vs. iOS, 26

Appcelerator, 7

Apple, 5

appMobi XDK, 7

Eric Schmidt's statement, 5

Linux kernel software, 5

Livecode, 7

PhoneGap, 7

porting difficulties, 6

Steve Jobs's statement, 5

marketing. See Marketing

MobiHand, 32

origin and versions, 2

patent right, 36

platforms, 34

promotion. See Application promotion

SDK samples, 24

SlideME, 32

Thrutu, 33, 34

Timescape, 23

trade secrets, 36

trademarks, 36

usability, 27

view, 23

Viewdle SocialCamera, 26, 27

Whois database, 34

Android Asset Studio, 44

Android Market

Developer Distribution Agreement, 134

in-app billing service, 100104

listings, 170

porting application to, 6

publishing application in, 115143

publishing site, 170

quick search, 142

reviews of application, 6367

social gaming platforms, 7172

state of, 12

user interface, 45

Android programming, Eclipse IDE

Android Developers web site, 196197

Android SDK setup, 181

background setup, 191

creating emulator, 199201

Android programming, Eclipse IDE (cont.)

example application

graphical layout, 205

Internet permission, 219

Java class setup, 217

LinearLayout section, 204

main.xml file, 208, 209, 209 file, 213, 214

OnClickListener, 210

PopupMessage, 211, 212

push-button widget, 210

RelativeLayout, 206, 207

TextView section, 204

tutorial, 203, 218

WebView, 213

XML file, 215, 216

handling errors, 198

Java SE

inheritance, 195

interfaces, 195

methods, 194195

objects, 193194

package declaration, 195196

new Android project, 183184

online programming answers, 198

project structure, 186

replacing default icon.png file, 188191

running application, emulator, 202203

Stack Overflow, 197198

Android SDK, 1011, 24, 181182

Angry Birds, 1, 80, 9394, 162

AppAware, 151

Appcelerator, 7

Apple, 5

Application change management

Angry Birds seasons, 162

attending conferences, 177178

figuring peak period, 163164

Google Statistics, 176177

holidays and seasonal planning, 163

implementing new technology, 161162

price decrease, 178179

price increase, 178

updating application

All Android Market listings, 170

Android Market publishing site, 170

APK file, 169

Destination and key/certificate checks, 169

edit application, 171

Export Android Application window, 166

key alias selection, 168

keystore selection, 167

maintenance, 176

new APK upload, 173

Product details, 175

regression testing, 164

Unpublish button, 171172

version code and name, 165, 174

Application launch day

beta-testing phase, 145

email, press release, 148

Facebook and Twitter, 154

free app, limited time, 155

free samples, media people, 149

paid searches, 152

Piggyback marketing, 155

press room setup

AppAware, 151

third-party press release distribution services, 152

virtual press room, 150

QR code, 156

Application promotion

application sharing, 68

cross-promotion, 70

Optime. See Tic-Tac-Toe game

review timing, 67

social gaming platforms, 7172

users review, 63

appMobi's XDK, 7

images B

Baseball Card Organizer (BC Organizer), 33

Beta-testing phase, 145146

Blogs, 55

Boolba Labs, 106

BroStache, 28, 160

Burn the Rope, 120, 121

images C

CES, 177

Color Flashlight, 25

Comixology, 95

Confidentiality agreements. See Nondisclosure agreements (NDAs)

