Breakeven analysis is determining when the costs of the existing product, service, and so forth, equal the costs of the proposed one. The point where the two costs equal each other is called the breakeven point.

The advantage of the breakeven analysis is to determine when the new product or service will be more economical than the existing one.

image for Performing a Breakeven Analysis

  • image Determine the costs for existing product, service, and so on.
  • image Determine the costs for the proposed product, service, and so on.
  • image Draw a graph to illustrate the relationship between the two, and identify the breakeven point.
    • image Draw an x-axis to reflect the time continuum (e.g., months, quarters, years).
    • image Draw a y-axis to reflect the cumulative costs.
  • image Draw a line reflecting the costs of the existing product, service, and so on, over time.
  • image Draw a line reflecting the costs of the proposed product, service, and so on, over time.
  • image Identify the point where the two lines intersect to determine the payback period.


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