Appendix A. Solr Clients and Integrations

While using Solr, at some point you will need to interact with it from your application. Now, since Solr is by itself a web application that exposes services in a REST fashion, we can ideally write code to interact with it using the language we prefer. The most used transport formats for sending the document to be indexed or to retrieve results are XML and JSON. But there are some others, such as the JavaBin format, which may be used for direct marshalling of Java objects, and it can be faster in some cases.

Introducing SolrJ – an embedded or remote Solr client using the Java (JVM) API

If you navigate to /SolrStarterBook/projects/client-example, you'll find some essential examples that should help you understand how to interact with Solr by using your own JVM language. If you use one of the supported languages on the JVM, you can use the SolrJ library API to interact with Solr locally or remotely without too much effort (details of the SolrJ version used in this book with the Solr 4.5 version can be found at From this perspective, adopting languages such as Groovy or Scala gives us some syntactic advanced support that can really simplify the interactions, or using JavaScript on the server side can be more comfortable for people already working on the Web.

Let's see some examples of this, starting from Java.

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