Copyrights, 35

Crippled features, 75

Cross-promotion, 70


creating style

icon, 41

logo, 4445

user interface (UI), 45

definition, 3940

web site

domain name, 49

FAQ section, 50

official license, 50

time consumption, 47

Waze, 48

WordPress, 49

images D

Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), 20

Dalvik virtual machine, 8

Doodle Jump, 68

Droid Gamers web site, 55

images E

Eclipse IDE, 121, 122. See also Android programming, Eclipse IDE

available software, 18

developer tools, 19

download URL, 13

eclipse.exe file, 15

emulator, 20

welcome screen, 16

Workbench icon, 16, 17

Workspace Launcher window, 15

images F

Faberge Organics shampoo ad campaign, 53

Facebook, 57, 68, 110, 154, 155

Feature graphic, 137

Free application marketing


ad network companies, 81

AdMob, 8182

Angry Birds, 80

Mobclix, 8788

affiliate programs, 8889

free vs. paid versions, 75

lite version development, 74

upgrading paid version, 79

Fruit Ninja, 106, 107

images G

Geico, 160

Ghostbusters, 44

Glu Mobile. See Gun Brothers

Google, 33, 93

Google Statistics, 176

Google Videos, 92, 93

Gun Brothers, 96, 97

images H

Halfbrick, 106, 107

hdpi, mdpi, and ldpi, 188

images I

Icon Templates Pack, 43

In-app billing

application setup

Android SDK and AVD Manager, 97

installation with demonstration, 98

installation without demonstration, 100

examples, 95

types, 93

usage, 91

Intellectual property rights

copyrights, 35

patent right, 36

trade secrets protection, 36

trademarks, 36

images J

Java JDK, 8

images K

Kongregate Arcade, 71

images L

Labyrinth Lite, 75, 76

LinkedIn, 146, 147

Livecode, 7

Lunar Lander game, 24

images M


Android home screen, 52

application launching schedule, 62

application publishing. See Publishing application

application types, 52, 53

blogs, 55

definition, 53

free application. See Free application marketing

printed journals, 56

product launch date, 54

public relations (PR) companies, 61

sales goals, 6162

SEO tactics, 61

social networking

Facebook, 57

LinkedIn, 60

Twitter, 60

word of mouth, 53

Microblogging, 109

Mobclix, 87, 88

MobiUs, 7

Mockup programs, 46, 47

images N

Native Development Kit (NDK), 6

Ninjump, 69

Nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 36

images O

Open Handset Alliance (OHA), 2

images P

Pano, 148

Patent right, 36

Pepcom, 177

PhoneGap, 7

Piggyback marketing, 155

PlayOn video, 110

Porting, 6

Prerelease guide


RSS feeds, 108

spam comments, 108

WordPress, 107, 108

marketing strategies, 114

official website, 105

press release

example, 112

format, 112

social media

Facebook, 110

Twitter, 109

video creation, 110

Printed journals, 56

Promotional graphic, 137

Public relations (PR) companies, 61

Publishing application

account creation

Android Developers home page, 135

Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement, 134

developer profile page, 128

Google account, 128

order confirmation page, 133

order details screen, 132

personal billing information, 130

registration fee, 129

sign in page, 131

creating APK file

alias, 126

destination and key/certificate checks, 127

Export Signed Application Package, 123, 124

keystore, 125, 126

Package Explorer, 122, 123

distributable file creation, 121122

pre-submission process, 116

quick search, Android Market, 142


android-sdk folder, 117

Burn the Rope, 120, 121

Dalvik Debug Monitor, 118, 119

dimensions and file format, 121

home screen, 120


APK file, 136

contact information and consent, 141

listing details section, 138, 139

promotional and feature graphic, 137

Publishing options, 140, 141

startup screen, 136

upload assets area, 137

images Q

QR codes, 156

Quickoffice, 77, 78

Quickoffice Pro, 77

images R

Rovio, 1, 80, 162, See also Angry Birds

RunRev, 7

images S

Sales goals, 61

Scheduling of application launch, 62

Search engine optimization (SEO), 61

ShowStoppers, 177

Social gaming platforms, 71

Social networking

application sharing, 68

Facebook, 57

LinkedIn, 60

Twitter, 60

SoundHound, 78, 79

Stack Overflow, 197198

images T, U

Tap Tap Revenge, 95, 96

Thrutu, 33, 34

Tic-Tac-Toe game, 70

Timescape, 23

Trade secrets protection, 36

Trademarks, 36

Twitter, 60, 68, 109, 154, 155

images V

Versions, Android, 3, 4

View, UI element, 23

Viewdle SocialCamera, 26, 27

images W, X, Y, Z

Waze web site, 42, 48

WordPress, 49

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