Sometimes a project doesn’t proceed as planned. The scope may have expanded, the complexity of work may have been greater than expected, and extraneous actions (e.g., budget cuts) may have occurred. Under these and many other circumstances, replanning may become necessary.

Replanning offers three benefits. One, it provides the opportunity to develop realistic, meaningful plans. Two, it requires project managers to keep a finger on the pulse, or the progress, of a project. Finally, it can generate commitment on teams that have experienced high turnover. The downsides to replanning are slowing project momentum and consuming already limited time and resources.

image for Replanning

  • image Identify the causes, not the symptoms, for the replanning.
  • image Dedicate sufficient resources (e.g., time, people, equipment, money).
  • image Evaluate the impact of the replanning.
  • image Determine which current activities can continue and which can cease.
  • image Obtain appropriate buy-in for the new plan from clients, senior management, and team members.
  • image Communicate the new plan.
  • image Distribute the new plan.
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